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Remote Stakeholder Consultation on Making ETS and CBAM work for EU cities and regions  


The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is preparing an Opinion entitled Making ETS and CBAM work for EU cities and regions which is part of the Fit For 55 legislative package under the European Green Deal.

The proposal for amendments to the ETS and CBAM proposals was published on the 14th of July 2021 by the European Commission.

The CoR Rapporteur is Mr Peter KURZ (DE/PES), Lord Mayor of Mannheim and of the Commission for the Environment, Climate change and Energy (ENVE) of the CoR.

The rapporteur strives for the highest possible quality input and widest range of different views for his opinion and we believe your expertise can contribute to achieving this objective. In case you cannot participate in the meeting, you can share your views in a position paper related to the topic, and send it before the meeting to

The rapporteur has prepared a draft opinion that was discussed and approved in the ENVE meeting on 23-24 November. Final discussion and approval of the opinion is foreseen for the plenary session of 27-29 April 2022. This stakeholder consultation will provide useful information for the rapporteur to help him in the preparation of the draft opinion.


Organizer: ENVE secretariat
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