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121st CoR plenary session  
The members of the European Committee of the Regions met in the 121st plenary session.
Sixteen opinions were on the agenda of this plenary session.
On the first day, Hon. Ian Borg, MP - Parliamentary Secretary for the EU Funds and 2017 Presidency presented the priorities of the Maltese Presidency, and Mr Vazil Hudak, Vice-President of the EIB, intervened during the discussion of the opinion "Bridging the investment gap: how to tackle the challanges".
On Friday, Mr Philip Hogan, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, shared its views with CoR members.
The list of opinions which were adopted during the February plenary session:
The "Resolution on the 60th anniversary of the signature of the Rome Treaty" and the "Resolution on the Annual Growth Survey 2017" were also adopted by the plenary session 



Organizer: Committee of the Regions
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