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The future of CAP after 2020 - Stakeholder consultation by Rapporteur Guillaume Cros (FR/PES)  
The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is currently working on an exploratory opinion on the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) post 2020, requested by the European Commission's Vice-President Frans Timmermans.
This opinion will feed into a communication on simplifying and modernising the CAP, which is due to be published in November 2017.

The rapporteur on the opinion, Guillaume Cros (FR/PES), Vice-President of the Occitanie regional council, together with his expert would be happy to meet with representatives of local and regional authorities and other stakeholders for a consultation and an exchange of views on this important topic for local and regional authorities.

The consultation will take place on:
8 March 2017 between 14:30 and 18:30
in the Committee of the Regions building
(Rue Belliard 99-101, B-1040 Brussels)
Room JDE 51

After an introduction by the rapporteur, the audience will be invited to exchange their views with the rapporteur.
To shape the debate, a working document will be sent in the coming days to the registered participants. Your comments and reflections will be welcomed on 8 March. Likewise, should you have any position papers relevant to the subject, be so kind to send them to us by e-mail using the address below.
The meeting will be held in French with simultaneous interpretation, allowing you to speak in English, German and Polish as well. Please note that the rapporteur's mother tongue is French.
Please note that – due to security reasons - only registered persons have access to the Committee's building.

Organizer: NAT commission
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