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CANCELLED - Integrated Community Care 4all New Principles for Care  

​The Transnational Forum on Integrated Community Care (TransForm) is a joint initiative of Foundations that aims to put the community at the centre of primary care and integrated care. It seeks to combine strengths-based and needs-based approaches to enabling communities to develop their own models of caring for their people. The Transnational Conference on Integrated Community Care (ICC) “Integrated Community Care 4all" (Brussels, 17-19 March 2020) aims to consolidate the collective learnings and effectiveness principles of ICC and build momentum for ICC in Europe and Canada. The “Brussels Declaration on ICC 4all" calls on all stakeholders to work together for inclusive and sustainable solutions towards 'ICC 4all'. It will be presented on 19th March at the European Committee of the Regions to an audience of European, national and regional policy-makers and stakeholders.

More information: https://transform-integratedcommunitycare.com/


Contact Person: Luisa Marino
Organizer: Network of European Foundations
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