Coeziunea – valoarea noastră fundamentală 

© European Communities, 2009

Una din prioritățile majore ale Comitetului European al Regiunilor pentru perioada 2020-2025 este de a demonstra că coeziunea nu înseamnă (doar) bani. Ea este o valoare fundamentală a Uniunii Europene.

Prin activitățile proprii și prin cele desfășurate împreună cu Alianța pentru coeziune, Comitetul se angajează să promoveze punctul de vedere conform căruia coeziunea economică, socială și teritorială este promovată și respectată în toate politicile UE.


​Obiectivele noastre

„Coeziunea – valoarea noastră fundamentală” este una dintre cele trei inițiative majore ale Comitetului European al Regiunilor (CoR), alături de campaniile privind Viitorul Europei și Pactul verde .

Alianța pentru coeziune, lansată în 2017 de CoR și de principalele asociații teritoriale europene (ARE, ARFE, CALRE, CLRE, CRMP și EUROCITIES), este principalul și cel mai puternic canal prin care Comitetul dorește:

  • să demonstreze că coeziunea nu înseamnă (doar) bani, ci este o valoare fundamentală a Uniunii Europene;
  • să promoveze ideea că coeziunea economică, socială și teritorială este încurajată și respectată în toate politicile UE;
  • să promoveze implicarea regiunilor și orașelor în elaborarea și punerea în aplicare a planurilor naționale de redresare;
  • să promoveze integrarea la fața locului a fondurilor politicii de coeziune și a tuturor celorlalte instrumente de redresare și finanțare ale UE;
  • să promoveze cooperarea dintre mediul urban și cel rural și redresarea zonelor rurale.

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Episode 6: Fund thy Neighbour: EU Support for Ukraine


​Regio Waves is back! With our new host Fiorella Lavorgna, dive into the many ways in which Cohesion Policy adapts to ever-changing circumstances and new crises. In our first episode, we'll delve into the power of the EU in tackling global threats, starting from the war in Ukraine and looking beyond to the security of the continent. How does the war affect the EU budget and the path to a greener future? European Commission experts Kadri Uustal and Antonia Battaglia lend their voices to unravel these complex issues.​

Alte materiale video

  • Episode 6: Fund thy Neighbour: EU Support for Ukraine
    Episode 6: Fund thy Neighbour: EU Support for Ukraine
  • Episode 7: Border regions: the final frontier of cooperation
    Episode 7: Border regions: the final frontier of cooperation
  • Episode 8: OK Doomer: cooling the green transition
    Episode 8: OK Doomer: cooling the green transition
  • Episode 10: Unhitching the coal engine from the Just Transition Train
    Episode 10: Unhitching the coal engine from the Just Transition Train
  • Episode 9: Growing pains and Cohesion policy
    Episode 9: Growing pains and Cohesion policy
  • #4 European Citizens Ask - Cross-border regioins w/ Pavel Branda
    #4 European Citizens Ask - Cross-border regioins w/ Pavel Branda
  • #1 European Citizens Ask - Small urban areas w/ Kieran McCarthy
    #1 European Citizens Ask - Small urban areas w/ Kieran McCarthy
  • Episode 5: EU stands with refugees
    Episode 5: EU stands with refugees
  • Episode 4: Voices of You(th)
    Episode 4: Voices of You(th)
  • Episode 3: The EU's geography of discontent
    Episode 3: The EU's geography of discontent
  • "Local Solutions - Rural Depopulation w/ Angela Gimeno, Stefania Crotta & Enda Stenson"
    "Local Solutions - Rural Depopulation w/ Angela Gimeno, Stefania Crotta & Enda Stenson"
  • Episode 2: Green EUtopia VS Energy Crisis (07/11/2022)
    Episode 2: Green EUtopia VS Energy Crisis (07/11/2022)
  • Episode 1: Cohesion Policy - Put the money where EU’s mouth is (26/10/2022)
    Episode 1: Cohesion Policy - Put the money where EU’s mouth is (26/10/2022)


