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Community-led Local Development and Smart Villages as Innovative Tools for Effective Development of the Rural Areas  

​​The seminar in Lednice will bring together representatives of the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission, as well as of ELARD and local development projects funded and supported by EU programmes (LAGs). Together, they will celebrate the launch of the Czech Rural Pact as well as take a closer look at rural development and remedying disparities between European regions through financial and practical instruments. They will additionally delve into the question rural development and how innovation and knowledge exchange can give the appropriate tools to local communities to contribute to a better quality of life in across the EU's rural areas.

The seminar will be an opportunity to discuss current EU funding opportunities and instruments for rural development, such as the LEADER/CLLD Programme, which connects local communities across the EU to exchange knowledge and best practices, or the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). This event will offer the chance to take stock of current use of the available tools in order to best foresee and plan the implementation of new instruments and policies, such as the Rural Pact, launched earlier this year, or renewed Smart Villages initiatives.

The final session of the seminar will be dedicated to current local projects supported by EU programmes in Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia Spain. Members of local consortia will present their successes and challenges in delivering rural development in their communities, and provide insight on the best methods of implementing such projects.

We encourage the stakeholders interested to attend the seminar to register on the following link:

​​​Please note that the CoR will not be able to cover travel expenses nor to refund any costs that may occur for attending this event.​

Streaming of the session (in EN)

Contact Person: NAT Commission
Organizer: NAT Commission
Email: NAT Commission
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