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25th COTER Commission Meeting  


The 25th COTER Commission meeting will take place on 23 October 2019 from 11:00 to 18:30 at the European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, Brussels, room JDE 52.

At the COTER meeting, members will be invited to discuss and adopt the following opinions:

  • The potential of the rail sector in delivering EU policy priorities, by rapporteur Pascal MANGIN (FR/EPP);
  • The challenges of metropolitan regions and their position in the future cohesion policy post 2020, by rapporteur Juraj DROBA (SK/ECR);
  • Macro-regional strategy for the Carpathian region, by rapporteur Władysław ORTYL (PL/ECR).

Members will also have the opportunity to hear a presentation on the ESPON targeted analysis on cross-border public services conducted with the support of AEBR.​



Organizer: COTER secretariat
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