EU is Cohesion: adapting wine production to climate change, on both sides of the Pyrenees


Alte materiale video

  • EU is Cohesion: adapting wine production to climate change, on both sides of the Pyrenees
    EU is Cohesion: adapting wine production to climate change, on both sides of the Pyrenees
  •  Cohesion at its best – Regions&Cities stories
    Cohesion at its best – Regions&Cities stories
  • EU is Cohesion: Zinneke - circular renovation, social inclusion and one big parade!
    EU is Cohesion: Zinneke - circular renovation, social inclusion and one big parade!
  • EU is Cohesion: Campus Charleroi prepares the students for the jobs of the
    EU is Cohesion: Campus Charleroi prepares the students for the jobs of the
  • EU is Cohesion: Prague - Boosting flood prevention with EU funds
    EU is Cohesion: Prague - Boosting flood prevention with EU funds
  • EU is Cohesion: an open-air museum preserves heritage and supports craftspeople in Romania
    EU is Cohesion: an open-air museum preserves heritage and supports craftspeople in Romania
  •  More Support to Remote Areas, The Kiruna Declaration
    More Support to Remote Areas, The Kiruna Declaration
  • Shaping the future of cohesion policy in Sibiu, Romania
    Shaping the future of cohesion policy in Sibiu, Romania
  •  In Mons, Charleroi and Namur, we see the European Union's face
    In Mons, Charleroi and Namur, we see the European Union's face
  • Protecting biodiversity in the city of Budapest
    Protecting biodiversity in the city of Budapest
  • Massive renovation of townhouses in the city of Łódź
    Massive renovation of townhouses in the city of Łódź
  • Saving a green lung and using woodchips as energy source in the province of Novara
    Saving a green lung and using woodchips as energy source in the province of Novara
  • A walkway on the sea to live the full potential of Bastia
    A walkway on the sea to live the full potential of Bastia
  • The city of Turku is moving towards climate neutrality
    The city of Turku is moving towards climate neutrality
  • A circular project to treat asbestos in Rotterdam
    A circular project to treat asbestos in Rotterdam
  • EU is Cohesion: training workers for the jobs of tomorrow
    EU is Cohesion: training workers for the jobs of tomorrow
  • EURegionsWeek 2022: Opening Session
    EURegionsWeek 2022: Opening Session
  • EU Regions Week - Be part of it - Register!
    EU Regions Week - Be part of it - Register!
  • EU is Cohesion: A participatory rooftop farm in Brussels
    EU is Cohesion: A participatory rooftop farm in Brussels
  • EU is Cohesion: supporting entrepreneurship in rural areas
    EU is Cohesion: supporting entrepreneurship in rural areas
  • EU is Cohesion: A sustainable swimming pool for all
    EU is Cohesion: A sustainable swimming pool for all
  • EU is Cohesion: investing in education means investing in the future
    EU is Cohesion: investing in education means investing in the future
  • EU's rural areas - let's listen to the voice of our rural communities!
    EU's rural areas - let's listen to the voice of our rural communities!
  • EU Annual Regional and Local Barometer
    EU Annual Regional and Local Barometer
  • Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni address the Recovery and Resilience Forum
    Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni address the Recovery and Resilience Forum
  • Join the #CohesionAlliance
    Join the #CohesionAlliance
  • Regional & local Barometer: let's take the pulse of the EU regions & cities!
    Regional & local Barometer: let's take the pulse of the EU regions & cities!
  • #CohesionAlliance for a cohesive, sustainable & resilient Europe
    #CohesionAlliance for a cohesive, sustainable & resilient Europe
  • Cohesion & Recovery to improve citizens daily lives
    Cohesion & Recovery to improve citizens daily lives
  • Cross-border cooperation - making our border regions stronger and more resilient
    Cross-border cooperation - making our border regions stronger and more resilient
  • Cohesion as an EU fundamental value
    Cohesion as an EU fundamental value

Date de contact

Matteo Miglietta
+32 (0) 470 89 53 82
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