Findings from the OECD-CoR Survey
28 February 2022 | 15:30-17:00 (CET) | On-line event
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The webinar will present key findings from a draft policy paper based on a joint survey conducted by the OECD and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) on the SDGs as a Framework for COVID-19 Recovery in Cities and Regions. The aim is to take stock of efforts to localise the SDGs, discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on the implementation of the SDGs at the sub-national level, and fine-tune policy recommendations for SDG-proof long-term COVID-19 recovery strategies.
Moderator: Aziza Akhmouch, Head of the Cities, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development Division, OECD
Opening & welcoming remarks (10 min)
- Ricardo Rio, Mayor of the City of Braga, Portugal, Rapporteur on the SDGs, CoR
Presentation of the survey results (15 min)
- Lorenz Gross, Junior Economist, OECD
- Lucia Alfano, Policy Officer, European Committee of the Regions
Discussion with participants (50 min)
Closing remarks & Next Steps (15 min)
- Stefano Marta, Coordinator, A Territorial Approach to the SDGs, OECD
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