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​​Browse ​studies by year:



  • Green Deal in Figures: Understanding Europe’s Green Transition from a Local and Regional Perspective

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/06/2024Temats: Green DealAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Isa Vroom, Marie Muller, Margaux Truc, Pietro Freguglia

  • Implementing the European youth work agenda and the Bonn Process at the local and regional level in the EU

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/05/2024Temats: Education, Employment, Culture, Youth policyAutors: Susanna Fontana, Fabio Bisogni, Sara Tedesco (Fondazione FORMIT)
  • Tourism and rural development

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/03/2024Temats: Transport policy, Environment policy, Agriculture, Fisheries and maritime affairs, TourismAutors: Izabela Marcinkowska, Agnieszka Maj, Katarzyna Sidło
  • Attracting Global Skills and Talents to EU’s cities and regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/02/2024Temats: Migration, asylum and integration of migrants, Employment, Multi-level governance and devolutionAutors: Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci, Dr Rosana Garciandia, Georgia Greville. Peer review: Julinda Beqiraj
  • Rural areas and the geography of discontent

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/02/2024Temats: Agriculture, Rural development, Future of Europe, Disinformation, Cohesion policy reform, Investment policy, Multi-annual financial framework (MFF), Sustainable developmentAutors: Jennifer McGuinn, Arianna Cantarelli, Agnieszka Kulesa, Giovanni Carletti, Ivan Lichner, Margaux Truc, Marie Müller, Martin Hudcovsky, Martyna Gliniecka (Milieu Consulting SRL)
  • State of play and future challenges of automotive regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/02/2024Temats: Multi-annual financial framework (MFF), Industrial policy, SME policy, Green Deal, Sustainable mobility, Employment, Road transportAutors: Ivo Hindriks, Mirco Hogetoorn, Maria Rodrigues (Panteia) Roberto Zani, Izabela Kaczmarzyk (Tplan) Damiano Ravera, Karun Gelibolyan (Ramboll)
  • Healthier environment for healthier lives: impacts of the European Green Deal on human health

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/01/2024Temats: Climate change policy, Green Deal, Air Quality, Biodiversity, Environment policy, Pollution controlAutors: Ian Keyte (WSP), Karina Reynolds (WSP), Natalie Sims (WSP), Will Cooke (WSP), ,Zhelyan Vichev (WSP)
  • Cohesion Policy and the Single Market: The cost of non-cohesion

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/01/2024Temats: Territorial cohesion, Cohesion policy reformAutors: Maria Toptsidou, Kai Böhme, Sofia Aalbu, Bernd Schuh (Spatial Foresight) Erich Dallhammer, Helene Gorny, Roland Gaugitsch (ÖIR) Language review by Tim Wills
  • The role of the Sustainable Development Goals in the EU Recovery in 2023

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/10/2023Temats: Territorial cohesion, Sustainable development, Economic GovernanceAutors: Agnese Berton, Elena Iacobucci, Alessandro Valenza (t33 Srl)
  • Public-private cooperation for better local refugee inclusion – the case of Ukrainian refugees

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/10/2023Temats: Employment, Migration, asylum and integration of migrants, Multi-level governance and devolutionAutors: Xavier Mirel, Julia Shah Fiorovanti, and Margaux Tharaux
  • Local and regional authorities in the governance of the energy union

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/09/2023Temats: EU energy policy, Green DealAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Panagiota Pavlou, Laura Vona, Berkay Akbaba, Laurine Tertre, Isa Vroom (Milieu Consulting SRL)
  • The New European Bauhaus at the local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/08/2023Temats: Culture, Education, Research and innovationAutors: Beatrice Errico, Fabio Bisogni, Teresa Levi (Fondazione FORMIT)
  • Effective decentralisation in the context of the European Semester and beyond

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/07/2023Temats: Multi-level governance and devolution, Economic Governance, Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Sub-national financeAutors: Sabine Zillmer and Erik Gløersen (Spatial Foresight GmbH) and Michele Alessandrini and Alessandro Fratini (t33 Srl) with inputs from Bozhidar Ivanov, Kirsti Hagemann and Marcela Mäder Furtado (Spatial Foresight GmbH), Language review by Tim Will
  • Cities and regions’ potential role in Mediterranean civil protection

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/07/2023Temats: Disaster prevention, Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Erdem Ergin, Louis Boutaud de la Combe, Marie- Eve Ciparisse, Halyna Kovalchuk
  • The delivery system of Cohesion Policy now and in future

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/06/2023Temats: Cohesion policy reformAutors: Kai Böhme, Paola Marinović, Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight) Kinga Hat, Bernd Schuh (ÖIR)
  • E-services for citizens at local and regional level in EaP countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/06/2023Temats: Eastern Partnership, Digital policy and connectivity, Public administrationAutors: Agnieszka Kulesa, Delia Agostinelli, Olga Aleszko-Lessels
  • The Future of Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies - Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/05/2023Temats: Research and innovation, Smart specialisation, Digital policy and connectivityAutors: Susanna Fontana, Fabio Bisogni (Fondazione FORMIT), Robin Renwick (Trilateral Research Limited)
  • New avenues for functional cooperation at local and regional level in EaP countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/05/2023Temats: Eastern PartnershipAutors: Agnieszka Kulesa and Piotr Kazmierkiewicz (CASE- Center for Economic and Social Research), Riya Roy and Elitsa Garnizova (LSE Consulting)
  • The cost of non-rurality - preparing for a better urban-rural balance in EU funding

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/04/2023Temats: AgricultureAutors: Jorge Núñez Ferrer, Tamás Kiss-Gálfalvi, Doina Postica (CEPS), Izabela Marcinkowska and Karolina Zubel (CASE)
  • The impact of EU climate and energy initiatives on cities climate transition

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/04/2023Temats: Climate change policy, Energy efficiency, Green DealAutors: Michela Gasperini, Per Lundberg, Agnieszka Markowska, Isa Vroom
  • Digital Resilience

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/04/2023Temats: Digital agenda, Digital policy and connectivity, Research and innovationAutors: Simona Cavallini, Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Gabriele Casalini, Giorgos Verdi, Antonio Grasso (European DIGITAL SME Alliance), Edited by Ruth Harland
  • The role of Mediterranean cities and regions in building urban health policies, in particular through sustainable urban mobility measures

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/04/2023Temats: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Urban policy, Sustainable mobility, Public healthAutors: Raffaele Alfonsi, Gabriele Giustiniani, Matteo Grassi
  • Overview: Cohesion Policy benchmarks beyond GDP to better reflect well-being standard of living

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/03/2023Temats: Cohesion policy reformAutors: Kai Böhme, Kirsti Hagemann, Bozhidar Ivanov, Paola Marinović and Sabine Zillmer
  • Climate adaptation:Measuring performance, defining targets and ensuring sustainability

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/12/2022Temats: Climate change policy, Green DealAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Per Lundberg, Isa Vroom (Milieu Consulting)
  • Repercussions of the agri-food crisis at local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/10/2022Temats: Food productionAutors: Tinatin Akhvlediani and Meryem Gökten CEPS) and Izabela Marcinkowska, Jan Bazyli Klakla and Delia Agostinelli (CASE)
  • The New Urban Mobility Initiative Can it deliver inclusive local mobility needs and European decarbonisation goals at the same time

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/10/2022Temats: Urban mobilityAutors: Aurelie Louguet, Karun Gelibolyan, Damiano Ravera, Maria Rodrigues, Alvaro Gonzalez-Mateo, Roberto Zani
  • European Green Deal Handbook

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/09/2022Temats: Green DealAutors: Erik Gløersen, Marcela Mäder Furtado (Spatial Foresight), Helene Gorny, Arndt Münch (ÖIR) and Michele Alessandrini, Carlo Bettini (t33)
  • Challenges and opportunities of LRAs’ involvement in the reconstruction of Ukraine

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/09/2022Temats: Ukraine, Eastern PartnershipAutors: Tetiana Anakina, Paulina Salek-Lipcean and Halyna Kovalchuk
  • EU cities and regions welcoming Ukrainian refugees – mapping multilevel coordination

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/09/2022Temats: Migration, asylum and integration of migrants, UkraineAutors: Dr. Katalin Dobiás and Filipa Homem (Milieu Law and Policy Consulting SRL)
  • The State of Local and Regional Democracy - A Youth Perspective

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/08/2022Temats: Youth policy, Demographic changeAutors: Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci, Dr Julinda Beqiraj, Anthony Wenton and Iris Anastasiadou (British Institute of International and Comparative Law)
  • Territorial Impact Assessment - Impact of RePowerEU on Europe’s regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/07/2022Temats: Energy efficiency, Green DealAutors: Bernd Schuh, Roland Gaugitsch, Chien-Hui Hsuing (ÖIR GmbH), Kai Böhme, Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight GmbH)
  • Synergies between the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Recovery and Resilience Plans – Best Practices from Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/07/2022Temats: Territorial cohesion, Sustainable development, Economic GovernanceAutors: Michele Alessandrini and Ana Pasturel (t33 Srl), Kinga Hat and Arndt Münch (ÖIR GmbH), Marcela Mäder Furtado and Paola Marinović (Spatial Foresight GmbH).
  • Territorial foresight study in addressing the digital divide and promoting digital cohesion

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/07/2022Temats: Digital agenda, Digital policy and connectivity, Territorial cohesion, SME policyAutors: Susanna Fontana, Fabio Bisogni (Fondazione FORMIT), Simona Cavallini, Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.).
  • The state of the regions, cities and villages in the areas of socio-economic policies

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/07/2022Temats: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Social economy, Employment, Green DealAutors: Kai Böhme, Marcela Mäder Furtado, Maria Toptsidou, Sebastian Hans, Arndt Münch, Bernd Schuh, Manon Badouix, Clarissa Amichetti, Alessandro Valenza, Elena Iacobucci, Anda Iacob, Helene Gorny, Isabella Messinger, Reinhard Pichler, Wolfgang Neugebauer
  • Developing a handbook on good practice in countering disinformation at local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/07/2022Temats: Disinformation, Citizenship, EU communication policy, Digital agendaAutors: Tony Zamparutti, Matthew Jones, Tugce Tugran, Laura Vona, Leïla Navas (Milieu S.R.L.) and Katarzyna W. Sidło, Agnieszka Kulesa, Oskar Chmiel (CASE)
  • Localising the green agenda in the Eastern Partnership

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/06/2022Temats: Eastern Partnership, Green DealAutors: Anna Maria Augustyn , Damiano Luchetti and Jingyuan Li
  • The local implementation of the Reinforced Youth Guarantee

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/06/2022Temats: Future of Europe, Employment, Education, Research and innovationAutors: Beatrice Errico, Fabio Bisogni (Fondazione FORMIT), Rossella Soldi and Simona Cavallini (Progress Consulting S.r.l.)
  • Boosting international subnational climate diplomacy ahead of COP27 and COP28

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/06/2022Temats: Green Deal, Covenant of Mayors, Eastern Partnership, Development cooperation, Climate change policy, Enlargement, Western Balkans regionAutors: Anna Maria Augustyn, Giulia Sofia Sarno, Marie-Eve Ciparisse (A.R.S. Progetti S.P.A.)
  • The territorial dimension of the Conference on the Future of Europe and its follow-ups

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/06/2022Temats: Future of EuropeAutors: Jan Bazyli Klakla, Agnieszka Kulesa, Karolina Zubel (CASE), Tony Zamparutti (Milieu Consulting)
  • The role and place of local democracy and decentralisation in the modernisation and consolidation of democratic processes in the Eastern Partnership countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/06/2022Temats: Eastern PartnershipAutors: Sergio Vasarri and Paulina Salek-Lipcean (A.R.S. Progetti S.P.A.)
  • Rural proofing – a foresight framework for resilient rural communities

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/05/2022Temats: Rural developmentAutors: Roland Gaugitsch, Isabella Messinger, Wolfgang Neugebauer, Bernd Schuh (ÖIR), Maria Toptsidou, Kai Böhme (Spatial Foresight
  • How local and regional authorities use World Heritage agricultural landscapes as a tool for enhancing the economic and social sustainability of rural areas

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/04/2022Temats: Agriculture, CultureAutors: Fabio Bisogni (Fondazione FORMIT), Rossella Soldi, Simona Cavallini (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Lorenzo Di Matteo (Fondazione FORMIT)
  • Renovation Wave: guidance for local and regional implementation

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/04/2022Temats: Green Deal, Energy efficiency, EU energy policyAutors: Arndt Münch, Manon Badouix, Bernd Schuh (ÖIR), Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight)
  • New trade and economic relations between EU-UK: the impact on regions and cities

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/04/2022Temats: Financial markets, Internal market, Sustainable developmentAutors: Michele Alessandrini, Carlo Bettini, Elena Iacobucci,Erik Gløersen and Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight GmbH), Helene Gorny, Kinga Hat and Arndt Münch (ÖIR GmbH). Language review by Jacqueline Dawn Palmer
  • Small urban areas_a foresight assessment to ensure a just transition

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/04/2022Temats: Future of Europe, Cohesion policy reform, Territorial cohesionAutors: Kai Böhme, Maria Toptsidou, Erik Gløersen, Clément Corbineau (Spatial Foresight) Erich Dallhammer, Mailin Gaupp-Berghausen, Helene Gorny, Isabella Messinger, Ursula Mollay, Arndt Münch, Wolfgang Neugebauer (ÖIR). Language reviewed by Tim Wills.
  • Territorial Impact Assessment on Zero Emission Vehicles (December 2021)

