Investing in cities and regions:
Trends, lessons and opportunities in the programming period 2021-27
Tuesday 4th July 2023 – 10:00-12:30 – CoR, Room JDE 51
Pre-pandemic, a decade of fiscal austerity in many Member States has left a legacy of investment gaps across the EU, in addition to new investment needs arising from the digital and green transition. With the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the new cohesion policy funding for 2021-2027, there are opportunities to tackle the investment gaps in cities and regions while investing for the future in greening and digitalising our territories.
There is an important cohesion aspect to investment gaps and barriers. Different types of regions have different investment needs. For example, municipalities in less affluent regions tend to have more investment gaps in basic infrastructure, notably transport and water and waste utilities. Further, gaps in healthcare and affordable housing are most severe in the less affluent regions. Moreover, the proximity to the war in Ukraine, dependency on fossil fuels, and the energy intensity of production are factors that increase risk to social and regional cohesion. These are just some of the findings of the EIB Investment Report 2023 and the EIB Municipality Survey, which present trends, lessons and opportunities for investment in cohesion regions in 2021-2027.
This workshop is hosted by the European Committee of the Regions and organised in cooperation with the European Investment Bank. It aims to share findings from the latest EIB Surveys, to exchange with cities and regions on the trends in investment needs in different territories, and discuss opportunities available for tailored financing and advisory services for cities and regions in the new programming period 2021-2027.
You can watch the webstreaming recording below: