#CohesionAlliance videoconference
Thursday 26 November 2020, 14.30-16.00
Cohesion policy is the main European investment policy to reduce territorial disparities and inequalities across the European Union and to achieve the Treaty objective of economic, social and territorial cohesion. It also plays a crucial role for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals and for contributing towards the EU's climate objectives and the digital transition, as well as for overcoming the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The #CohesionAlliance for a strong EU Cohesion policy, which was launched in October 2017 by the leading European associations of cities and regions and the European Committee of the Regions and which has brought together more than 450 institutional partners and more than 11.000 individual supporters who share the common objective of an EU future with a strong, effective and more visible cohesion policy for all regions, has closely accompanied the legislative process, advocating a number of key principles that have been jointly agreed in the 2017 Cohesion Alliance declaration and the renewed Cohesion Alliance declaration of 14 July 2020.
Shortly before the legislative process on the cohesion policy package comes to an end, it is time to look into the state of play of the final stretch of negotiations and assess the progress made from the point of view of the Cohesion Alliance partners. The event would also provide an opportunity to reiterate the key demands of the Cohesion Alliance, in particular with respect to the parts of the legislative package that are still being negotiated, and to provide an outlook to the future work of the Cohesion Alliance after the adoption of the new Regulations.
- Mr Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of the European Committee of the Regions
Opening statements on the state of play of the negotiations
- Mr Marc Lemaître, Director-General DG REGIO, European Commission
- Mr Younous Omarjee, MEP, Chair of the REGI committee
- Dr Heinz Hetmeier, Deputy Director-General for European Economic Policy, EU Structural and State Aid Policy, and Twinning at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Discussion with Cohesion Alliance partners
- Moderator: Ms Isabelle Boudineau, Chair of the CoR COTER commission
- Political representatives of the Cohesion Alliance partners (AER, AEBR, CALRE, CPMR, CEMR, EUROCITIES)
- Short reaction of the representatives of the EU institutions
Concluding remarks and outlook on the activities of the Cohesion Alliance 2.0 in 2021
- Ms Isabelle Boudineau, Chair of the CoR COTER commission
Interpretation: 3/3 EN/FR/DE
You can follow the event live via webstreaming: https://broadcaster.interactio.io/join?code=DUBTA9HLHFCJ
The working languages will be English, French and German.
The #CohesionAlliance declaration 2.0 in all languages:
BG - CS - DA - DE - ET - EL - EN - ES - FR - HR - IT - LV - LT - HU - MT - NL - PL - PT - RO - SK - SL - FI - SV