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NAT Conference - How the future CAP can cope with goals set out in the Juncker investment plan to relaunch grown and jobs in Europe  

How the future CAP can cope with goals set out in the Juncker investment plan to relaunch grown and jobs in Europe
The number of farms in Europe fell by 20% between 2007 and 2013 alone, dropping from 13.6 million to 10.8 million in those six years according to the latest official statistics from Eurostat.
This reduction in the number of farms is accompanied by significant job losses. Between 2007 and 2013, the total agricultural workforce in the EU-28 fell by 2.3 million annual work units, which equates to a 19.8% reduction. Insufficient generational renewal is also a growing problem in Europe, as 30% of farm managers are over 65 year old.
The European Parliament have recently adopted a report urging the EU institutions to rethink the objectives of the CAP so as to establish it once again as a public policy for the benefit of all, which meets the needs of society and addresses employment challenges.
This conference has a double objective:
  • To launch a political momentum for debating all aspects of the future CAP from local and regional perspective
  • To prepare an outlook opinion of the NAT commission on the future of the CAP after 2020


Organizer: NAT commission
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