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Joint public REGI-COTER hearing on implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU - State of Play European Parliament  

A Joint Public Hearing took place between the European Parliament REGI Committee and the COTER Commission on the "Implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU - State of Play". This joint hearing provided an excellent occasion for the coordinators of the urban partnerships to be engaged in a discussion on the appropriate tools to implement the Urban Agenda for the EU.

In this sense, the discussion at the hearing was structured into two perspectives: the coordinators of the four "Amsterdam" partnerships were invited to explain how they have tackled the issue of better EU regulation within their Actions Plans; on the other hand, the coordinators of the four "Bratislava" partnerships explained how they have dealt with contributions to better knowledge and better solutions. COTER and REGI members had the chance to discuss and address some questions regarding the presentation.

Organizer: COTER Commission
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