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Missing Railway Links: A challenge for cohesion and growth in border regions  

In March 2018, DG Regio released a study on missing cross-border railway connections, so-called “missing links”. Since then, these missing links are gaining importance both at European and national level, particularly concerning the EU cohesion policy and the economic and social development of border regions, which are unable to develop their full potential due to missing rail infrastructure.

In this context, the EGTC Eurodistrict PAMINA, in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions, organises a conference:

 Missing Railway Links

The event will take place on

11 April 2019 from 14:00 to 16:30 in room JDE 52
in the European Committee of the Regions building, room JDE52
(Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Brussels).

The purpose of the event is to draw the attention of decision-makers in the EU and member states not only to the opportunities for border regions inherent to the recovery of a missing link, but above all to financing deficiencies for the concrete elimination of infrastructure gaps in cross-border rail transport.

With regard to the large number of missing links that could be included in the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) in the upcoming programming period (2020-2027), the conference will also discuss the potential of the Connection Europa Facility (CEF) in this respect.

Simultaneous translation into German, English and French and webstreaming will be available.

You can find the detailed programme here.

Registrations are open until Friday 5 April midnight.

Contact Person: Florian Achleitner
Organizer: EGTC Eurodistrict Pamina and COTER Secretariat
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