The Team Europe Partnerships Portal (TEPP) is a new platform that will support partner countries in finding innovative and effective tools to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and build inclusive and sustainable societies. The platform will create a bridge between members of Team Europe and partner countries.
It will bring a multi-stakeholder approach and actively forge partnerships with a wide range of European providers, i.e. private sector, public sector and financial organisations. Local and regional authorities are playing a major role in this framework and it would therefore be important to engage at an early stage.
On 29 March at around 17:30 there will be an occasion to preview the portal before the official launch when it will be presented at the CIVEX Commission. External stakeholders are welcome to join the meeting virtually in order to learn more about its features and ask questions.
The TEPP is already operational in a test environment available here: and can be accessed using EU login (press the login button and go to the 'my organization' tab; you will be automatically instructed to register your EU login).
The meeting will be web streamed on the following link. Should you wish to intervene, please send an e-mail to, no later than 24 March, and you will receive the speakers link on the day of the meeting at around 17:00 (30 minutes before the presentation).