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/01/2022Temats: Climate change policyAutors: Igor Caldeira (CoR) Erich Dallhammer, Bernd Schuh, Roland Gaugitsch, Chien-Hui Hsuing (ÖIR GmbH)
  • Equal opportunities and responsibilities in the implementation of the European Green Deal

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/01/2022Temats: Green Deal, EqualityAutors: Haris Martinos, Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer and Paul Jeffrey (Metis GmbH)
  • EU financial assistance available to local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/12/2021Temats: EnlargementAutors: Kateryna Karunska, Stanislav Bieliei, Antoine Apprioual, Matías Ibáñez Sales and Katarzyna Sidło (CASE)
  • EU financial assistance available to local and regional authorities in Eastern Partnership countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/12/2021Temats: Eastern PartnershipAutors: Stanislav Bieliei, Karolina Zubel, and Katarzyna Sidło
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. Russian | русский(1.2 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      EU financial assistance available to local and regional authorities in Eastern Partnership countries
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • EU financial assistance available to LRAs in Mediterranean partner countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/12/2021Temats: Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Katarzyna Sidło, Aleksandra Chmielewska, Virginia Dicuonzo, and Abdoul Karim Zanhouo
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. Arabic | العربية(1014.13 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. français(686.27 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Aide financière de l’UE mise à la disposition des collectivités locales et régionales des pays partenaires méditerranéens
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The state of the regions, cities and villages in the areas of socio¬economic policies. Contribution to the 2021 EU Annual Regional and Local Barometer

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/10/2021Temats: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Social economy, Employment, Green DealAutors: Kai Böhme, Christian Lüer, Flavio Besana, Sebastian Hans, Bernd Schuh, Arndt Münch & Helene Gorny, including inputs by Alessandro Valenza, Sabine Zillmer & Hristo Dokov, Language editing by Tim Wills
  • Cohesion as an Overall Value of the European Union

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/10/2021Temats: Cohesion policy reform, Financial instruments for cohesionAutors: Kai Böhme, Maria Toptsidou, Sabine Zillmer & Christian Lüer (Spatial Foresight), Alessandro Valenza, Clarissa Amichetti, Carlo Bettini & Dea Hrelja (T33), Bernd Schuh, Roland Gaugitsch, Mailin Gaupp-Berghausen & Kinga Hat (ÖIR), with inputs by JRC on RHO
  • The Conference on the Future of Europe - Putting Local and Regional Authorities at the Heart of European Democratic Renewal

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/10/2021Temats: Future of Europe, EU Treaties, Multi-level governance and devolution, REFIT and better law-making, Subsidiarity and proportionalityAutors: Michael Bruter, Sarah Harrison, Miriam Sorace and Elisabet Vives (London School of Economics and Political Science)
  • Restoring - lost connections - between the EU and the UK as a consequence of Brexit through local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/09/2021Temats: Climate change policy, Research and innovation, Tourism, Energy efficiency, CitizenshipAutors: Machteld Bergstra, Jan Hagemejer, Kateryna Karunska (CASE)
  • Service sector re-orientation- transferring skills from the tourism sector

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/09/2021Temats: Tourism, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Robert Lanquar, Aleksandra Teliszewska, Katarzyna Sidło
  • Innovation ecosystems and start-ups in the Mediterranean as a means of recovering from the COVID-19 crisis

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/09/2021Temats: Entrepreneurship, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Katarzyna Sidło (CASE)
  • Study - Territorial impact of migration

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/08/2021Temats: Migration, asylum and integration of migrants, Demographic change, Social protectionAutors: Aleksandra Chmielewska, Virginia Dicuonzo, Olimpia Dragouni, Agnieszka Kulesa, Katarzyna Sidło (CASE)
  • Regional differences in COVID-19 response - exposure and strategy

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/08/2021Temats: Long-term strategy for investment, growth and jobs (renewed Europe 2020), Sustainable development, Public health, Consumer policy, Demographic changeAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.)
  • Developing a Decentralisation Index for the Committee of the Regions Division of Powers Portal

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/08/2021Temats: Long-term strategy for investment, growth and jobs (renewed Europe 2020)Autors: Camille Borrett, Mariya Gancheva, Tugce Tugran, Tony Zamparutti (Milieu Consulting S.r.l.)
  • The Challenges of the European Child Guarantee at Regional and Local Level

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/07/2021Temats: Education, Equality, Social protection, Youth policyAutors: Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT), Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Beatrice Errico (Fondazione FORMIT)
  • The state of digital transformation at regional level and COVID-19 induced changes to economy and business models, and their consequences for regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/07/2021Temats: Digital agenda, Digital policy and connectivity, SME policy, Territorial cohesionAutors: Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT) and Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.)
  • Local and regional finances in the aftermath of COVID-19

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/06/2021Temats: Sub-national financeAutors: Michele Alessandrini (t33 Srl), Ivan Bosch Chen (CSES), Veronika Kubeková (Blomeyer & Sanz), and Fabio Fiorillo, with contributions from Roland Blomeyer (Blomeyer & Sanz), Gabriele Ceccarelli (t33 Srl) and Jack Malan (CSES), Lang. review by Timothy Wills.
  • Regional and local authorities and the National Recovery and Resilience Plans

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/06/2021Temats: Territorial cohesion, Sustainable development, Economic GovernanceAutors: Alessandro Valenza, Anda Iacob, Clarissa Amichetti, Pietro Celotti (t33 Srl), Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight) and Jacek Kotrasinski
  • Guidebook on registering EGTCs

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/05/2021Temats: Territorial cohesionAutors: Sabine Zillmer, Sebastian Hans, Christian Lüer (Spatial Foresight) and Paola Le Moglie (t33) in collaboration with Silke Haarich, Erik Gløersen (Spatial Foresight) and Michele Alessandrini (t33) with additional editing from Tim Wills (t33)
  • Financing the Green Deal: a toolbox for the implementation of the Green Deal

    Publicēšanas datums: 10/05/2021Temats: Environment policy, Climate change policy, Green DealAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Oskar Gustafsson, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL)
  • Application of the principles of partnership and multi-level governance in Cohesion Policy programming 2021-2027

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/04/2021Temats: Territorial cohesionAutors: Frank Holstein and Kai Böhme (Spatial Foresight) with support from Arndt Münch, Bernd Schuh (ÖIR), Dea Hrelja, Anda Iacob and Clarissa Amichetti (t33)
  • Integration of Geographic and Statistical data for better EU policy (study, April 2021)

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/04/2021Temats: Territorial cohesionAutors: Roland Gaugitsch, Erich Dallhammer, Bernd Schuh, Cristian Andronic, Manon Badouix (ÖIR), Sabine Zillmer (S4S), Emanuele Armillotta, Pietro Celotti (t33
  • Territorial Impact Assessment on EU Climate Targets (ex-ante, February 2021)

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/03/2021Temats: Climate change policyAutors: Igor Caldeira, Cristina Socias Monserrat (CoR), Erich Dallhammer, Bernd Schuh, Roland Gaugitsch (ÖIR GmbH)
  • Territorial Impact Assessment on the effects of Decarbonisation policies on Cohesion as a value (ex-ante, March 2021)

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/03/2021Temats: Climate change policy, Renewable energyAutors: Igor Caldeira, Cristina Socias Monserrat, Conor Gilligan (CoR), Erich Dallhammer, Bernd Schuh, Roland Gaugitsch (ÖIR GmbH)
  • A fair minimum wage for the EU workers from the local and regional perspective

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/03/2021Temats: EmploymentAutors: Paul Jeffrey, Haris Martinos and Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer (Metis GmbH)
  • The Role of Local and Regional Authorities in Achieving a European Education Area by 2025

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/03/2021Temats: EducationAutors: Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT), Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Fabio Bisogni (Fondazione FORMIT).
  • The effects of COVID-19 induced border closures on cross-border regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/02/2021Temats: Future of Europe, Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Public healthAutors: Rubio, Jean - Peyrony, Jean - Viaggi, Raffaele
  • The effects of COVID-19 induced border closures on cross-border regions -20 case studies

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/02/2021Temats: Public health, Future of EuropeAutors: Rubio, Jean - Peyrony, Jean - Viaggi, Raffaele
  • The impact of CAP on territorial development of rural areas

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/02/2021Temats: Agriculture, Rural developmentAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.)
  • Renovation Wave Study

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/02/2021Temats: Green Deal, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, EU energy policy, Environment policy, Climate change policyAutors: Tugce Tugran, Zuzana Lukacova, Veronique Bruggeman, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL)
  • Territorial Impact Assessment on Cross Border Health Threats (ex-ante, January 2021)

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/01/2021Temats: Public healthAutors: Igor Caldeira, Cristín Blennerhassett (CoR) Erich Dallhammer, Bernd Schuh, Roland Gaugitsch, Chien-Hui Hsuing (ÖIR GmbH)
  • Experiences of rural areas with European Union’s COVID-19 response measures

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/01/2021Temats: Public healthAutors: Alan Matthews, Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.)
  • Is the Green Deal fit for combating climate change in EU regions and cities

    Publicēšanas datums: 15/12/2020Temats: Climate change policy, Energy efficiency, Green Deal, Renewable energyAutors: Tugce Tugran, Alicia McNeill, Matthew Jones, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL)
  • The EU’s notification procedure under the Services Directive – implications for local and regional authorities in the light of the January 2018 ECJ ruling

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/11/2020Temats: Internal market, Services of general economic interestAutors: Erich Dallhammer, Ursula Mollay and Joanne Tordy (ÖIR)
  • The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on regional and local governments

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/11/2020Temats: Public health
  • Regions and cities providing SGEIs: identifying difficulties resulting from the State aid framework

    Publicēšanas datums: 10/11/2020Temats: State aid and competition, Services of general economic interestAutors: Michele Alessandrini, Salvatore Tarantino (t33), Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight), Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean (ÖIR), with contributions from Paola Le Moglie (t33) and language editing by Tim Wills (t33).
  • Potential impacts of COVID-19 on regions and cities of the EU

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/10/2020Temats: Public healthAutors: Kai Böhme, Flavio Besana, Christian Lüer, Frank Holstein, Sebastian Hans (Spatial Foresight), Alessandro Valenza, Bertille Caillaud (t33) and Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean (ÖIR)
  • Territorial Impact Assessment: the State of the Cities and Regions in the COVID-19 crisis (June 2020)

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/10/2020Temats: Public healthAutors: Roland Gaugitsch, Erich Dallhammer, Bernd Schuh, Chien Hui-Hsiung (ÖIR), Flavio Besana (Spatial Foresight)
  • Regional health policy responses to the COVID crisis

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/10/2020Temats: Public healthAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.)
  • The Local and Regional Dimension in the New Circular Economy Action Plan

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/10/2020Temats: Circular economyAutors: Camille Borett, Guillermo Gea, Lucille Labayle, Tugce Tugran, Tony Zamparutti (Milieu Consulting SRL)
  • Implementation of the Cross-border Healthcare Directive in the European regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/10/2020Temats: Public healthAutors: Rossella Soldi and Dionne Kringos (Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy)
  • The role of local and regional authorities in making food systems more sustainable

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/09/2020Temats: Agriculture, Food productionAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT)
  • Digitalisation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/09/2020Temats: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Digital policy and connectivity, EntrepreneurshipAutors: Katarzyna W. Sidło, Kateryna Karunska, Claudio Salmeri, Stanislav Bieliei (CASE) and Roger Albinyana (IEMed)
  • Agriculture and food security in climate sensitive areas in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/09/2020Temats: Agriculture, Water policy, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Karolina Zubel (CASE) and Antoine Apprioual (IEMed)
  • Boosting the Capacity of LRAs to implement the Green Deal: a toolbox for the climate pact

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/09/2020Temats: Climate change policy, Green DealAutors: Alicia McNeill, Tugce Tugran, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL)
  • Adapting to climate change: Challenges and opportunities for the EU local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/09/2020Temats: Climate change policy, Multi-level governance and devolutionAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Sarah O’Brien, Tugce Tugran and Camille Borrett (Milieu Consulting SRL)
  • Active subsidiarity and the European Semester: the involvement of cities and regions in policy-making for investment and structural reform

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/07/2020Temats: Subsidiarity and proportionalityAutors: Alessandro Valenza and Paul Hickey (t33 Srl), Sabine Zillmer and Paul Georis(Spatial Foresight)
  • The challenges for public transport in metropolitan regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/06/2020Temats: Transport policy, Urban mobilityAutors: Wolfgang Schausberger, Haris Martinos, Tanja Werneck and Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer (Metis GmbH)
  • The impact of social economy at the local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/05/2020Temats: Social economyAutors: Haris Martinos, Toby Johnson and Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer (Metis GmbH)
  • Study - Integration of migrants in middle and small cities and in rural areas in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/04/2020Temats: Migration, asylum and integration of migrantsAutors: Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci (British Institute of International and Comparative Law)
  • Integrated water management and policy coherence in regions and cities

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/03/2020Temats: Water policyAutors: Alicia McNeill and Tony Zamparutti (Milieu Consulting SPRL, Belgium).
  • EGTC monitoring report 2018-2019

