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Lunchtime briefing - The European Investment Project Portal: helping regions and cities to successfully promote their projects  


The European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) is part of the second pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe and it serves as a bridge between worldwide investors and European project promoters, including local and regional authorities. Cities and regions are indeed major project promoters and can use this tool to raise awareness of their projects and therefore attract financing. The EIPP offers a pipeline of EU investment projects, which investors can filter according to their particular needs. Moreover, the EIPP's new version makes it easier and more convenient to submit a project online.
With speakers from DG ECFIN and Industry (FIEC), this lunchtime briefing will present the latest version of the Portal and its new features for project promoters, with a particular focus on local and regional authorities. It will also showcase examples of how local and regional projects benefited from increased visibility thanks to the EIPP.


12:30  Registration

13:00 Welcome by Bert Kuby, Head of Unit, ECON Commission, European Committee of the Regions

13:05  Presentations:

14:00  Q&A with audience

Organizer: ECON Secretariat
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