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Multi-Level Dialogue on Just Transition  

​​​​​​​The Multilevel Dialogue on Just Transition is being hosted by the European Committee of the Regions and organised in cooperation with the European Commission. The aim of the Dialogue is to promote exchange between the different levels of governance in the process of just transition throughout Europe. The European Union has to make the most out of the Just Transition Mechanism, and the participation of cities and regions is of key importance to its success.

The plans of the European Union are to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This undertaking requires a socio-economic transformation, especially in regions relying heavily on fossil fuels and carbon-intensive industries. In this context, the regional representatives and guests from all parts of Europe will share their experiences and recommendations, helping to define the future shape of the policy.

The event will take place in Brussels, room VMA 3 of the European Committee of the Regions, and ONLINE on 27 April 2023 from 10:00am till 12:45pm. Interpretation will be available in EN, DE, ES and SV. To participate, please register under the following link, by indicating your choices and proposing questions to the panellists. Interactive participation during the event is expected and encouraged!


10:00 Welcome

  • Rachel LANCRY BEAUMONT - Moderator, Head of Unit COTER Commission Secretariat, European Committee of the Regions

10:10 Roundtable discussion: Implementation of the Just Transition Mechanism - experiences so far

  • Patrik PIZINGER - Mayor of Chodov, Council of Karlovarský Region, Czech Republic, CoR alternate Member
  • Catherine WENDT - Head of Unit for Smart and Sustainable Growth (REGIO.G.1), DG REGIO, European Commission
  • Laura MARTIN MURILLO - Just Transition Institute Director (Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge), Spain
  • Monica SCATASTA - Head of Regional Development Division for European Investment Bank

11:20 Coffee break

11:30 Keynote OECD Report on "Regional Industrial Transitions to Climate Neutrality"

  • Andres FUENTES - OECD, author of report on "Regional Industrial Transitions to Climate Neutrality"

11:40 Roundtable discussion: Just Transition from the viewpoint of the automotive sector

  • Susana SOLÍS PÉREZ (ES/Renew) - Member of the European Parliament
  • Thomas SCHMIDT (DE/EPP) - Minister for Regional Development, Free State of Saxony, CoR member, Automotive Regions Alliance Chair
  • María Victoria CHIVITE NAVASCUÉS (ES/PES) - President of the Regional Government of Navarre, CoR member, Automotive Regions Alliance co-Chair
  • Barbara KAUFFMANN - Director for Employment and Social Governance, Analysis (EMPL.F), DG EMPL, European Commission

12:40 Conclusions

12:45 End of event


Contact Person: COTER secretariat
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