Successful political launch of the Network of Regional Hubs at the 8th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Bucharest on 15 March 2019, attended by CoR president Karl-Heinz Lambertz and CoR first vice-president Markku Markkula as well as political representatives of the hubs.
- CoR president Karl-Heinz Lambertz, welcomed the many political representatives of the network's member regions. He paid tribute to the work of the Task Force on Subsidiarity and pointed out that regions and cities have unique and valuable experience in implementing EU policies and that the network is the instrument to integrate that experience in EU policy making. He confirmed he is confident that the network's implementation reports will have real impact on the EU's policy making.
- In a recorded video message, EU Commission vice-president Timmermans welcomed the launch of the network and expressed his hope that the network's reports can feed into the Commission's impact assessments and evaluations with first-hand knowledge and experience from those having to implement EU law in their daily work.
- The governor of Carinthia (Austria), Peter Kaiser, pointed out that the regional hubs should not only focus their work on EU-institutions but also proactively approach society and citizens.
- Catiuscia Marini, president of the Umbria Region (Italy), was also present. She said that this project should first and foremost improve the relationship between European and regional legislation, and consequently improve and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of interventions in the territories, both for the benefit of the business system and for the citizens themselves.
- Francois Decoster, vice-president of the Hauts-de-France Region (France), stressed in his statement the prominent role of the members of the regional hubs network in the practical application of the principle of active subsidiarity, where they could contribute with their experience to improve EU legislation.