
Euroopa Regioonide Komitee koostab igal aastal mitmeid digitaalseid väljaandeid voldikutest värvitrükis brošüürideni, et toetada komitee liikmete õigusloomealast tegevust. Need väljaanded on mõeldud nii laiale avalikkusele kui ka kohalikele ja piirkondlikele omavalitsustele. Nende eesmärk on suurendada veelgi teadlikkust ELi poliitika olulistest arengutest ja komitee tegevusest.

Sellelt lehelt leiab digitaalsel kujul brošüürid, mille komitee avaldab lisaks ka trükituna.

Eraldi veebileht on pühendatud ka komitee visuaalsele identiteedile ja logole.

Browse by year:​​​​​​

  • Socioeconomic structural change in Europe's coal regions

    Socioeconomic structural change in Europe's coal regions
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 09/10/2019Teema: Industrial policy, Energy efficiency, market and technology, Climate change policy, Investment policyAutor: Commission for Economic Policy
  • CohesionAlliance fact sheet

    CohesionAlliance fact sheet
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 07/10/2019Teema: Cohesion policy reform, Multi-annual financial framework (MFF), Territorial cohesion, European Structural and Investment FundsAutor: Directorate for Communication
  • Network of Regional Hubs for EU Policy Implementation Review

    Network of Regional Hubs for EU Policy Implementation Review
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 01/10/2019Teema: EU communication policy, Multi-level governance and devolution, Subsidiarity and proportionality, REFIT and better law-makingAutor: Commission for Economic Policy
  • REGI-COTER, Reinforcing Cohesion through Political Cooperation

    REGI-COTER, Reinforcing Cohesion through Political Cooperation
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 19/09/2019Teema: Cohesion policy reform, EU annual budget, Cross-border and territorial cooperation, European Structural and Investment Funds, Financial instruments for cohesion, Multi-annual financial framework (MFF), Territorial cohesion, Urban policyAutor: Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy
  • From local to European

    From local to European
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 13/09/2019Teema: Future of Europe, Multi-level governance and devolution, CitizenshipAutor: Directorate for Communication
  • European Regional Social Scoreboard

    European Regional Social Scoreboard
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 12/09/2019Teema: Demographic change, Employment, Labour mobility, Social economyAutor: The Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture
  • Network of Regional Hubs for EU Policy Implementation Review - Report

    Network of Regional Hubs for EU Policy Implementation Review - Report
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 12/09/2019Teema: EU communication policy, Multi-level governance and devolution, REFIT and better law-makingAutor: Commission for Economic Policy
  • The European Committee of the Regions and the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    The European Committee of the Regions and the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 27/06/2019
    Saadaolevad keeled (2)
    1. suomi(1.99 MB-PDF)Laadi alla
      Euroopan alueiden komitea ja Suomen EU-puheenjohtajuus
    2. svenska(2.01 MB-PDF)Laadi alla
      Europeiska regionkommittén och Finlands EU-ordförandeskap
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  • Making Industrial Policy in Europe more Place-Based

    Making Industrial Policy in Europe more Place-Based
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 26/06/2019Teema: Industrial policyAutor: Commission for Economic Policy
  • Working together to bring the EU closer to its citizens

    Working together to bring the EU closer to its citizens
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 07/06/2019Teema: Future of EuropeAutor: Directorate for Communication
    Saadaolevad keeled (2)
    1. français(1.19 MB-PDF)Laadi alla
      Travailler ensemble pour rapprocher l’Union européenne de ses citoyens
    2. Deutsch(1.2 MB-PDF)Laadi alla
      Working together to bring the EU closer to its citizens
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  • The European Committee of the Regions and the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

    The European Committee of the Regions and the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 14/03/2019Teema: Future of Europe, Cohesion policy reform, Sustainable developmentAutor: Directorate for Communication
    Saadaolevad keeled (1)
    1. română(3.13 MB-PDF)Laadi alla
      Comitetul European al Regiunilor și a României Președinția Consiliul Uniunii Europene
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  • CohesionAlliance EU-wide support for a strong cohesion policy for every region

    CohesionAlliance EU-wide support for a strong cohesion policy for every region
    Avaldamise kuupäev: 11/03/2019Teema: Cohesion policy reform, European Structural and Investment Funds, Financial instruments for cohesion, Multi-annual financial framework (MFF), Territorial cohesionAutor: #CohesionAlliance
  • Final report Reflecting on Europe

    Avaldamise kuupäev: 01/03/2019
    Saadaolevad keeled (2)
    1. français(3.39 MB-PDF)Laadi alla
      Rapport Final Réflexions sur l’Europe
    2. Deutsch(2.61 MB-PDF)Laadi alla
      Ergebnisbericht Nachdenken über Europa
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