At the invitation of the President of West Pomerania Region, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) Commission on Citizenship, Governance and External Relations (CIVEX) is organizing a seminar on the topic Hate speech, fake news, propaganda - modern enemies of democracy on 28 May 2018 in Szczecin, Poland. The seminar will be an opportunity to discuss how local and regional levels of governance are affected by, and can react to, the growing phenomena challenging our democratic systems, in cooperation with partners from the media world, the EU institutions, academia and civil society.
Furthermore, the participating sub-national authorities would have the chance to discuss how 'fake news', propaganda and hate speech can be combatted and prevented and could consider implementing several actions:
- Promote critical thinking, digital and media literacy, by supporting that this is made an integral part of school education and by engaging with their regional and local communities to raise awareness of the issue;
- Ensure that there is a clear regulatory framework for news agencies, overseen by a body that is not interfered with politically or commercially;
- Ensure that online platforms establish clear and transparent policies on the restriction of third-party content.
Interpretation will be provided in: Polish, English, French and German.