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/03/2020Temats: Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Sabine Zillmer, Sebastian Hans, Christian Lüer, Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight) in collaboration with Chien-Hui Hsiung, Ulrike Stroissnig, Arndt Münch (ÖIR), Paola Le Moglie (t33) and Dubravka Kruljac (Mcrit).
  • Assessing the need for a modification of the state aid rules for the phasing-out of coal

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/03/2020Temats: Industrial policyAutors: Michele Alessandrini, Pietro Celotti, Giacomo Nespeca (t33 Srl), Silke Haarich, Christian Lüer, Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight GmbH), Erich Dallhammer, Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean, Markéta Prasilova (OIR GmbH), and Salvatore Tarantino.
  • Financing biodiversity action: opportunities and challenges for EU subnational governments

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/03/2020Temats: BiodiversityAutors: Agnieszka Markowska, Lucille Labayle, Paola Banfi, Jennifer McGuinn (Milieu Consulting SPRL, Belgium)
  • Regional aspects of ageing and demographic change

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/03/2020Temats: Demographic changeAutors: Marili Parissaki (Metis GmbH)
  • Demographic outlook for the European Union 2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/03/2020Temats: Demographic changeAutors: EPRS
  • State of the art and challenges ahead for Territorial Impact Assessments (study, January 2020)

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/02/2020Temats: REFIT and better law-makingAutors: Roland Gaugitsch, Erich Dallhammer, Chien-Hui Hsiung (ÖIR), Frank Holstein, Flavio Besana, Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight), Dubravka Kruljac and Andreu Ulied (Mrcit)
  • Towards sustainable neighbourhoods and small communities – Environmental policy below municipal level

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/02/2020Temats: Environment policy, Multi-level governance and devolutionAutors: Marco Cuevas, Carlo Miani, Hugo Ruiz and Evelyn Clara Rosenberg (adelphi consult GmbH, Germany)
  • The impacts of metropolitan regions on their surrounding areas

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/11/2019Temats: Urban policyAutors: E. Dallhammer, M. Derszniak-Noirjean, R. Gaugitsch (ÖIR), S. Hans, S. Zillmer (Spatial Foresight), and the case studies by M. Derszniak-Noirjean, M. Gaupp-Berghausen, R. Koscher (ÖIR), S. Hans, C. Lüer (Spatial Foresight).
  • The contribution of local and regional authorities to regional integration in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 10/10/2019Temats: Multi-level governance and devolution, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Aleksandra Chmielewska, Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria, Krzysztof Głowacki, Agnieszka Kulesa, Justine Renard and Katarzyna Sidło (CASE)
  • Contribution of local and regional authorities to the development of the blue economy in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/10/2019Temats: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Fisheries and maritime affairs, TourismAutors: Roger Albinyana, Krzysztof Głowacki, Maria Krell, Anna Malinowska, Daniel Ruiz-Giménez, Katarzyna Sidło, Karolina Zubel (CASE)
  • The role of local and regional authorities in National Energy and Climate Plans taking into account the recommendations by the European Commission

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/09/2019Temats: Climate change policy, Energy efficiency, market and technologyAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Argyro Kepesidi and Sarah O’Brien
  • Evaluation of the impact of the current CAP on the agriculture of developing countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/09/2019Temats: Agriculture, Development cooperationAutors: Alan Matthews and Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy)
  • The contribution of the rail sector to delivering EU policy priorities at local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/09/2019Temats: Rail transportAutors: Jürgen Pucher, Jakob Weiss, Wolfgang Schausberger and Tanja Werneck (Metis GmbH)
  • Financing climate action (part 2): cities and regions investing in energy

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/09/2019Temats: Climate change policy, Energy efficiency, market and technologyAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Agnieszka Markowska and Sarah O’Brien (Milieu Consulting SPRL)
  • European Regional Social Scoreboard

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/09/2019Temats: Employment, Education, Social protection, Equality, Demographic changeAutors: European Committee of the Regions (SEDEC commission) and Eurostat
  • EU policy framework on SMEs: state of play and challenges

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/07/2019Temats: SME policyAutors: Michele Alessandrini, Alessandro Valenza, Andrea Gramillano, Chiara Zingaretti, (t33 Srl), Sabine Zillmer, Frank Holstein and Giacomo Salvatori (Spatial Foresight). Contributions from Erich Dallhammer,Mailin Gaupp-Berghausen and Martyna Derszniak (ÖIR)
  • Implementing a place-based approach to EU industrial policy strategy

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/07/2019Temats: Industrial policyAutors: M. Alessandrini (t33), P. Celotti (t33), E. Dallhammer (OIR), H. Gorny (OIR), A. Gramillano (t33), B. Schuh (OIR) and C. Zingaretti (t33) with contributions from M. Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight)
  • Assessing the implementation of the 2014 Directives on public procurement: challenges and opportunities at regional and local level

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/06/2019Temats: Public procurementAutors: Alessandro Valenza, Michele Alessandrini, Paul Negrila and Pietro Celotti (t33 Srl).
  • Capacity building of local and regional public administration in Eastern Partnership countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/05/2019Temats: Eastern Partnership, Multi-level governance and devolutionAutors: Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) - Szymon Ananicz, Dzmitry Babicki, Stanislav Bieliei, Krzysztof Głowacki, Justine Renard, Nino Sichinava, Katarzyna Sidło, Małgorzata Zawadzka
  • European research area (ERA) – Regional and cross-border perspectives

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/04/2019Temats: Innovation and researchAutors: EPRS
  • Contribution of EU local and regional authorities to a successful implementation of the EU Long Term Strategy

    Publicēšanas datums: 15/04/2019Temats: Environment policyAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Guillermo Gea, Matthew Jones, Sarah O’Brien and Tugce Tugran (Milieu Ltd, Belgium).
  • A territorial approach for the implementation of the SDGs in the EU – The role of the European Committee of the Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/04/2019Temats: Long-term strategy for investment, growth and jobs (renewed Europe 2020)Autors: François Levarlet, Michele Alessandrini, Pietro Celotti (t33) with contributions from Giacomo Salvatori and Frank Holstein (Spatial Foresight), Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean and Mailin Gaupp-Berghausen (ÖIR), Paolo Seri, Veronika Müller (t33)
  • Consumer Protection

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/12/2018Temats: Consumer policyAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT)
  • Youth Entrepreneurship in Mediterranean Partner Countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/12/2018Temats: Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: LSE Enterprise Limited
  • Preventing corruption at local and regional level in South Mediterranean countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/12/2018Temats: Public administration, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Clara Volintiru, PhD (Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies - ASE) and Jose Javier Olivas Osuna, PhD (The London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE).
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  • Administrative capacity of local and regional authorities: Opportunities and challenges for structural reforms and a more effective European economic governance

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/11/2018Temats: Economic GovernanceAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader) and Haris Martinos (METIS GmbH).
  • State of play of connected and automated driving and future challenges and opportunities for Europe's Cities and Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/11/2018Temats: Urban mobilityAutors: Jürgen Pucher (project leader), Wolfgang Schausberger and Tanja Werneck (Metis GmbH).
  • Water Reuse – Legislative Framework in EU Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/10/2018Temats: Water policyAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Alicia McNeill and Melanie Muro (Milieu Ltd, Belgium).
  • EU financial assistance available to local and regional authorities in Mediterranean partner countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/10/2018Temats: Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Dr Katarzyna Sidło and Karolina Zubel (Center for Social and Economic Research - CASE)
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
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    2. français(1.59 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
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  • Publicēšanas datums: 11/10/2018
  • Reflecting on the future of the European Union - The view from local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/10/2018Temats: Citizenship, Multi-level governance and devolution, REFIT and better law-making, Subsidiarity and proportionalityAutors: Michael Bruter, Sarah Harrison and Federica Bicchi (LSE Enterprise Limited - London School of Economics and Political Science).
  • The involvement of the Local and Regional Authorities in the European Semester – Analysis of the 2018 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/10/2018Temats: Economic Governance, European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), Europe 2020 StrategyAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader) and Wolfgang Schausberger (METIS GmbH)
  • Comparative Analysis of the annexes to the Proposal for a Common Provisions Regulation (COM(2018) 375) and the CPR's annexes currently in force

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/09/2018Temats: Financial instruments for cohesionAutors: Bernd Schuh, Daniela Fessl (ÖIR GmbH) and Sanja Brkanovic (RegioGro)
  • Simplification measures in the Cohesion policy proposals for 2021-2027 and impact of the CoR political work

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/09/2018Temats: Cohesion policy reformAutors: Kai Böhme, Amparo Montán Montesinos, Giacomo Salvatori, Frank Holstein (Spatial Foresight), in collaboration with Nicola Brignani, Luca Santin, and Giovanni Familiari (t33)
  • Addressing brain drain: The local and regional dimension

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/09/2018Temats: EducationAutors: Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT), Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Lorenzo Di Matteo (Fondazione FORMIT), Mihaela Alina Utma (Fondazione FORMIT) and Beatrice Errico (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma).
  • - Addressing brain drain: the local and regional dimension - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/09/2018Temats: EducationAutors: Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT), Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Lorenzo Di Matteo (Fondazione FORMIT), Mihaela Alina Utma (Fondazione FORMIT) and Beatrice Errico (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma).
    Pieejamās valodas (3)
    1. français(155.09 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(159.21 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. español(150.65 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
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  • Models of Local Energy Ownership and the Role of Local Energy Communities in Energy Transition in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/09/2018Temats: Energy efficiency, market and technology, Energy Union and infrastructureAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Sarah O’Brien, Nicola Crook and Catarina Monteiro (Milieu Ltd, Belgium)
  • EU financial assistance available to local and regional authorities in the candidate and potential candidate countries for EU enlargement

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/09/2018Temats: EnlargementAutors: Andrzej Dziurdzik, Katarzyna Sidło and Klaudia Wolniewicz-Slomka (Center for Social and Economic Research - CASE)
  • EU financial assistance available to local and regional authorities in Eastern Partnership countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/09/2018Temats: Eastern PartnershipAutors: Karolina Zubel and Przemysław Kowalski (Center for Social and Economic Research - CASE)
  • Towards an 8th Environment Action Programme – Local and regional dimension

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/07/2018Temats: Environment policyAutors: Mariya Gancheva, Sarah O’Brien, Catarina Monteiro and Alessia Valentino (Milieu Ltd)
  • EGTC Good Practice Booklet

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/07/2018Temats: Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Sabine Zillmer, Sebastian Hans, Christian Lüer, Amparo Montán (Spatial Foresight), Chien-Hui Hsiung (ÖIR), Paola Le Moglie and Vittoria Gnetti (t33), with additional editing from Tim Wills (t33).
  • Sustainable Forest Management in Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/07/2018Temats: Environment policy, ForestryAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT).
  • A European Strategy for plastics in the circular economy - Local and regional dimension

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/06/2018Temats: Environment policy, Waste policyAutors: Marine Briard, Sarah O’ Brien and Florent Pelsy (Milieu Ltd, Belgium).
  • Contribution of EU local and regional authorities to the 14th meeting of the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD COP 14)

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/05/2018Temats: BiodiversityAutors: Sandra Jen and Marta Ballesteros (Milieu Ltd, Belgium).
  • 20121018 state-of-play-EU-MFF-2014-2020-interinstitutional-negotiations

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/05/2018
  • On the role of the LRA in the Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes- Analysis of the 2013 Natio

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/05/2018
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. English(357.41 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      On the role of the LRA in the Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes- Analysis of the 2013 Natio
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  • Multilevel Protection of the rule of law and fundamental rights – the role of local and regional authorities and of the Committee of the Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/05/2018
  • 2014-regional-progress-indicator

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/05/2018
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  • Spatial planning and governance within EU policies and legislation and their relevance to the New Urban Agenda

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/05/2018Temats: Urban policyAutors: Erich Dallhammer, Roland Gaugitsch, Wolfgang Neugebauer (ÖIR GmbH) and Kai Böhme (Spatial Foresight GmbH).
  • Report

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/04/2018Temats: CultureAutors: Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT), Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Mihaela Alina Utma (Fondazione FORMIT), Beatrice Errico (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma).
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. English(1.26 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Slides Report
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  • Sustainable public procurement of food

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/04/2018Temats: Food production, Sustainable development, Public procurementAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy)
  • State of play and future challenges of the European Social Fund in promoting social cohesion in Europe’s cities and regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 10/04/2018Temats: European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: François Levarlet and Dea Hrelja (t33 Srl) with the collaboration of Mike Beke, Roland Blomeyer, George Maridis, Elsa Perreau, Margarita Sanz (Blomeyer & Sanz), Caroline Chandler and Stephan Kreutzer (CSES).
  • EGTC monitoring report 2017

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/03/2018Temats: Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Sabine Zillmer, Sebastian Hans, Christian Lüer, Amparo Montán (Spatial Foresight) in collaboration with Chien-Hui Hsiung (ÖIR), Paola Le Moglie and Karina Carius de Barros (t33) with additional editing from Tim Wills (t33).
  • Assessing the impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU on regions and cities in EU27

    Publicēšanas datums: 15/03/2018Autors: François Levarlet, Paolo Seri, Chiara Zingaretti, Dea Hrelja, Elodie Lorgeoux (t33) with contributions from Christian Lüer (Spatial Foresight) and Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean (ÖIR), and additional comments from Jayne Woolford and Francesco Trombetta
  • Mid-term evaluation of the first priority domain of the European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/02/2018Temats: Food production, Rural development, AgricultureAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT).
  • The democratic dimension of EU negotiations on trade agreements: the role and responsibilities of citizens and LRAs

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/12/2017Temats: Trade policyAutors: Bernd Schuh, Sanja Brkanovic, Helene Gorny, Edith Stifter (ÖIR) in collaboration with Paola Le Moglie and Pietro Celotti (t33).
  • The management of health systems in the EU Member States – The role of local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/11/2017Temats: Public healthAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l) and Cecilia Odone.
  • The involvement of the local and regional authorities in the European Semester: analysis of the 2017 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/10/2017Temats: Economic GovernanceAutors: Jürgen Pucher and Wolfgang Schausberger (METIS GmbH).
  • Improving the European Semester by involving local and regional authorities: Overview of good practices

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/10/2017Temats: Economic GovernanceAutors: Jürgen Pucher and Haris Martinos (METIS GmbH).
  • Effective multi-level environmental governance for a better implementation of EU environment legislation

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/10/2017Temats: Environment policyAutors: Jennifer McGuinn, Lise Oulès, Harriet Bradley and Alicia McNeill (Milieu Ltd).
  • New financial rules applicable to the general budget of the European Union – Impact on Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/09/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: Jorge Núñez Ferrer (CEPS)
  • Financing climate action: opportunities and challenges for local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/09/2017Temats: Climate change policyAutors: Ludovica Rossi, Mariya Gancheva and Sarah O’Brien (Milieu Ltd)
  • Women’s Empowerment in the Mediterranean Region

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/08/2017Temats: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Education, Equality, EmploymentAutors: This report was written by dr. Katarzyna Sidło (research team leader), Iakov Frizis, dr. Olimpia Dragouni, dr. Anna Ruzik-Sierdzińska, Karolina Beaumont, Givi Gigitashvili, Anne-Christin Winkler and dr. Christopher A. Hartwell (CASE)
  • The Role of the Sub-National Authorities from the Mediterranean Region in Addressing Radicalisation and Violent Extremism of Young People

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/07/2017Temats: Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: Prof. David A. Winter, Dr. Aitemad Muhanna-Matar, Dr. Mohammad Haj Salem, Dr Mohammed Musbah, Dr. Ahmed Tohamy (NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions and LSE Enteprise).
  • Key challenges and opportunities for Cities and Regions and MFF post 2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/06/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: Jorge Núñez Ferrer, David Rinaldi, Arnd Hassel (CEPS), Martin Nesbit, Andrea Illes and Kamila Paquel (IEEP).
  • Implementation of the Decision and the Framework on SGEIs: involvement of LRAs in the reporting exercise and state of play as regards the assessment of social services as economic activities

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/06/2017Temats: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: Sabine Zillmer, Silke Haarich, Frank Holstein and Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight) with contributions from Paola Le Moglie (t33)
  • - Implementation of the Decision and the Framework on SGEIs: involvement of LRAs in the reporting exercise and state of play as regards the assessment of social services as economic activities - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/06/2017Temats: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)Autors: Sabine Zillmer, Silke Haarich, Frank Holstein and Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight) with contributions from Paola Le Moglie (t33)
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(256.75 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(213.85 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
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  • The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementation of the EFSI: opportunities and challenges

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/06/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: Michele Alessandrini, François Levarlet, Paul Negrila, Paola Le Moglie, Andrea Bucci, Pietro Celotti (t33), Ursula Mollay (ÖIR) and Jacek Kotrasiński.
  • - The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementationof the EFSI: opportunities and challenges - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/06/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: Michele Alessandrini, François Levarlet, Paul Negrila, Paola Le Moglie, Andrea Bucci, Pietro Celotti (t33), Ursula Mollay (ÖIR) and Jacek Kotrasiński.
    Pieejamās valodas (6)
    1. français(301.45 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementationof the EFSI: opportunities and challenges - Executive Summary
    2. Deutsch(260.64 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementationof the EFSI: opportunities and challenges - Executive Summary
    3. español(186.72 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementationof the EFSI: opportunities and challenges - Executive Summary
    4. italiano(330.37 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementationof the EFSI: opportunities and challenges - Executive Summary
    5. polski(260.87 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementationof the EFSI: opportunities and challenges - Executive Summary
    6. română(301.02 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementationof the EFSI: opportunities and challenges - Executive Summary
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  • Horizon 2020 and the Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 10/05/2017Temats: Innovation and research, European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: Simona Cavallini, Rossella Soldi, Mihaela Alina Utma, Federico Benolli (consortium Progress Consulting S.r.l. & Fondazione FORMIT).
  • Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/04/2017Temats: Youth policyAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT).
  • Entrepreneurship on islands and other peripheral regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/04/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment Funds, Entrepreneurship, SME policyAutors: Silke Haarich, Sabine Zillmer, Frank Holstein, Amparo Montán, Nathalie Wergles, Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight), Helene Gorny and Sanja Brkanovic (ÖIR) and Pietro Celotti (t33).
  • The future of industry in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/04/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment FundsAutors: Michele Alessandrini, Pietro Celotti, Andrea Gramillano, and Marco Lilla (t33).
  • How to improve regional and local governance of SME and entrepreneurship policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/04/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment Funds, SME policyAutors: Bernd Schuh, Stephanie Kirchmayr-Novak, Helene Gorny, Jiannis Kaucic, Florian Keringer (ÖIR), Sebastian Hans, Frank Holstein, Maria Topsidou, Sabine Zillmer (Spatial Foresight), Paola Le Moglie, Elodie Lorgeoux, Pietro Celotti (t33)
  • EGTC monitoring report 2016 and impacts of Schengen area crisis on the work of EGTCs

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/04/2017Temats: Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Sabine Zillmer, Sebastian Hans, Christian Lüer, Amparo Montán, Maria Toptsidou (Spatial Foresight) in collaboration with Bernd Schuh, Chien-Hui Hsiung (ÖIR), Pietro Celotti and Paola Le Moglie (t33).
  • Outermost regions of the EU - Towards a renewed strategy (Briefing)

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/03/2017Temats: Territorial cohesion, Cross-border and territorial cooperation, Transport policyAutors: EPRS
  • Preventing Corruption and Promoting Public Ethics at the Local and Regional Level in Eastern Partnership Countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/02/2017Temats: Eastern Partnership, Fundamental rights and rule of law, Public administration, Multi-level governance and devolutionAutors: Clara Volintiru (LSE/ASE), Sergiu Gherghina (University of Glasgow), Eleanor Knott (LSE), Radu Mușetescu (ASE)
  • EU Energy Market Policy: Local and Regional Experience

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/01/2017Temats: Energy efficiency, market and technologyAutors: Maarten Afman and Sofia Cherif (CE Delft), Giorgia Rambelli and Stephan Sina (ICLEI), and and Christine Lucha (Ecologic Institute).
  • Regional Development in Ukraine: Priority Actions in Terms of Decentralization

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/01/2017Temats: European Structural and Investment Funds, UkraineAutors: Dr Tomila Lankina (LSE Department of International Relations), Dr Claire Gordon (LSE Teaching and Learning Centre) and Professor Svitlana Slava (Uzhhorod National University, Department of Economics and Business)
  • Arctic continental shelf claims - Mapping interests in circumpolar North (Briefing)

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/01/2017Temats: Trade policy, Sustainable mobility, Climate change policy, Water transportAutors: EPRS
  • The management of health systems in the EU Member States

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/01/2017Temats: Climate change policy, Future of EuropeAutors: Rossella Soldi
  • An overview of regions and cities with-in the global climate change process - a perspective for the future

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/12/2016Temats: Climate change policyAutors: Giorgia Rambelli (ICLEI Europe), Lena Donat (Ecologic Institute) and Gilbert Ahamer & Klaus Radunsky (Federal Environment Agency Austria).
  • Energy efficiency: The role of local and regional authorities in the Eastern Partnership countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/11/2016Temats: Eastern Partnership, Energy efficiency, market and technologyAutors: Karolina Zubel (main author) (LSE Enterprise Ltd, United Kingdom, and CASE – Centrum Analiz Społeczno – Ekonomicznych – Fundacja Naukowa, Poland).
  • Evolution of the Budget Dedicated for Rural Development Policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/11/2016Temats: Rural developmentAutors: Rosella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy & Living Prospects Ltd, Greece)
  • Regional and Local Adaptation in the EU since the Adoption of the EU Adaptation Strategy in 2013

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/10/2016Temats: Climate change policyAutors: Evelyn Lukat, Jenny Tröltzsch, Giacomo Cazzola, Zoritza Kiresiewa, Daniel Blobel (Ecologic Institute), Alberto Terenzi, Julia Peleikis, Vasileios Latinos (ICLEI), Ray Purdy, Peter Hjerp (UCL).
  • Report on the Regulatory Fitness and Performance (REFIT) Programme: EU regulatory bottlenecks and administrative burdens at local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/10/2016Temats: REFIT and better law-making, Multi-level governance and devolutionAutors: Matthieu Burnay and Pierre Schmitt (KU Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies).
  • Implementation of the Sendai Framework at the EU level: the take-up of resilience measures by Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/10/2016Temats: Disaster preventionAutors: Rossella Soldi (main author) (Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy & Living Prospects Ltd, Greece).
  • Developing Blue economy through better methodology for assessment on local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/09/2016Temats: Fisheries and maritime affairsAutors: Alexander Charalambous (Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy & Living Prospects Ltd, Greece)
  • The role of the local and regional authorities in the implementation of Europe 2020 – analysis of 2016 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/09/2016Temats: Economic Governance, Europe 2020 StrategyAutors: Jürgen Pucher (project leader), Nicole Hauder, Wolfgang Schausberger (Metis GmbH).
  • Obstacles to investments at local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/09/2016Temats: European Structural and Investment Funds, Investment policyAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader), Haris Martinos and Wolfgang Schausberger (Metis GmbH).
  • A New Skills Agenda for Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/07/2016Temats: Education, Employment, Labour mobilityAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Simona Cavallini, Julia Friedl, Margherita Volpe, Consuelo Patrizia Zuccaro (Fondazione FORMIT).
  • Cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean Region

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/06/2016Temats: Development cooperation, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAutors: CASE Poland - Katarzyna Sidło, Bartosz Radzikowski, Karolina Zubel, Karolina Beaumont, and Christopher Hartwell
  • New Approach to the European Neighbourhood Policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/06/2016Temats: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Eastern PartnershipAutors: CASE Poland - Malgorzata McKenzie, David Dyker, Katarzyna Sidlo, and Christopher A. Hartwell.
  • Multi-level governance and partnership practices in development and implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP)

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/06/2016Temats: Energy efficiency, market and technologyAutors: Arne Riedel (Ecologic Institut) and Giorgia Rambelli (ICLEI), Alexander Storch (Umweltbundesamt Wien).
  • The potential of closing the missing links of small scale infrastructure in Europe’s border regions for growth and employment - Recommendations for the way ahead

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/06/2016Temats: Transport policy, Rail transportAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader), Wolfgang Schausberger and Jakob Weiss (Metis GmbH).
  • Regulatory Framework on Employment and Funding for Migration and Integration Policies in the EU

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/06/2016Temats: Migration and External relationsAutors: Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services LLP (United Kingdom)
  • Local and Regional State of Play and Policy Recommendations Concerning Sustainable Heating and Cooling: Focusing on EU Level Policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/06/2016Temats: Energy efficiency, market and technology, Renewable energyAutors: Christine Lucha and Andreas Prahl (Ecologic Institute), Bettina Kampman and Sofia Cherif (CE Delft), Carsten Rothballer (ICLEI), Alexander Storch (EEA Vienna).
  • Using the Quadruple Helix Approach to Accelerate the Transfer of Research and Innovation Results to Regional Growth

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/06/2016Temats: Innovation and researchAutors: Simona Cavallini, Rossella Soldi, Julia Friedl, Margherita Volpe (consortium Progress Consulting S.r.l. & Fondazione FORMIT).
  • The EGTCs investing: implementing EU funds. Which role in the European Fund for Strategic Investments? Which procurement?

