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Dialogue with Košice students on the future of Europe  

​​​The event will be focussed on a discussion with high school students about the future of Europe in the region of Košice (Slovakia). 

It will take place online, in cooperation with secondary schools that show interest in the discussion ​and will be attended by the President of the Košice Self-Governing Region, a member of the Committee of the Regions, Mr. Rastislav Trnka. Ladislav Miko, Head of EC Representation in Slovakia, and Miroslav Behúl, YEP member​ and Member of Petržalka local council will also participate in the discussion.

The dialogue will be thematically focused on the themes of the Conference on the Future of Europe, namely: Climate Change and the Environment, Health, A Stronger Economy, Social Justice and Employment; The EU in the world, Values and rights, the rule of law, security; Digital transformation; European democracy; Migration; Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. The aim is to collect suggestions and ideas from high school students on individual topics, as well as find out their opinion on what the future of our Europe should look like.​

Organizer: Košice self-governing region
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