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Increasing renewable energy production in European Regions and Cities: challenges and opportunities  

As part of the extended program of the EUSEW 2022, the Commission for the Environment, Climate change and Energy (ENVE) of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), in cooperation with The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking and Eurocities is very pleased to invite you to follow the online session on "Increasing renewable energy production in European regions and cities: challenges and opportunities".

The European Union goal of climate neutrality for 2050 as well as ensuring energy security and independence will require a dramatic increase in renewable energy production.

What are the main challenges and opportunities for wind, solar and clean hydrogen?

​Moderator and panelist:

  • Mirela Atanasiu, Head of Unit Operations and Communication for Clean Hydrogen Partnership


  • Andries Gryffroy, Member of Flemish Parliament and Committee of the Regions Rapporteur
  • Pierre Tardieu, Chief Policy Officer, WindEurope
  • Dries Acke, Policy Director, SolarPower Europe
  • Ignacio Asenjo, DG ENER, European Commission

The event will take place on:

21 September 2022 from 09.00 until 10.30

Follow the event in the web stream below.


Find more information here.

Ask your questions through with #CoR or anytime at this link.​

Organizer: European Committee of the Regions in collaboration with The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking and Eurocities
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