Large carnivore conservation is a topic that involves a diversity of stakeholders; conflicts on large carnivores vary significantly across the EU, depending on the socio-economic activities in the areas which large carnivores are present and the natural conditions of the territories. Existing conflicts range from livestock predation to wider concerns about Europe's rural areas and traditional farming practices. In particular in many European countries where large carnivore populations are growing, the situation is very damaging for pastoralism which is vital for farming across the EU in order to keep rural areas alive, as well as for meeting our environmental and climate-related objectives, developing tourism in rural areas and helping to safeguard against fires and avalanches.
The protection of animal species of EU interest under the Habitats Directive, including large carnivore species such as wolves and bears, needs to be balanced in order to find potential solutions for conflicts around large carnivores in the national, regional or local context.
This event organized jointly by the NAT and ENVE commissions of the European Committee of the Regions, and the Intergroup on Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside of the European Parliament will discuss proposals and exchange best practices for improving the coexistence of livestock farming and large carnivores in Europe.
Please note that the registrations for the meeting are closed.
You can find below the Webstreaming link to follow the debate online.
Interpretation is available in: English, Spanish, Italian and Romanian.