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14th ECON Commission Meeting  

The ECON commission held its 14th meeting in Brussels on 22 June 2017.

Discussion and adoption of the draft opinion on The services package: A services economy that works for Europeans by Rapporteur Jean-Luc VANRAES (Opinion Number: CDR 1195/2017) is foreseen for the morning session. Members will have the opportunity to exchange their views over this legislative package with MEP Andreas SCHWAB, European Parliament's Rapporteur on the EP report on the proposal for a directive on a proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions, and MEP Sergio GUTIÉRREZ PRIETO, European Parliament's Rapporteur on the EP report on the proposal for the directive on services in the internal market, laying down a notification procedure for authorisation schemes and requirements related to services.

An exchange of views on the working document by Rapporteur Michael MURPHY (Opinion number: CDR 1265/2017) on The European Commission Report on Competition Policy 2016 will follow, counting with the participation of Mr Gert-Jan KOOPMAN, European Commission DG COMP Deputy Director-General for State Aid.

In the afternoon, the ECON commission will welcome Mr Carsten BERMIG, Commissioner Bienkowska's Cabinet Member, and Professor Iain BEGG, Professional Research Fellow at London School of Economics and Political Science, in order to discuss the European Commission's Reflection Paper on Harnessing Globalisation and ways to strengthen territorial resilience and empower regions and cities to face globalization.


Organizer: ECON Secretariat
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