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/06/2016Temats: International cooperationAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Metis GmbH)
  • EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/05/2016Temats: Territorial cohesion, Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader) and Nicole Hauder (Metis GmbH).
  • -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/05/2016Temats: Territorial cohesion, Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher and Nicole Hauder).
    Pieejamās valodas (22)
    1. English(314.83 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    2. français(320.17 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    3. Deutsch(368.88 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    4. español(312.73 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    5. italiano(309.87 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    6. polski(416.01 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    7. română(447.42 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
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      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
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      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
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      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
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      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    12. eesti(309.34 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    13. suomi(311.24 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    14. hrvatski(357.89 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    15. magyar(366.5 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    16. lietuvių(410.73 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    17. Malti(417.83 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    18. Nederlands(313.2 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    19. português(313.42 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    20. slovenčina(475.83 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    21. slovenščina(362.44 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
    22. svenska(311.95 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      -EGTC Monitoring Report 2015 - Implementing the new territorial cooperation programmes - Executive Summary
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  • Evaluation of the Market Responsibility Programme put forward by the European Milk Board taking 2014 as a test year

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/05/2016Temats: Food production, AgricultureAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l., Italy & Living Prospects Ltd., Greece
  • Mapping of the disadvantaged areas for milk production in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/05/2016Temats: Food production, AgricultureAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l. & Living Prospects Ltd.)
  • Labour mobility and Local and Regional Authorities: benefits, challenges and solutions

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/04/2016Temats: European Structural and Investment Funds, Labour mobilityAutors: Michele Alessandrini, Pietro Celotti, Flaminia Cignitti, Alessandra Fontenla (t33 Srl), Christian Lüer and Nathalie Wergles (Spatial Foresight GmbH).
  • Linking the Digital Agenda to rural and sparsely populated areas to boost their growth potential

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/04/2016Temats: Rural development, Digital agendaAutors: Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Simona Cavallini, Julia Friedl, Margherita Volpe (Fondazione FORMIT).
  • The impact of demographic change on European regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/03/2016Temats: Demographic changeAutors: Erik Gløersen, Marius Drăgulin, Sebastian Hans (Spatial Foresight GmbH),Jiannis Kaucic, Bernd Schuh, Florian Keringer (ÖIR) and Pietro Celotti (t33 Srl).
  • State aid in cross-border cooperation projects

    Publicēšanas datums: 15/03/2016Temats: Cross-border and territorial cooperationAutors: Jürgen Pucher and Christine Hamža (METIS GmbH)
  • The growth potential of an integrated EU Urban Agenda

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/01/2016Temats: Urban policyAutors: Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer, Alexandra Frangenheim, Christine Hamža, Jürgen Pucher, Wolfgang Schausberger (METIS GmbH).
  • The Future of Cohesion Policy - Report II

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/12/2015Temats: Cohesion policy reformAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader), Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer, Alexandra Frangenheim and Angelos Sanopoulos (METIS GmbH).
  • A Code of Conduct on the involvement of the Local and Regional Authorities in the European Semester

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/12/2015Temats: Economic Governance, Europe 2020 StrategyAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader) and Haris Martinos (Metis GmbH)
  • The role of Local and Regional Authorities in the implementation of Europe 2020 – Analysis of 2015 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 10/11/2015Temats: Europe 2020 Strategy, Economic GovernanceAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Project Leader), Teresa Blood, Alexandra Frangenheim and Wolfgang Schausberger (Metis GmbH).
  • Success Factors for LRAs in Implementing Europe 2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/10/2015Temats: Europe 2020 StrategyAutors: Terri Kafyeke and Tanja Srebotnjak (Ecologic Institute).
  • The Place of Local and Regional Self-Government in Eastern Partnership Policy-Making and Delivery

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/09/2015Temats: International cooperationAutors: Dr Claire Gordon and Dr Tomila Lankina (LSE Enterprise).
  • The participation of entities of outside the EU in the European Groupings for Territorial Cooperation

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/09/2015Temats: International cooperationAutors: Jürgen Pucher (Metis GmbH).
  • The Future of Cohesion Policy - Report I

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/07/2015Temats: Cohesion policy reformAutors: Jürgen Pucher, Alexandra Frangenheim, Angelos Sanopoulos and Wolfgang Schausberger (Metis GmbH).
  • EGTC monitoring report 2014 - Implementing the Strategy Europe 2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/07/2015Temats: International cooperationAutors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher and Stefanie Zöchmann).
  • - EGTC monitoring report 2014 - Implementing the Strategy Europe 2020 - Executive Summmary

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/07/2015Temats: International cooperationAutors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher and Stefanie Zöchmann).
    Pieejamās valodas (22)
    1. English(198.18 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. français(291.1 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. Deutsch(210.48 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. español(191.51 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. italiano(62.17 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. polski(199.27 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. română(239.14 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
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    10. dansk(195.16 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
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    14. hrvatski(192.81 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    15. magyar(245.03 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    16. lietuvių(196.4 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    17. Malti(205.02 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    18. Nederlands(194.53 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    19. português(193.4 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    20. slovenčina(197.37 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    21. slovenščina(241.99 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    22. svenska(286.81 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
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  • Financial instruments in support of territorial development

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/07/2015Temats: Financial instruments for cohesionAutors: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) (Jorge Núñez Ferrer and Federico Infelise).
  • ESA 2010 accounting rules - Impact of new ESA 2010 on Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/06/2015Autors: t33, OIR and SWECO.
  • Feasibility of Mapping the Social Dimension of the EMU

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/06/2015Autors: t33, OIR and SWECO
  • Monitoring EU policies through CoR platforms, networks and experts groups - future opportunities

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/05/2015Autors: Pierre Schmitt and Sven Van Kerckhoven (Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies).
  • Transposition of the Public Procurement Directives and its effect on Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/05/2015Autors: SWECO and t33 srl.
  • The implementation of the Natura 2000, Habitats Directive 92/43/ECC and Birds Directive 79/409/ECC (Preparation for an ex-post territorial impact assessment)

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/04/2015Temats: BiodiversityAutors: Ecologic Institute, UCL Centre for Law and the Environment
  • Fostering innovation at regional level: lessons from the European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) experience

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/04/2015Autors: t33, OIR and SWECO.
  • Towards a new update of the Digital Agenda and creation of the Digital Single Market: challenges and opportunities for Local and Regional Authorities in the European Union

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/03/2015Autors: Soldi R. (Progress Consulting S.r.l.),Cavallini S., Volpe M., Friedl J., Bisogni F., Costanzo P., Rinaldi M. (FORMIT Foundation)
  • Local and regional authorities promoting fair trade

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/03/2015Temats: International cooperationAutors: Julius Sen, Elitsa Garnizova and Alexander Negencov (LSE Enterprise)
  • Development of Digital Criteria for European Commission Impact Assessments

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/02/2015Temats: International cooperationAutors: Soldi R. (Progress Consulting S.r.l.), Cavallini S., Volpe M. (FORMIT Foundation)
  • Territorial dimension of the Industrial Policy Package

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/12/2014Temats: European Structural and Investment Funds, Industrial policyAutors: t33, SWECO and OIR.
  • Blueprint for a Revised Europe 2020 strategy: preliminary study

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/12/2014Autors: Asya Dimitrova, Anna Dimitrova and Markus Hametner (Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business) and Tanja Srebotnjak (Ecologic Institute).
  • On the role of the local and regional authorities in the Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes: Analysis of the 2014 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/12/2014Temats: Europe 2020 StrategyAutors: Asya Dimitrova and Markus Hametner (Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business) with contributions from Tanja Srebotnjak (Ecologic Institute).
  • The efficient use of funds for local and regional authorities under the IPA-II regulation

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/12/2014Temats: International cooperationAutors: Aston Centre for Europe (Aston University, UK)
  • Local and regional authorities for a successful eastern partnership

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/11/2014Temats: International cooperationAutors: Aston Centre for Europe (Aston University, UK)
  • Division of powers between the European Union, member states, candidate and some potential candidate countries, and local and regional authorities: Fiscal decentralisation or federalism

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/11/2014Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Cinzia Alcidi, Alessandro Giovannini, Federico Infelise and Jorge Núñez Ferrer (CEPS).
  • Comparative overview of consultative practices within the second chambers of EU national legislatures

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/10/2014Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (Pierre Schmitt)
  • Smooth Phasing-out of the Milk Quotas

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/10/2014Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects
  • - La suppression progressive des quotas laitiers dans l'UE - Résumé

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/10/2014Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects
  • CoR’s Future Role and Institutional Positioning

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/09/2014Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (Wim Van Aken, Tim Corthaut, Pierre Schmitt and Axel Marx)
  • File Note on Circular Economy Package for the Territorial Impact Assessment Workshop

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/09/2014Autors: Francesca Montevecchi (Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business) and Hubert Reisinger (Umweltbundesamt GmbH)
  • The European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation and the Single Market

    Publicēšanas datums: 26/06/2014Autors: Jürgen Pucher (Metis Gmbh, project leader) and Alice Radzyner
  • An Indicator for Measuring Regional Progress towards the Europe 2020 Targets

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/06/2014Autors: TTanja Srebotnjak (Ecologic Institute), Albrecht Gradmann (Ecologic Institute), Lucas Porsch (Ecologic Institute) and Markus Hametner (Research Institute for Managing Sustainability).
  • - An Indicator for Measuring Regional Progress towards the Europe 2020 Targets - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/06/2014Autors: Tanja Srebotnjak (Ecologic Institute), Albrecht Gradmann (Ecologic Institute), Lucas Porsch (Ecologic Institute) and Markus Hametner (Research Institute for Managing Sustainability).
  • Multilevel Protection of the rule of law and fundamental rights – the role of local and regional authorities and of the Committee of the Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/06/2014Temats: Citizenship
  • Multilevel-governance of our natural capital: the contribution of regional and local authorities to the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets - Part B: Recommendations

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/06/2014Autors: McKenna Davis and Holger Gerdes (Ecologic Institute) and Pamela Muehlmann (ICLEI)
  • Multilevel-governance of our natural capital: the contribution of regional and local authorities to the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets - Part A: Analysis and case studies

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/06/2014Autors: McKenna Davis and Holger Gerdes (Ecologic Institute) and Pamela Muehlmann (ICLEI)
  • Sustainable and competitive tourism – New funding opportunities for local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/06/2014Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Mobility in demographically and geographically challenged regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/06/2014Autors: Jürgen Pucher (Metis Gmbh, project leader), Angelika Kronberger and Wolfgang Schausberger
  • Challenges at the Horizon 2025

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/02/2014Autors: Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (Wim Van Aken, Axel Marx, Pierre Schmitt and Kolja Raube)
  • A mid-term assessment of Europe 2020 from the standpoint of EU cities and regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/02/2014Autors: Ecologic Institute (T. Srebotnjak), Institute for Managing Sustainability (A. Dimitrova, M. Hametner) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (C. Garzillo, S. Kuhn, L. Zambelli)
  • EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/02/2014Autors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher, Alexandra Frangenheim and Alice Radzyner)
  • - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/02/2014Autors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher, Alexandra Frangenheim and Alice Radzyner)
    Pieejamās valodas (22)
    1. English(141.23 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    2. français(155.08 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    3. Deutsch(165.61 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    4. español(159.98 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    5. italiano(154.07 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    6. polski(280.12 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    7. română(276.85 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
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      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
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      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    10. dansk(155.64 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    11. ελληνικά(311.24 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    12. eesti(155.1 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    13. suomi(131.53 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    14. magyar(268.61 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    15. lietuvių(274.66 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    16. Malti(275.55 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    17. Nederlands(159.62 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    18. português(137.38 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    19. slovenčina(267.33 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    20. slovenščina(254.66 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    21. svenska(156.6 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2013 - Towards the New Cohesion Policy - Executive Summary
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • On the role of the local and regional authorities in the Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes: Analysis of the 2013 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/02/2014Autors: Ecologic Institute (Tanja Srebotnjak, Max Grünig, Sydney Baloue, Beata Vargova)
  • - On the role of the local and regional authorities in the Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes: Analysis of the 2013 National Reform Programmes - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/02/2014Autors: Ecologic Institute (Tanja Srebotnjak, Max Grünig, Sydney Baloue, Beata Vargova).
  • Financing Europe 2020: a consolidated view

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/02/2014Autors: Institute for European Environmental Policy
  • The Subsidiarity Early Warning System of the Lisbon Treaty – the role of regional parliaments with legislative powers and other subnational authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/12/2013Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (Pierre Schmitt, Tom Ruys and Axel Marx) in consultation with the Edinburgh Institute of Governance (Charlie Jeffery, Wilfried Swenden, Niccole Pamphilis and Barbara Gaweda)
  • E-invoicing in Public Procurement - Analysis of contributions submitted in the framework of an Early Warning System consultation

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/12/2013Autors: t33 srl
  • Summary of a Survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “Innovation Union”

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/11/2013Autors: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS) (Zoran Rušnov)
  • Climate change adaptation: Empowerment of local and regional authorities, with a focus on their involvement in monitoring and policy design

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/11/2013Autors: Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat (ICLEI) and CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
  • Ports Package: Early Warning System file – Analysis of local and regional authorities subsidiarity scrutiny of legislative proposal COM(2013)296

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/11/2013Autors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher, Holger Eiletz, Sabine Langer, Wolfgang Schausberger, and Klaus-Jürgen Uhl)
  • A roadmap to reform in public administration, fiscal decentralisation and territorial cooperation

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/11/2013Autors: Aston Centre for Europe, Aston University (Dr Nathaniel Copsey and Dr Carolyn Rowe)
  • Going local: The communication potential of local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/09/2013Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (Kolja Raube, Axel Marx, Wim Van Aken, Jadir Soares)
  • The Practical impact of the new European Economic governance framework on selected case studies

