The European Union's debate on its future should
result in deeper and more systematic collaboration
with local and regional authorities, the European
Committee of the Regions (CoR) said on 1 December
in recommendations that likewise called for direct
consultation with the public to become a greater
part of the life of the Union. The CoR, which
brings together governors, mayors and councillors
from across the EU, underlined the need for a
regional perspective to become standard by
suggesting that, whenever the EU chooses not to
make an assessment of the impact of legislation on
regions, it should be obliged to provide a public
The recommendations, which cover the full process of
policy-making from agenda-setting to implementation and
evaluation, were adopted hours after
French President Emmanuel Macron
told members of the European Committee of the Regions
that regions are "the beating heart of European
democracy" and said, referring to local
administrations, that "those who are doing things need
to be shaping rules as well". The CoR's recommendations
– contained both in an
dedicated to 'better regulation' and in a
on the European Commission's work programme for 2022 –
elaborate on the Committee's long-standing case for
regions and cities to have more influence over policies
that they are obliged to implement. The recommendations
call, for example, for the Commission to highlight the
variety of impact that legislation might have on
regions and to involve regional parliaments more
closely in policymaking when an early-warning system
indicates specific challenges for regions.
The CoR's rapporteur on better regulation –
Piero Mauro Zanin
(IT/EPP), President of the Regional Council of
Friuli-Venezia Giulia, a regional parliament with
legislative powers – said: "Democratically elected
local and regional authorities still have a limited
influence on the shaping of the EU legislation they are
required to implement: both they and the CoR must be
given a bigger role in a system that should be based on
multilevel governance. The involvement of local and
regional authorities has the potential to be pivotal in
creating more transparent EU laws, keeping the level of
administrative burdens to a minimum. 'Better
regulation' means high-quality legislation: by creating
added value and favouring citizens', enterprises' and
stakeholders' participation in the process, it could be
the driving force of EU recovery and growth."
Mr Zanin's report also urged the EU to make greater use
of the proximity that local and regional authorities
enjoy to citizens, which gives them a "capacity of
capturing, mediating and relaying citizens' concerns".
The EU should, in addition, develop a permanent
mechanism to enable to citizens to engage in EU
To contribute to the
Conference on the Future of Europe, the CoR has been working with local and regional
authorities to hold citizens' panels on issues of
central concern to the EU. The CoR's wish to bring
citizens' panels to the fore was evident in the CoR's
plenary, where representatives from these panels joined
former European Council President Herman Van Rompuy in
with CoR members on the Conference on the Future of
The European Commission has in recent years made and
acted on commitments to reduce and simplify legislation
and to improve transparency. The CoR endorsed the
European Commission's initiatives, citing in particular
the contribution of the Fit for Future Platform created
to guide efforts to simplify EU laws and to reduce
related unnecessary costs, and the Task Force on
Subsidiarity, Proportionality and "Doing Less More
Efficiently". It also supported the introduction of a
'do no significant harm' approach to policymaking, a
principle that, notably, underpins the EU's Green Deal,
whose purpose is to make the EU carbon-neutral by 2050.
However, Mr Zanin's report and the CoR resolution
emphasised that the efforts made so far full
significantly short of the quality of collaboration
needed. The Committee faulted the European Commission
for failing to adequately take into account the
challenges faced by specific regions when drafting
legislation. It said that any 'territorially blind'
approach – caused, for example, by an absence of
sub-national data and lack of sub-national analysis –
risked having "an adverse and enduring impact on the
Union as a whole, on the spirit of cohesion between
territories and on the lives of individuals".
The CoR has itself tried to improve the quality of
policy-making by piloting a project to harvest feedback
on EU legislation. The
Network of Regional Hubs
– or RegHubs – project has so far resulted in reports
on the merits and flaws of EU legislation on
cross-border health care, agricultural support, air
quality and public procurement, and it is now an
integral element in the EU's better-regulation agenda
and in the Fit for Future Platform. Mr Zanin's opinion
said the feedback mechanism could be used more widely
and developed further.
Among specific innovations that the CoR said it would
like to see is the possibility of regions being able to
join negotiations between the European Commission,
European Parliament and EU member states on dossiers
that most fundamentally affect regions.
Andrew Gardner
Tel +32 2 282 2429