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8th COTER Commission Meeting - Interactio – remote  

​​​​​​​​​The 8th meeting of the COTER commission will take place online (via Interactio) on Friday 23 April 2021 from 11:00 to 16:30 (Brussels time).

Please see attached Age​nda​.

​COTER members will be invited to discuss and vote on the following opinions:

  • The future of regional airports - Challenges and opportunities, by Rapporteur Mr. Wladyslaw ORTYL (PL/ECR) (see attached PDF's)
  • Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, by Rapporteur Mr. Robert VAN ASTEN (NL/RE)

 Members will also be invited to participate in a debate on Trans-European energy infrastructure, TEN-E and the implications on cohesion with the ENVE rapporteur Mr. Robert Sorin Negoiță (RO/PES) and MEP Zdzisław Krasnodębski (PL/ECR), EP rapporteur for the revision of the TEN-E Regulation.

The meeting will finish with the presentation and debate of the CoR study on the application of the principles of partnership and multi-level governance in cohesion policy programming 2021-2027, presente​d by Frank Holstein, Spatial Foresight (see attached PDF).

The study is now online on the CoR Studies page.

All meeting documents are available at the Members' Portal.

The link to participate in the COTER meeting as a viewer/observer is ​

General recommendations:

  • Use a stable internet connection (wired connection recommended)
  • Use Google Chrome browser
  • Use headphones​

Contact Person: COTER Secretariat
Organizer: European Committee of the Regions, COTER Commission
Roinn :