Stakeholder consultation Towards an 8th Environment Action Programme  



The EU Committee of the Regions (CoR) is preparing an opinion "Towards an 8th Environment Action Programme" to contribute to the EU long-term environment policy.

The rapporteur is Mr Cor Lamers, Mayor of Schiedam and Chair of the CoR Commission for Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE).

The CoR will host a Stakeholder consultation that will include debates with the audience and exchanges of best practices.

This event is being organized "back-to-back" with a workshop, part of the Stakeholder consultation on the 7th Environment Action Programme, that DG Environment of the European Commission has planned for the afternoon of 21 June at the CoR.


For information on the workshop of DG Environment please contact:

Contact Person: ENVE Secretariat
Organizer: CoR ENVE Commission and DG ENV, European Commission
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