
Sabiex ikun hemm l-aqwa appoġġ għal informazzjoni lir-relaturi u lill-membri tagħna, il-Kumitat Ewropew tar-Reġjuni (KtR) jista' jitlob l-għajnuna ta' esperti esterni biex joħolqu studji xjentifiċi dwar ċerti suġġetti ta' interess.

Addizzjonalment għal dawn l-istudji ppubblikati mill-KtR, is-Servizz ta' Riċerka tal-Parlament Ewropew (EPRS) jipproduċi wkoll sessjonijiet ta' tagħrif u analiżi relatati ma' u b'appoġġ għall-ħidma konsultattiva tal-KtR, wara l-Ftehim ta' Kooperazzjoni bejn il-Kumitat Ewropew tar-Reġjuni u l-Parlament Ewropew fil-5 ta' Frar 2014.

​​Browse ​studies by year:



  • Is the Green Deal fit for combating climate change in EU regions and cities

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 15/12/2020Tema: Climate change policy, Energy efficiency, Green Deal, Renewable energyAwtur: Tugce Tugran, Alicia McNeill, Matthew Jones, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL)
  • The EU’s notification procedure under the Services Directive – implications for local and regional authorities in the light of the January 2018 ECJ ruling

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 26/11/2020Tema: Internal market, Services of general economic interestAwtur: Erich Dallhammer, Ursula Mollay and Joanne Tordy (ÖIR)
  • The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on regional and local governments

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 19/11/2020Tema: Public health
  • Regions and cities providing SGEIs: identifying difficulties resulting from the State aid framework

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 10/11/2020Tema: State aid and competition, Services of general economic interestAwtur: Michele Alessandrini, Salvatore Tarantino (t33), Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight), Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean (ÖIR), with contributions from Paola Le Moglie (t33) and language editing by Tim Wills (t33).
  • Potential impacts of COVID-19 on regions and cities of the EU

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 12/10/2020Tema: Public healthAwtur: Kai Böhme, Flavio Besana, Christian Lüer, Frank Holstein, Sebastian Hans (Spatial Foresight), Alessandro Valenza, Bertille Caillaud (t33) and Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean (ÖIR)
  • Territorial Impact Assessment: the State of the Cities and Regions in the COVID-19 crisis (June 2020)

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 12/10/2020Tema: Public healthAwtur: Roland Gaugitsch, Erich Dallhammer, Bernd Schuh, Chien Hui-Hsiung (ÖIR), Flavio Besana (Spatial Foresight)
  • Regional health policy responses to the COVID crisis

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 07/10/2020Tema: Public healthAwtur: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.)
  • The Local and Regional Dimension in the New Circular Economy Action Plan

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 06/10/2020Tema: Circular economyAwtur: Camille Borett, Guillermo Gea, Lucille Labayle, Tugce Tugran, Tony Zamparutti (Milieu Consulting SRL)
  • Implementation of the Cross-border Healthcare Directive in the European regions

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 06/10/2020Tema: Public healthAwtur: Rossella Soldi and Dionne Kringos (Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy)
  • The role of local and regional authorities in making food systems more sustainable

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 18/09/2020Tema: Agriculture, Food productionAwtur: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT)
  • Digitalisation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Mediterranean

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 16/09/2020Tema: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Digital policy and connectivity, EntrepreneurshipAwtur: Katarzyna W. Sidło, Kateryna Karunska, Claudio Salmeri, Stanislav Bieliei (CASE) and Roger Albinyana (IEMed)
  • Agriculture and food security in climate sensitive areas in the Mediterranean

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 16/09/2020Tema: Agriculture, Water policy, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAwtur: Karolina Zubel (CASE) and Antoine Apprioual (IEMed)
  • Boosting the Capacity of LRAs to implement the Green Deal: a toolbox for the climate pact

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 16/09/2020Tema: Climate change policy, Green DealAwtur: Alicia McNeill, Tugce Tugran, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL)
  • Adapting to climate change: Challenges and opportunities for the EU local and regional authorities

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 16/09/2020Tema: Climate change policy, Multi-level governance and devolutionAwtur: Mariya Gancheva, Sarah O’Brien, Tugce Tugran and Camille Borrett (Milieu Consulting SRL)
  • Active subsidiarity and the European Semester: the involvement of cities and regions in policy-making for investment and structural reform

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 03/07/2020Tema: Subsidiarity and proportionalityAwtur: Alessandro Valenza and Paul Hickey (t33 Srl), Sabine Zillmer and Paul Georis(Spatial Foresight)
  • The challenges for public transport in metropolitan regions

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 25/06/2020Tema: Transport policy, Urban mobilityAwtur: Wolfgang Schausberger, Haris Martinos, Tanja Werneck and Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer (Metis GmbH)
  • The impact of social economy at the local and regional level

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 04/05/2020Tema: Social economyAwtur: Haris Martinos, Toby Johnson and Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer (Metis GmbH)
  • Study - Integration of migrants in middle and small cities and in rural areas in Europe

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 22/04/2020Tema: Migration, asylum and integration of migrantsAwtur: Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci (British Institute of International and Comparative Law)
  • Integrated water management and policy coherence in regions and cities

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 27/03/2020Tema: Water policyAwtur: Alicia McNeill and Tony Zamparutti (Milieu Consulting SPRL, Belgium).
  • EGTC monitoring report 2018-2019

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 24/03/2020Tema: Cross-border and territorial cooperationAwtur: Sabine Zillmer, Sebastian Hans, Christian Lüer, Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight) in collaboration with Chien-Hui Hsiung, Ulrike Stroissnig, Arndt Münch (ÖIR), Paola Le Moglie (t33) and Dubravka Kruljac (Mcrit).
  • Assessing the need for a modification of the state aid rules for the phasing-out of coal

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 23/03/2020Tema: Industrial policyAwtur: Michele Alessandrini, Pietro Celotti, Giacomo Nespeca (t33 Srl), Silke Haarich, Christian Lüer, Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight GmbH), Erich Dallhammer, Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean, Markéta Prasilova (OIR GmbH), and Salvatore Tarantino.
  • Financing biodiversity action: opportunities and challenges for EU subnational governments

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 19/03/2020Tema: BiodiversityAwtur: Agnieszka Markowska, Lucille Labayle, Paola Banfi, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL, Belgium)
  • Regional aspects of ageing and demographic change

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 05/03/2020Tema: Demographic changeAwtur: Marili Parissaki (Metis GmbH)
  • Demographic outlook for the European Union 2020

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 04/03/2020Tema: Demographic changeAwtur: EPRS
  • State of the art and challenges ahead for Territorial Impact Assessments (study, January 2020)

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 18/02/2020Tema: REFIT and better law-makingAwtur: Roland Gaugitsch, Erich Dallhammer, Chien-Hui Hsiung (ÖIR), Frank Holstein, Flavio Besana, Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight), Dubravka Kruljac and Andreu Ulied (Mrcit)
  • Towards sustainable neighbourhoods and small communities – Environmental policy below municipal level

    Data tal-pubblikazzjoni: 11/02/2020Tema: Environment policy, Multi-level governance and devolutionAwtur: Marco Cuevas, Carlo Miani, Hugo Ruiz and Evelyn Clara Rosenberg (adelphi consult GmbH, Germany)
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