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/08/2013Autors: EPC - European Policy Centre (Claire Dhéret, Francesco Nicoli and Fabian Zuleeg, with Javier Antón Merino)
  • Report on the framework on future EU ports policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/08/2013Autors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher (project leader), Holger Eiletz, Sabine Langer, Wolfgang Schausberger and Klaus-Jürgen Uhl)
  • Summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/07/2013Autors: Vienna University of Economics and Business - Institute for Managing Sustainability (Zoran Rušnov, Umberto Pisano and Norma Schönherr)
  • - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/07/2013Autors: Vienna University of Economics and Business - Institute for Managing Sustainability (Zoran Rušnov, Umberto Pisano and Norma Schönherr)
    Pieejamās valodas (21)
    1. English(72.35 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    2. français(74.02 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    3. Deutsch(72.89 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    4. español(71.43 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    5. italiano(74.4 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    6. polski(180.5 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    7. română(145.21 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    8. български(194.85 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    9. Čeština(174.86 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    10. dansk(73.08 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    11. ελληνικά(220.84 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    12. eesti(71.94 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    13. suomi(71.92 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    14. magyar(167.58 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    15. lietuvių(173.86 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    16. Malti(152.38 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    17. Nederlands(71.62 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    18. português(123.55 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    19. slovenčina(173.6 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    20. slovenščina(164.64 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    21. svenska(72.8 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Executive summary of a survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A resource-efficient Europe”
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Implications of the annual EU budget for local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 15/07/2013Autors: Centre for European Policy Studies -
  • Execution of the annual budgets 2007-2013: relevant recommendations for local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/07/2013Autors: Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS (Authors: Axel Volkery, Andrea Illes (IEEP))
  • Report on "4th Rail package"

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/07/2013Autors: Metis Gmbh (Jürgen Pucher, Klaus-Jürgen Uhl, Wolfgang Schausberger, Sabine Langer)
  • Summary of a Survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A Digital Agenda for Europe”

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/06/2013Autors: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS) (Zoran Rušnov and Norma Schönherr)
  • - Summary of a Survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “A Digital Agenda for Europe" - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/06/2013Autors: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS) (Zoran Rušnov and Norma Schönherr)
  • Ambitious waste targets and local and regional waste management

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/05/2013Autors: Ecologic Institute (Albrecht Gradmann), Umweltbundesamt Österreich (Thomas Weissenbach (main author) and Hubert Reisinger) and RIMAS (Francesca Montevecchi)
  • Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion - Survey Report

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/05/2013Autors: Ecologic Institute with contributions from ICLEI Europe - Local Governments for Sustainability and Polish language support from Dorota Stasiak
  • Local and Regional Authorities and the EU’s External Borders - A Multi-Level Governance Assessment of Schengen Governance and ‘Smart Borders’

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/05/2013Temats: International cooperationAutors: Centre for European Policy Studies – CEPS (Sergio Carrera, Nicholas Hernanz and Joanna Parkin)
  • European Internet Security Strategy

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/04/2013Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Summary of a Survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “An Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era”

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/04/2013Autors: RIMAS - Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (Umberto Pisano, Zoran Rušnov)
  • EGTC Monitoring Report 2012

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/04/2013Autors: Metis GmbH (Jürgen Pucher, Enrico Gaspari and Alice Radzyner)
  • Study on Practices of Integration of Third-Country Nationals at Local and Regional Level in the European Union

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/04/2013Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Agenda for New Skills and Jobs Survey

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/02/2013Autors: Ecologic Institute GmbH (Tanja Srebotnjak) and Policy Studies Institute (Elisabetta Mocca, Kathryn Ray, Rosemary Davidson)
  • Monitoring report on territorial foresight - April-September 2012

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/12/2012Autors: Prospektiker, Destrée Institute and Futuribles (Corinne Arlé Roëls, Charlotte Demulder, Oihana Hernaez, Michaël Van Cutsem, Ibon Zugasti).
  • Monitoring report on territorial foresight - January-June 2012

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/12/2012Autors: Prospektiker, Destrée Institute and Futuribles (Corinne Arlé Roëls, Charlotte Demulder, Oihana Hernaez,Michaël Van Cutsem, Ibon Zugasti).
  • Monitoring report on territorial foresight - September 2011-March 2012

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/12/2012Autors: Prospektiker, Destrée Institute and Futuribles (Corinne Arlé Roëls, Philippe Destatte, Oihana Hernaez, Michaël Van Cutsem, Ibon Zugasti).
  • Division of Powers between the European Union, the Member States and Regional and Local Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/12/2012Autors: European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) - European Center for the Regions (ECR) (under the supervision of Gracia Vara Arribas)
  • The state of play on the EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014 – 2020 interinstitutional negotiations

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/12/2012Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Claire Dhéret, Andreea Martinovici and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • The EU funds available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries: information guide

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/12/2012Temats: International cooperationAutors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. Arabic | العربية(647.96 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The EU funds available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries: information guide
    2. français(401.6 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The EU funds available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries: information guide
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Youth on the Move Survey

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/12/2012Autors: Ecologic Institute (Tanja Srebotnjak with contributions from Krista Timeus and Sydney Baloue)
  • Study on the Role of Local and Regional Authorities in Promoting EU Citizenship and Citizens’ Rights

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/11/2012Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • The Implications of an EU Fiscal Union for Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/11/2012Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Claire Dhéret, Francesco Nicoli and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • Revision of guidelines on national regional aid

    Publicēšanas datums: 15/11/2012Autors: Metis (Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer,), and EPRC (Fiona Wishlade)
  • Rethinking Skills in the context of Europe 2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/10/2012Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Is Europe 2020 delivering? An analysis of eight local and regional case studies on the Europe 2020 strategy

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/10/2012Autors: Research Institute for Managing Sustainability Vienna University of Economics and Business (Umberto Pisano, Sabine Remmel, Markus Hametner, Katrin Lepuschitz)
  • Assessment of the current legislation and the possible impact of Posting of Workers Directive on local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/10/2012Autors: t33, Srl, OIR and SWECO
  • Follow-up to the Lisbon Treaty

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/10/2012Autors: Dr Sabina Lange (née Kajnč) and Dr Michael Kaeding, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
  • Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) and Entrepreneurship Policies at Local and Regional Level

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/09/2012Autors: t33, SWECO and OIR
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(30.49 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) and Entrepreneurship Policies at Local and Regional Level
    2. Deutsch(31.82 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) and Entrepreneurship Policies at Local and Regional Level
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • On the role of local and regional authorities in the Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes – analysis of the 2012 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/09/2012Autors: Ecologic Institute, Berlin, (Tanja Srebotnjak, Albrecht Gradmann, Kerstin Berzins, Ruta Landgrebe-Trinkunaite, Mathilde Mansoz), Ecologic Institute, Washington D.C.,(Elena von Sperber, Rebeka Ryvola, Cathy Schechter) abd WU/RIMAS, Vienna,(Markus Hametner)
  • EGTC Monitoring Report 2011

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/08/2012Autors: METIS, GmbH (authors: Jürgen Pucher and Alice Radzyner)
  • Report on the consultation of the Subsidiarity Monitoring Network on "Towards a 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) — better implementation of EU environment law"

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/07/2012Autors: Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany
  • Assessment of the impact of current state aid rules on local and regional authorities and recommendations for changes

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/07/2012Autors: t33, Srl, OIR and SWECO
  • La petite ville européenne en 2050

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/06/2012Autors: l'Institut Jules Destrée ASBL (Michaël Van Cutsem, Charlotte Demulder) et Futuribles SARL (Corinne Arlé Roëls, Cécile Désaunay)
  • The EU Funds Available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Eastern Partnership Countries

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/06/2012Temats: International cooperationAutors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University Authors: Dr Nathaniel Copsey and Dr Carolyn Rowe)
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. Russian | русский(529.93 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The EU Funds Available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Eastern Partnership Countries
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • How to use EU Pre-Accession Funds: Guide for the Sub-National Authorities from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/06/2012Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
  • How to use EU Pre-Accession Funds: Guide for the Serbian Sub-National Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/06/2012Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
  • The local and regional impact of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/05/2012Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • EU Financial Regulation - Analysis of the simplification measures mentioned in both the proposal for a EU Financial Regulation and the cohesion policy legislative package

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/05/2012Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Claire Dhéret, Fabian Zuleeg and Serban Chiorean-Sime)
  • Division of Powers between the European Union, the Member States and Local and Regional Authorities – Additional Fiscal/Budgetary Elements

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/05/2012Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Claire Dhéret, Andreea Martinovici and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • Creating greater synergies between European, national and subnational Budgets

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/05/2012Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Claire Dhéret, Andreea Martinovici and (authors: Claire Dhéret, Andreea Martinovici and)
  • Sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/05/2012Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
  • Technical and vocational training in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/05/2012Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
  • The Complementarity of national and Community interventions aimed at reducing disparities in economic and social development

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/04/2012Autors: METIS GmbH (authors: H. Tödtling-Schönhofer, J.Pucher, A.Radzyner Isabel Naylon)
  • Final Report: Survey of the Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform on SME-Friendly Regions and Cities

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/04/2012Autors: Ecologic Institute GmbH (Tanja Srebotnjak) and Research Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Sabine Remmel, Andreas Endl, Markus Hametner)
  • Possibilities for additional EU and national policy measures in support of urban-rural balance and synergy in sustainable energy investments

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/04/2012Autors: Ecologic Institute
  • The management of health systems in the EU Member States - The role of local and regional authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/03/2012Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
    Pieejamās valodas (4)
    1. français(1015.63 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The management of health systems in the EU Member States - The role of local and regional authorities
    2. Deutsch(1.12 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The management of health systems in the EU Member States - The role of local and regional authorities
    3. español(1.25 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The management of health systems in the EU Member States - The role of local and regional authorities
    4. italiano(1.03 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The management of health systems in the EU Member States - The role of local and regional authorities
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Connecting Europe Facility

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/03/2012Autors: METIS GmbH (author: C. Hamza)
  • European Territorial Cooperation Preparation and management of projects and programmes (with a view to the role of EGTCs and macro-regional strategies)

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/02/2012Autors: METIS GmbH (author: J.Pucher)
  • Study on the Competencies, Financing and Actions Undertaken by Local and Regional Authorities in International Development

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/02/2012Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University (Authors: Dr Nathaniel Copsey and Dr Carolyn Rowe)
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(442.6 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Study on the Competencies, Financing and Actions Undertaken by Local and Regional Authorities in International Development
    2. español(383.74 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Study on the Competencies, Financing and Actions Undertaken by Local and Regional Authorities in International Development
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Assessment of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Programme till 2013 at the Local and Regional Level and Recommendations for the New Programming Perspective 2014 – 2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 17/01/2012Autors: t33, Srl
  • Final Report: Quick Survey on the European Union Programme for Social Change and Innovation

    Publicēšanas datums: 10/01/2012Autors: Ecologic Institute GmbH (Tanja Srebotnjak) and the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Umberto Pisano, Sabine Remmel, Markus Hametner)
  • Territorial aspects of the European Social Fund

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/01/2012Autors: METIS GmbH (authors: J.Pucher, I.Naylon)
  • Follow-Up: Impact Assessment at the CdR - Methodology and its implementation

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/01/2012Autors: METIS GmbH (author: J. Pucher)
  • Health in the Regions - Cross Border Health Care: Harmonization in European Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/2011Autors: European Institute of health of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • Low Carbon Energy 2050 – Local and Regional Impact and Perspectives

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/12/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Administrative burden reduction at the local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/12/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
  • Programme for culture and the audiovisual industry "Creative Europe"

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/12/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • The future Education Europe Programme

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/12/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • The Role of Local and Regional Authorities in the Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/12/2011Autors: Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany (Tanja Srebotnjak,), Ecologic Institute, Washington D.C., USA (Annemarie van der Westhuysen) and WU/RIMAS, Vienna, Austria (Markus Hametner)
  • An initial assessment of territorial forward planning/foresight projects in the European Union

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/11/2011Autors: Prospektiker SA (Ibon Zugasti and Oihana Hernáez), Institut Jules Destrée ASBL (Philippe Destatte and Michaël Van Cutsem) and Futuribles SARL (Corinne Arlé Roëls)
  • Contents of the contribution to the CoR impact assessment consultation on the EU Life+ instrument challenges

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/11/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Water scarcity and desertification. A survey on the Ground Analysis result Europe 2020 MP Survey. The role of regional and local authorities in promoting a sustainable water policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/11/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Water scarcity and desertification: Background note in view of the Europe 2020 MP Survey

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/11/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
  • Local and regional issues in global climate change negotiations, within the UNFCCC process with a particular focus on COP 16

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/10/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Local and Regional Authorities Tackling Environmental Noise

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/10/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Local and regional action for tackling plastic waste

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/10/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Prospects for greater involvement of local and regional authorities in the future EU space policy and use of satellite technologies

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/10/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Local and regional impact of the Trans-European Energy Networks TEN-E with a focus on the forthcoming Energy Infrastructure package

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/10/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Local and regional authorities promoting resource efficiency

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/09/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Report on the consultation of the Subsidiarity Monitoring Network on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and the Council on energy efficiency and repealing directives 2004/8/ec and 2006/32/ec, com(2011) 370

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/09/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Quick Survey on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative 'EUROPEAN PLATFORM AGAINST POVERTY' in Preparation for the CoR Opinion and 2nd CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/09/2011Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Local and Regional Corporate Taxes across the EU

    Publicēšanas datums: 11/09/2011Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/09/2011Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
  • Revision of EU procurement legislation: Matters of concern for Local and Regional Authorities and potential subsidiarity issues

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/08/2011Autors: t33 Srl and OIR
  • Associations and representations of cities and regions in the EU Member States: a mapping exercise

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/08/2011Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • The involvement of local and regional authorities in the social inclusion strand of the open method of coordination (OMC)

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/07/2011Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Local and regional government in Ukraine and the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/07/2011Temats: International cooperationAutors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
  • What Role for Local and Regional Authorities in the post-2013 budgetary framework?

