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17th CIVEX commission meeting  

The CIVEX commission will hold its 17th meeting on 6 February 2018, in Brussels. The CIVEX members will discuss and adopt the opinions on:

  • Midterm Review of the European Agenda on Migration,Rapporteur Dimitrios Kalogeropoulos (EL/EPP)
  • Regulation on the European Citizens' initiative, Rapporteur Luc Van den Brande (BE/EPP)

The meeting will provide an opportunity to CIVEX members to have an exchange of views on Reflecting on Europe, the Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces, Eastern Partnership deliverables for 2020:The contribution of local and regional authorities and on the Inclusion of Western Balkan Local and Regional Authorities in EU's Macro-regional, Cross-border and other Transnational Cooperation Initiatives.

Organizer: CIVEX Secretariat
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