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EU Aquaculture Farmed in the EU Regions  


Since the publication in 2013 of the Strategic Guidelines on the sustainable development of European aquaculture, the European Commission has been working closely with Member States to address the obstacles hindering the development of the sector, primarily at the national level. As highlighted in the European Committee of the Regions' Opinion on "The Future of European Aquaculture", however, Regions have a key role to play in creating the right conditions for the development of EU aquaculture, through efficient licencing procedures, spatial planning, promotion of local products and other initiatives.
The European Commission and the European Committee of the Region have the pleasure to invite you to attend a joint event dedicated to regional actors of the aquaculture sector:
"EU aquaculture – Farmed in the EU Regions"
The Conference will be held on 2nd February 2018 in Brussels, at the European Committee of the Regions and will be open to Member States representatives, Regional Authorities and other stakeholders. The event will take place in meeting room JDE 51, Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Brussels, with registration starting at 08:30 a.m.
The draft programme is enclosed for your information.


Organizer: NAT commission
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