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Young People and Europe - Knock the Vote for European Progress  

​​​In view of the upcoming EU elections in 2024, Ms Isilda GOMES (PES/PT) is organising an EU Local Dialogue on youth and elections. This progressive regional and local debate "Young People & Europe: Knock the Vote for European Progress" aims to engage young individuals in discussions about the future of Europe. The participants will explore various themes relevant to European policy areas, including democracy, social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic prosperity. The aim is to empower young voices and encourage their active participation in shaping European policies and decision-making processes at regional and local levels.

The format of the event includes interactive panel discussions, Q&A and networking opportunities. Expected outcomes include increased awareness among participants about European issues and policies, strengthened networks among young people, and a renewed sense of commitment to building a more inclusive, democratic, and prosperous European Union. 

Contact Person: Maria Freitas
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