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Covenant of Mayors – STRATEGIC FORESIGHT SESSION - City Greening!  

This first-ever Strategic Foresight session for members of the Committee of the Regions is reserved to Board Members and the National Ambassadors of the European Covenant of Mayors, and will be exploring two contrasting future scenarios, over a 20 years' time horizon, in order to encourage constructive conversations between participants, leading to new perspectives in transitioning to greener and climate-neutral cities.

Strategic Foresight supports the Commission's Work Programme as part of the revised Better Regulation Agenda. Major policy initiatives should be informed by strategic foresight, ensuring that EU policies draw on a clear understanding of future trends and emerging issues, possible scenarios and related challenges and opportunities. Embedding strategic foresight in EU policymaking will help establish more pro-active and anticipatory policies.

The meeting will be hosted online. The connection to the meeting will be sent to the participants only. The meeting will be held in English, with possible language support in FR, IT, ES, PT, HR. 

Proposed by the Covenant of Mayors Office Europe in collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

CoR logo   Joint Research Centre logo

Organizer: ENVE secretariat
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