Mr Witold Stępień, Marshal of the Łódzkie Region and member of the CoR will host a selected group of the ENVE commission members in Łódź, Poland in the framework of the study visit "The role of the local government in development of a circular economy".
This event aims at presenting various aspects of circular economy implemented in the Łódzkie Region by scientists and entrepreneurs, with the participation of representatives of non-governmental organizations and administrative support.
The study visit is an opportunity to show an unprecedented example of cooperation between quadruple helix actors, inspired by the regional authority, thanks to the involvement of Łódzkie Region in the project "Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions" SCREEN.
Many bottom-up initiatives in the field of environmental protection, bio-economy, renewable energy sources or eco-innovation have been inspired by the European Commission support, provided by the Horizon 2020 Program and international cooperation with the partners from the regions, where awareness of the necessity of conducting a resource and energy efficient economy, based on the principle of 3 R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) is at a much higher level.
The circular economy theme and cooperation of different actors, animated by the regional authority, allows for creation of further ideas and project consortia, including those related to the development of optimal models for supporting innovative solutions, leading to the increase of the competitiveness of the economy and ensuring an efficient financing mechanism.
In addition, the educational and pro-environmental dimension of the carried out activities allows us to create a new quality in social contacts and further activation of local communities for the development of circular economy ideas.
This is especially important for entrepreneurs, for whom implementation of the "circular" business models can bring a number of real benefits related to the changes in the organization of the production and distribution process, as well as consumers who, thanks to their conscious attitude and purchasing decisions, will be able to support products and services of the environmental - friendly companies.
The full programme will available soon.