CoR in partnership with the European Commission (EC), under the Joint Technical Platform for Cooperation on the Environment, is organising a conference to promote better and more effective implementation of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives (Nature Directives) in relation to the developments of the renewable energy sector.
The conference will present tools and smart approaches that could help LRAs to meet their renewable energy objectives in compliance with the EU Nature Directives and in a sustainable way, without damaging high value nature areas and especially Natura 2000 sites. It will give an overview of the legal requirements of the aforementioned Directives - in particular the step-by-step permitting procedure under articles 6.3 and 6.4 of the Habitats Directive - and will assess the implications of projects that are likely to have negative impacts on Natura 2000 sites. It will also provide information on the possible mitigation measures that can be taken to avoid or at least minimise these impacts.
Discussions will focus on the two guidance documents recently issued by the European Commission, "The requirements for hydropower in relation to EU nature Legislation" and "Energy transmission infrastructure and EU nature legislation". Relevant elements from the 2011 guidance document "Wind energy developments and Natura 2000", currently being updated, will also be presented.
Introduction to the renewable energy policy and its goals
The permitting procedure under the EU Nature Directives for renewable energy developments that may affect Natura 2000 sites and protected species
- Sabien LEEMANS
Key challenges in reconciling renewable energy and nature conservation objectives in the EU
- Sylvia BAROVA
Introduction to the guidance document on Energy transmission infrastructure and EU nature legislation
A good practice example
- Olivier FEIX
The energy transmission sector and the EU nature legislation
- Christina PANTAZI
Introduction to the guidance document on The requirements for hydropower in relation to EU nature Legislation
- Gerd FRIK
A good practice example
The hydro power sector and the EU nature legislation
- Christina PANTAZI
Introduction to the guidance document on Wind energy developments and Natura 2000
An approach on cumulative effect assessment of offshore wind park development in the Netherlands
- Pierre TARDIEU
The wind energy sector and EU nature legislation