    Publicēšanas datums: 12/07/2011Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Elisa Molino, Serban Chiorean-Sime and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • Local and regional good practices on victims’ rights

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/07/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), (Authors: P. Bárd, A.Borbíró)
  • Protecting and Delivering Fundamental Rights of Irregular Migrants at Local and Regional Levels in the European Union

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/06/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Centre for European Policy Studies (Sergio Carrera and Joanna Parkin)
  • Impact of EC Internal Market proposals on the LRA’s

    Publicēšanas datums: 25/06/2011Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Analysis of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/06/2011Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Elisa Molino and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • EGTC Monitoring Report 2010

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/06/2011Autors: METIS, GmbH, Jürgen Pucher and Alice Radzyner
  • - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/06/2011Autors: METIS, GmbH (authors: Jürgen Pucher and Alice Radzyner)
    Pieejamās valodas (21)
    1. English(44.28 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    2. français(110.87 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    3. Deutsch(109.3 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    4. español(106.44 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    5. italiano(122.11 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    6. polski(213.33 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    7. română(141.65 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    8. български(262.72 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    9. Čeština(204.84 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    10. dansk(40.63 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    11. ελληνικά(249.38 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    12. eesti(158.2 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    13. suomi(107.77 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    14. magyar(134.02 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    15. lietuvių(206.89 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    16. Malti(207.09 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    17. Nederlands(112.9 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    18. português(47.61 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    19. slovenčina(139.62 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    20. slovenščina(136.81 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    21. svenska(104.84 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Monitoring Report 2010 - Executive summary
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The effects of cohesion policy in rural areas and experience in co-ordinating with rural development programmes (RDPs)

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/06/2011Autors: METIS GmbH (authors: J. Morley, D. Psaltopoulos)
  • Implementing the European Recovery Plan on the Ground (Summarizing the results of a Europe 2020 MP survey)

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/05/2011Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Direct and Participatory Democracy at Grassroots Level: Levers for forging EU citizenship and identity?

    Publicēšanas datums: 21/05/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht (NL), (authors: E. Best, M. Augustyn and F.Lambermont)
  • The Preservation and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/05/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Aston Centre for Europe, Aston University (Dr Nathaniel Copsey Dr Carolyn Rowe)
  • The relationship between desertification and climate change in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/05/2011Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University
  • Active ageing - local and regional solutions

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/05/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
    Pieejamās valodas (6)
    1. français(2.92 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Active ageing - local and regional solutions
    2. Deutsch(2.73 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Active ageing - local and regional solutions
    3. español(2.81 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Active ageing - local and regional solutions
    4. italiano(2.81 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Active ageing - local and regional solutions
    5. dansk(2.84 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Active ageing - local and regional solutions
    6. ελληνικά(3.4 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Active ageing - local and regional solutions
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Renewable Energy in the Mediterranean

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/05/2011Autors: Aston Centre for Europe - Aston University (authors: Dr. J. Bloomfield, Dr. N.Copsey, Dr. C. Rowe)
  • The EU Added Value Test to Justify EU Spendings: What Impact for Regions and Local Authorities?

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/04/2011Autors: European Policy Centre (Elisa Molino and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • Local and Regional Impact of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/04/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: METIS GmbH (author: J. Pucher)
  • Better and different spending through a new MLG approach for the EU Budget

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/04/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
  • Adaptation to Climate Change

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/04/2011Autors: Ecologic Institute, Berlin/Vienna
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(1.74 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Adaptation to Climate Change
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/04/2011Autors: European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
    Pieejamās valodas (7)
    1. français(636.12 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty
    2. Deutsch(646.56 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty
    3. español(623.9 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty
    4. italiano(686.52 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty
    5. suomi(592.64 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty
    6. Nederlands(668.31 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty
    7. português(636.59 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Role Regional Parliaments in Process of Subsidiarity Analysis within Early Warning System of Lisbon Treaty
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The EU budget – an Instrument for Shaping and Delivering Key EU policy Priorities: Should the Europe 2020 Strategy be the Main Strategic Policy Reference for the post-2013 MFF?

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/03/2011Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Elisa Molino and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • Local and Regional Dimensions of the European Neighbourhood Policy An Overview of the Role of the Committee of the Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/03/2011Temats: International cooperationAutors: Aston Centre for Europe (Dr. J. Bloomfield, Dr. N. Copsey, Prof. A. Mayhew, Dr. C. Rowe) - Aston University
  • The Impact of New EU Own Resources on Regional and Local Governments

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/03/2011Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Elisa Molino and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • Key Political Messages Regarding the Upcoming EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) post-2013

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/02/2011Autors: European Policy Centre (authors: Elisa Molino and Fabian Zuleeg)
  • Methodology for integrating the cross-border dimension into the CoR's consultative work

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/02/2011Autors: European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), (Gracia Vara Arribas)
  • Flagship Initiative “Agenda for skills and jobs” Focusing on ‘Creation of jobs

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/02/2011Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Dynamic health systems and new technologies: eHealth solutions at local and regional levels

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/01/2011Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Marketing on local markets

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/12/2010Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
  • Impact Assessment at the CoR: methodology and its implementation

    Publicēšanas datums: 15/12/2010Autors: METIS GmbH (authors: H. Tödtling-Schönhofer, M. Hahn, A. Kronberger, J. Pucher, H. Oraže, T. Kinsella)
  • Digitisation and online accessibility of Europe’s cultural heritage and digital preservation

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/12/2010Temats: CitizenshipAutors: The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • The role of research in regional smart innovation

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/12/2010Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • GDP and beyond

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/11/2010Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Assessment of Territorial Impacts of the EU Post 2010 Biodiversity Strategy

    Publicēšanas datums: 16/11/2010Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
  • Priorities for a new strategy for European information society (2010-2015

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/11/2010Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • - Priorities for a new strategy for the European information society (2010-2015) - Evaluation sheet

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/11/2010Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Improving Road Safety: The Role of LRAs

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/10/2010Autors: METIS GmbH (authors: H.Tödtling-Schönhofer, J.Pucher)
  • Effects of education and training, youth and cultural activities on combating poverty and social exclusion

    Publicēšanas datums: 07/10/2010Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Analysis on Sustainable Energy Policies Survey

    Publicēšanas datums: 22/09/2010Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
  • The regional and local impact of EU pension system reform

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/09/2010Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • A Trade Strategy for Europe 2020 - Focus on the Role of the Local and Regional Authorities and SMEs

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/09/2010Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Identification of the Missing Links in the Functioning of the Single Market from the Perspectives of the Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/09/2010Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Internal EU migration and its impact on homelessness

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/08/2010Temats: CitizenshipAutors: CSES (Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services)
  • How local and regional authorities can best support innovation and use it to restore economic growth and employment

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/07/2010Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • Communication of the European Commission on Reinforcing Economic Policy Coordination

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/07/2010Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • The role of Local and Regional Authorities in the new architecture of the supervision and regulation systems for banks, insurance companies and financial services

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/07/2010Autors: Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES)
  • After Lisbon, the role of regional and local authorities in a new strategy for sustainable growth and better jobs: LOCAL SUSTAINABLE ENERGY STRATEGIES/ OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES

    Publicēšanas datums: 20/05/2010Autors: Ecologic Institute, Berlin
  • After Lisbon, the role of regional and local authorities in a new strategy for sustainable growth and better jobs: LISBON MONITORING PLATFORM - 60 INTERVIEWS WITH POLITICIANS

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/05/2010Autors: METIS, GmbH
  • After Lisbon, the role of regional and local authorities in a new strategy for sustainable growth and better jobs: comparative analysis of 27 national progress reports

    Publicēšanas datums: 18/05/2010Autors: Public Policy and Management Institute1
  • Impact of the Seasonal Employment of Third-Country Nationals on Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/04/2010Autors: CEPS (authors: Sergio Carrera and Anaïs Faure-Atger)
  • Local and regional cooperation to protect the rights of the child in the European Union

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/03/2010Temats: CitizenshipAutors: James Michael and Geraldine Van Bueren (CEPS)
  • Committee of the Regions Thesis Competition 2004-2009

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/02/2010Autors: Studies' service of the Committee of the Regions
  • EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems

    Publicēšanas datums: 06/02/2010Autors: METIS, GmbH
  • - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/02/2010Autors: METIS, GmbH
    Pieejamās valodas (21)
    1. English(44.75 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    2. français(58.81 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    3. Deutsch(63.14 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    4. español(47.72 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    5. italiano(57.42 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    6. polski(85.56 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    7. română(97.59 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    8. български(118.91 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    9. Čeština(85.41 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    10. dansk(93.32 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    11. ελληνικά(139.05 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    12. eesti(91.3 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    13. suomi(53.1 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    14. magyar(65.15 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    15. lietuvių(118.04 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    16. Malti(89.85 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    17. Nederlands(72.62 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    18. português(53.17 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    19. slovenčina(90.73 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    20. slovenščina(56.94 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    21. svenska(50.86 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - EGTC Developments on the Ground-added value and solutions to problems - Executive Summary
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Mobility of young volunteers across Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 05/02/2010Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Public Policy and Management Institute
    Pieejamās valodas (6)
    1. français(2.43 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Mobility of young volunteers across Europe
    2. Deutsch(2.49 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Mobility of young volunteers across Europe
    3. español(3.68 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Mobility of young volunteers across Europe
    4. italiano(2.38 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Mobility of young volunteers across Europe
    5. polski(2.58 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Mobility of young volunteers across Europe
    6. magyar(2.55 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Mobility of young volunteers across Europe
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Integrated Maritime Policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 27/01/2010Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd
  • The current discussion about the over-complexity of the implementation system of Cohesion policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/01/2010Autors: METIS GmbH (authors: Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer and Tony Kinsella)
  • Participation in the European Project: How to mobilise citizens at the local, regional, national, and European levels

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/10/2009Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Institute for European Studies with the support of the Danish Technological Institute and of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(1.63 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Participation in the European Project: How to mobilise citizens at the local, regional, national, and European levels
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) - state of play and prospects

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/06/2009Autors: METIS GmbH
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(3.2 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) - state of play and prospects
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Le processus de désignation des membres du Comité des régions - Procédures appliquées dans les États membres

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/05/2009Autors: Studies's service of the Committee of the Regions
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(345.5 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Le processus de désignation des membres du Comité des régions - Procédures appliquées dans les États membres
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/05/2009Autors: Internal study of the Committee of the Regions
    Pieejamās valodas (21)
    1. English(26.83 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    2. français(28.93 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    3. Deutsch(30.39 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    4. español(26.92 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    5. italiano(28.33 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    6. polski(49.52 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    7. română(47.33 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    8. български(79.89 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    9. Čeština(56.96 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    10. dansk(24.99 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    11. ελληνικά(84.31 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    12. eesti(24.15 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    13. suomi(32.07 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    14. magyar(46.14 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    15. lietuvių(46.11 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    16. Malti(49.36 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    17. Nederlands(29.3 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    18. português(26.3 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    19. slovenčina(44.2 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    20. slovenščina(38.84 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    21. svenska(27.09 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - The selection process of CoR members - Procedures in the Member States - Summary
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Unlocking Business Potential, especially of SMEs

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/05/2009Autors: METIS GmbH
  • Knowledge and Innovation

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/05/2009Autors: METIS GmbH
  • Contributions of the Regional and Local Authorities to Sustainable Development Strategies

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/05/2009Autors: Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS), Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
  • - Contributions of the Regional and Local Authorities to Sustainable Development Strategies - Executive Summary

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/05/2009Autors: Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS), Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(66.03 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      - Contributions of the Regional and Local Authorities to Sustainable Development Strategies - Executive Summary
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Investing in people and modernising labour markets

    Publicēšanas datums: 23/04/2009Autors: METIS GmbH
  • The involvement of EU regions and cities in the implementation of the renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs in 2008: Climate chenge and Energy

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/04/2009Autors: Naider, Análisis y Acción Socioeconómica S.L.
  • The role of regions and cities as mentioned in the Lisbon Strategy's National Progress Reports 2008

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/02/2009Autors: METIS GmbH
  • Le processus de désignation des membres du Comité des régions. Procédures appliquées dans les Etats membres

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/10/2008Autors: l'Unité Analyse des politiques, Etudes & Programmation législative interinstitutionnelle du Comité des régions
  • Study on the Division of Powers between the European Union, the Member States and Regional and Local Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/06/2008Autors: European University Institute, Florence
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(984.39 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Study on the Division of Powers between the European Union, the Member States and Regional and Local Authorities
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Clusters and clustering policy: a guide for regional and local policy makers

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/05/2008Autors: INNO Germany AG
  • Addressing community cohesion: Good practice in equalities legislation at the local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/04/2008Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Zsolt Fórika, Philippe Lenssen and South-Transdanubian Regional Development Agency
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(506.26 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Addressing community cohesion: Good practice in equalities legislation at the local and regional level
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The use of renewable energy sources and measures to boost energy efficiency - significant contributions at local and regional level to combating climate change

