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126th CoR plenary session  

The members of the European Commitee of the Regions met in the 126th plenary session.

Thirteen opinions and one resolution were on the agenda of this plenary session.

On the first day Mr Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affair, Taxation and Customs, gave a speech. A debate with members on the likely impact of Brexit for the local and regional authorities in the EU will also took place.

On the seconf day, Ms Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for competition, took the floor.

The list of opinions which were adopted during the November plenary session:

Reflection Paper on the Deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union by 2025, rapporteur Mr Christophe Rouillon (FR/PES)

The role of waste-to-energy in the circular economy, rapporteur Ms Kata Tűttö (HU/PES)

Legal acts providing for the use of the regulatory procedure with scrutiny, rapporteur Mr François Decoster (FR/ALDE)

EU Citizenship Report 2017, rapporteur Mr Guillermo Martínez Suárez (ES/PES)

Action Plan for a Maritime Strategy in the Atlantic area Delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, rapporteur Mr Jerry Lundy (IE/ALDE)

Deinstitutionalisation in Care systems at local and regional level, rapporteur Mr Xamuel Gonzalez Westling (SE/PES)

Revitalisation of rural areas through Smart Villages, rapporteur Mr Enda Stenson (IE/EA)

Work-life balance for parents and carers, rapporteur Ms Nathalie Sarrabezolles (FR/PES)

Modernising school and higher education, rapporteur Mr Csaba Borboly (RO/EPP)

The European Commission Report on Competition Policy 2016, rapporteur Mr Michael Murphy (IE/EPP)

Local and regional perspective on promoting public sector innovation via digital solutions, rapporteur mr Frank Cecconi (FR/ALDE)

Towards a European Agenda for Housing, rapporteur Mr Hicham Imane (BE/PES)

The implementation of macro-regional strategies, rapporteur Mr Raffaele Cattaneo (IT/EPP)

The Resolution on the European Commission's Work Programme 2018 was also adopted.


Organizer: Committee of the Regions
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