The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is drafting an opinion on "Sustainable Europe by 2030: Follow-up to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, ecological transition and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change". This opinion follows the European Commission Reflection Paper "Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030" and focuses on the transition towards a low-carbon, climate-neutral, resource-efficient and biodiverse Europe.
To discuss the topic of the opinion, Sirpa HERTELL (FI/EPP), CoR rapporteur, member of the municipal council of Espoo, would be delighted to meet local and regional stakeholders on:
Tuesday, 9 April 2019 from 2.30 to 4.00 pm
(Registration will start at 2.00 pm)
in the Committee of the Regions building
(Rue Belliard 101, B-1040 Brussels)
Room JDE53
The meeting will be held in Finnish and English
(active interpretation available in EN and FI)
The CoR rapporteur has prepared a Working Document, which can be found here (in English).
The rapporteur strives for the highest possible quality input and widest range of different views for her opinion and we believe your expertise will greatly contribute to achieving this objective.
The rapporteur proposes the questions for debate following the points of the working document:
1. Evaluation of the reflection paper
2. Towards sustainable Europe 2030: the path to follow
3. Elements for a Sustainable Europe by 2030:
- Resource-efficient Europe;
- Low-carbon and climate-neutral economy – Paris Agreement;
- Bio-diverse economy and bio-diverse life;
- Socially fair transition – 'No-one left behind';
- Horizontal enablers.
4. Targets and indicators
5. Subsidiarity and multi-level governance.
6. Conclusions
The adoption calendar of the opinion is as follows:
- 8 May 2019: deadline for the rapporteur to submit her draft opinion document (with political recommendations);
- 22 May 2019: deadline for ENVE members to table amendments to the text;
- 12 June 2019, CoR ENVE Commission (in Bucharest): adoption of the CoR draft opinion;
- 7-10 October 2019, CoR Plenary Session: adoption of the final CoR opinion.
Please register by Wednesday 3 April 2019 via the registration form
Information to the rapporteur and position papers are welcome at