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/12/2007Autors: Bio Intelligence Service S.A.S
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(5.33 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The use of renewable energy sources and measures to boost energy efficiency - significant contributions at local and regional level to combating climate change
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/2006Autors: GEPE
    Pieejamās valodas (8)
    1. français(5.89 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
    2. Deutsch(1.11 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
    3. español(1.03 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
    4. italiano(990.62 KB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
    5. polski(1.56 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
    6. Nederlands(1.03 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
    7. português(1.12 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
    8. slovenščina(1.17 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC
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  • Study on structural capacity and motivation of regions and local and regional authorities in R&D

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/2006Autors: Application Européenne de Technologies et de Services
  • Natural cross-border barriers to the development of Trans-European Transport Networks

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/09/2006Autors: OTB Research Institute, sections V&I and SRO,
  • The State of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/06/2006Temats: International cooperationAutors: Elena Gadjanova
  • The CoR and the implementation and monitoring of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/05/2006Autors: European University Institute, Florenza
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(2.02 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The CoR and the implementation and monitoring of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality
    2. Deutsch(2.12 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The CoR and the implementation and monitoring of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Sustainable Tourism as a Factor of Cohesion Among European Regions

    Publicēšanas datums: 28/02/2006Autors: Committee of the Regions
  • Human capital as a factor of growth and promotion of employment at the regional level: the case of France and Germany

    Publicēšanas datums: 30/06/2005Autors: National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
  • Decentralisation of the EU decision-making process

    Publicēšanas datums: 29/01/2005Autors: CoR
    Pieejamās valodas (5)
    1. français(1.89 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Decentralisation of the EU decision-making process
    2. Deutsch(1.97 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Decentralisation of the EU decision-making process
    3. español(2.26 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Decentralisation of the EU decision-making process
    4. italiano(1.79 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Decentralisation of the EU decision-making process
    5. polski(2.1 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Decentralisation of the EU decision-making process
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Services of General Interest in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 24/01/2005Autors: SEP-GEPE, Belgium
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(6 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Services of General Interest in Europe
    2. Deutsch(6.82 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Services of General Interest in Europe
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Procedures for local and regional authorities participation in european Policy Making in the member states

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/01/2005Autors: ISSiRFA, Italy
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(12.01 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Procedures for local and regional authorities participation in european Policy Making in the member states
    2. Deutsch(12.45 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Procedures for local and regional authorities participation in european Policy Making in the member states
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The role of regional and local authorities in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/01/2005Temats: International cooperationAutors: OGNETs, Belgium
    Pieejamās valodas (4)
    1. français(7.58 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The role of regional and local authorities in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership
    2. Deutsch(6.93 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The role of regional and local authorities in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership
    3. español(4.27 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The role of regional and local authorities in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership
    4. italiano(4.4 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The role of regional and local authorities in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Local and regional authorities and the immigration challenge

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/01/2005Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Dr. Sophia Gregou
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. français(13.27 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Local and regional authorities and the immigration challenge
    2. Deutsch(13.86 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Local and regional authorities and the immigration challenge
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/05/2004Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa Institut (Austria)
    Pieejamās valodas (10)
    1. français(7.27 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    2. Deutsch(13.48 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    3. español(12.97 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    4. italiano(12.66 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    5. dansk(6.59 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    6. ελληνικά(13.68 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    7. suomi(11.72 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    8. Nederlands(12.97 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    9. português(11.83 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    10. svenska(12.52 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      A Europe of the regions and cities: strategies and perspectives for EU enlargement (Part II on Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey)
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Governance and ICT - Innovative eGovernment actions at local and regional level

    Publicēšanas datums: 03/04/2004Autors: Comité des Régions
    Pieejamās valodas (1)
    1. Deutsch(6.89 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Governance and ICT - Innovative eGovernment actions at local and regional level
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Older people in working life

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/03/2004Autors: Comité des Régions
    Pieejamās valodas (4)
    1. français(12.4 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Older people in working life
    2. Deutsch(13.31 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Older people in working life
    3. español(13 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Older people in working life
    4. italiano(12.28 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Older people in working life
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Strengthening regional and local democracy in the European Union - Part1

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/02/2004Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Associazione “Osservatorio sul federalismo e i processi di governo” (Italy)
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(14.48 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Strengthening regional and local democracy in the European Union - Part1
    2. italiano(13.81 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Strengthening regional and local democracy in the European Union - Part1
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Strengthening regional and local democracy in the European Union - Part2

    Publicēšanas datums: 13/02/2004Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Associazione “Osservatorio sul federalismo e i processi di governo” (Italy)
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(14.7 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Strengthening regional and local democracy in the European Union - Part2
    2. italiano(13.31 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Strengthening regional and local democracy in the European Union - Part2
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Thesis competition 1996-2003

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/02/2004Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Comité des Régions
    Pieejamās valodas (2)
    1. français(7.66 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Thesis competition 1996-2003
    2. Deutsch(7.86 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Thesis competition 1996-2003
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/01/2004Autors: Committee of the Regions
    Pieejamās valodas (10)
    1. français(5.53 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    2. Deutsch(6.01 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    3. español(5.64 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    4. italiano(5.94 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    5. dansk(5.69 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    6. ελληνικά(5.88 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    7. suomi(5.53 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    8. Nederlands(5.67 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    9. português(5.43 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    10. svenska(5.32 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      The local and regional dimension in the European constitutional process
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Territorial cohesion in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/05/2003Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Study Group for European Policies (Belgium)
    Pieejamās valodas (10)
    1. français(3.1 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    2. Deutsch(3.35 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    3. español(3.22 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    4. italiano(3.1 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    5. dansk(3.2 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    6. ελληνικά(3.57 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    7. suomi(3.29 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    8. Nederlands(2.92 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    9. português(3.18 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    10. svenska(3.84 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Territorial cohesion in Europe
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 01/02/2003Autors: Unioncamere (Belgium)
    Pieejamās valodas (6)
    1. Deutsch(6 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe
    2. español(4.03 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe
    3. italiano(4.21 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe
    4. dansk(3.93 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe
    5. suomi(4.65 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe
    6. Nederlands(4.04 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe
    7. svenska(3.9 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      La dimension locale et régionale dans la création de nouvelles formes de gouvernance en Europe
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Employment, Social Policy, Environment, Transport and Vocational Training

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/11/2002Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung (Germany)
    Pieejamās valodas (6)
    1. français(8.52 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. dansk(7.6 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. ελληνικά(8.97 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. suomi(7.59 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. português(8.16 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. svenska(7.67 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy

    Publicēšanas datums: 08/09/2002Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Employment, Social Policy, Environment, Transport and Vocational Training
    Pieejamās valodas (10)
    1. français(10.3 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    2. Deutsch(8.81 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    3. italiano(10.02 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    4. dansk(7.6 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    5. ελληνικά(10.52 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    6. eesti(8.99 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    7. suomi(9.62 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    8. Nederlands(9.66 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    9. português(9.01 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    10. svenska(10.06 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Regional and Local Powers in Europe – Education and Youth, Culture, Public Health, Transeuropean Networks and Regional and Structural Policy
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/06/2002Autors: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europäischer Grenzregionen (Germany)
    Pieejamās valodas (8)
    1. français(17.54 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    2. español(11.28 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    3. italiano(11.48 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    4. dansk(10.81 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    5. ελληνικά(10.55 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    6. suomi(11.33 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    7. Nederlands(11.49 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    8. português(11.81 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Trans-European Cooperation between Territorial Authorities
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/02/2002Autors: OGM (Belgium)
    Pieejamās valodas (9)
    1. français(17.11 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    2. Deutsch(8.02 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    3. español(17.48 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    4. italiano(8.01 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    5. dansk(7.63 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    6. ελληνικά(8.37 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    7. suomi(7.91 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    8. Nederlands(13.99 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    9. português(17.75 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
      Environmentally Sound Transport Planning in Europe
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The Selection Process of CoR MembersProcedures in the Member States

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/09/2001Autors: Committee of the Regions
    Pieejamās valodas (10)
    1. français(3.17 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(3.32 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. español(2.85 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. italiano(3.15 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. dansk(2.98 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. ελληνικά(3.44 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. suomi(3.02 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    8. Nederlands(3.06 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    9. português(2.98 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    10. svenska(2.93 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Voter turnout at regional an local elections in the European Union 1990-2001

    Publicēšanas datums: 02/07/2001Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Committee of the Regions
    Pieejamās valodas (7)
    1. français(2.61 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(3.77 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. italiano(2.12 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. dansk(2.97 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. Nederlands(2.6 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. português(2.23 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. svenska(2.43 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The introduction of the Euro and its Impact on Local and Regional Authorities

    Publicēšanas datums: 04/06/2001Temats: CitizenshipAutors: European Institute of Public Administration (Spain)
  • A Europe of Regions and Cities – Strategies and Prospects for EU Enlargement

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/01/2000Autors: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung (Germany)
    Pieejamās valodas (9)
    1. français(7.27 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(7.06 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. español(6.8 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. italiano(6.35 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. dansk(6.59 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. ελληνικά(8.47 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. suomi(6.52 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    8. Nederlands(6.27 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    9. português(6.67 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    10. svenska(6.39 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The proportion of women members in regional and local parliaments and assemblies in the EU

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/11/1999Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Committee of the Regions
    Pieejamās valodas (7)
    1. français(1.4 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(1.58 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. español(1.54 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. italiano(1.65 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. ελληνικά(2.2 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. suomi(1.56 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. Nederlands(1.61 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    8. português(1.55 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Intercultural Education in the European Union – Local, regional and interregional activities

    Publicēšanas datums: 19/07/1999Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Universiteit van Gent (Belgium)
    Pieejamās valodas (10)
    1. français(3.25 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(3.23 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. español(3.1 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. italiano(3.1 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. dansk(2.46 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. ελληνικά(3.49 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. suomi(3.03 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    8. Nederlands(3.15 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    9. português(11.83 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    10. svenska(3.02 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Evaluating Quality of Life in European regions and cities

    Publicēšanas datums: 09/06/1999Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Istituto superiore di sociologia dell'Università di Milano (Italy)
    Pieejamās valodas (10)
    1. français(3.21 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(3.56 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. español(3.38 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. italiano(3.15 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. dansk(3.22 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. ελληνικά(3.53 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. suomi(3.27 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    8. Nederlands(3.36 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    9. português(3.32 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    10. svenska(3.26 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • Regional and local democracy in Europe

    Publicēšanas datums: 14/04/1999Temats: CitizenshipAutors: Cardiff University of Wales (United Kingdom)
    Pieejamās valodas (9)
    1. français(13.16 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. Deutsch(14.07 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. español(11 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. italiano(12.27 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. dansk(12.48 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. ελληνικά(14.73 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. Nederlands(13.24 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    8. português(11.9 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    9. svenska(12.59 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
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  • Preparing for EU Enlargement

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/01/1999Temats: CitizenshipAutors: OGNETs (Belgium)
    Pieejamās valodas (9)
    1. Deutsch(3.59 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    2. español(3.32 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    3. italiano(2.97 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    4. dansk(2.87 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    5. ελληνικά(3.88 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    6. suomi(3.06 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    7. Nederlands(3.07 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    8. português(3 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    9. svenska(2.92 MB-PDF)Lejupielādēt
    Meklējat citu valodu, kuras nav sarakstā?  Uzziniet, kāpēc.
  • The introduction of the Euro and its impact

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/1949
  • A Europe of Regions and Cities_162NL

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/1949
  • EN

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/1949
  • Integrated system of planning by field

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/1949
  • Integrated system of planning

    Publicēšanas datums: 31/12/1949
  • An Initial Assessment of Territorial Forward Planning/Foresight Projects in the European Union

  • The EU Funds Available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Eastern Partnership Countries

  • The EU Funds Available for Local and Regional Authorities from the Eastern Partnership Countries

  • EN

  • EU Funds for South Eastern Mediterranean Countries - Info Guide EN

  • EU Funds for South Eastern Mediterranean Countries - Info Guide FR

  • EU Funds for South Eastern Mediterranean Countries - Info Guide AR

  • How to use EU Pre-Accession Funds: Guide for the Sub-National Authorities from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

  • How to use EU Pre-Accession Funds: Guide for the Serbian Subnational Authorities

  • Creating greater synergies between European, national and subnational Budgets

  • Division of Powers between the European Union, the Member States and Local and Regional Authorities – Additional Fiscal/Budgetary Elements

  • Flagship Initiative Agenda for skills and jobs Focusing on Flexicurity

    Autors: Progress Consulting S.r.l. and Living Prospects Ltd.
  • Executive summary - Smooth Phasing-out of the Milk Quotas in the EU

  • Agenda o EGTCs' contribution to the Future of Europe debate

    Temats: Cross-border and territorial cooperation, Cohesion policy reform
  • Public investment to support long-term economic growth in the EU

    Temats: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
  • A fiscal capacity for the euro area?

  • Challenges for EU cohesion policy - Issues in the forthcoming post-2020 reform (Briefing)

    Temats: Cohesion policy reform
  • Moving cycling forward - A coordinated approach to cycling for local and regional authorities in the EU

  • Delivering the Urban Agenda for the EU (Briefing)

    Temats: Urban policy
  • EU port cities and port area regeneration (Briefing)

    Temats: Water transport
  • The effects of COVID-19 induced border closures on cross-border regions -20 case studies

  • Study - Territorial impact of migration

    Temats: Migration, asylum and integration of migrants
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