Following the European Parliament's Resolution from 25 March 2021 on the EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism" and in the context of the COVID19 pandemic, this event aims to enhance the consultative role of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and brings a grassroots level outstanding to European debates around resilience, sustainability, and territorial cohesion in mountain areas.
This conference, hopefully a first in a longer series, is aiming at understanding the common challenges and opportunities at grassroots level of tourism business in mountain areas. The event is bringing up the tourism development facet of EC's Recovery and Resilience Facility and its eventual impact at local level of small mountain towns (with small hospitality businesses, pastoral communities, mountain farmers and other local and regional stakeholders) on one hand, and the consumers (mountaineers), on the other.
The event will be attended by Claudia MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR, Member of the European Parliament, Adrian TEBAN, President of the Romanian Delegation at CoR, Mayor of Cugir, Romania, Marco ONIDA, Expert within the Directorate General for Environment, European Commission, ex-Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, Ingrid HAYEK, vice-president of EUMA (European Union of Mountaineering Associations), Andreas ASCHABER, Secretary General of EUMA, Wladyslaw ORTYL, CoR Member, president of region of Podkarpatya, Poland, Marius URSACIUC, CoR Member and mayor of Gura Humorului, Romania.
Interpretation will be available in English, Romanian and Polish. The event can be followed on Zoom
Meeting ID: 995 0313 1080
Passcode: 541935