The 17th NAT commission meeting will take place on Thursday 30 March 2023 at the European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, Brussels room JDE 52.
This meeting will be fully on-site. The public can follow the meeting in the listening room JDE53 (11:00-13:00) and JDE70 (from 14:30-17:00). For security reasons you need contact the NAT secretariat at the latest on the 28 March 2023 if you wish to participate in person. This meeting is also being Webstreamed.
All meeting documents are available through the CoR Members' Portal.
Highlights of the meeting on 30 March 2023.
The following opinions will be discussed and adopted:
Exchange of views:
- Preparing for and dealing with crises: strengthening the resilience of the Union, its regions and cities
Rapporteur: Christophe CLERGEAU (FR/PES)
We experience more and more frequent and complex disasters. Cities, regions and countries are resilient when they are able to cope with, adapt and recover quickly from the impact of these disasters and emergencies. To effectively deal with crises, the EU needs a cross-cutting and systemic approach to ramp up prevention and preparedness efforts leading to strengthened overall resilience to crisis.
The opinion will aim to strengthen the still largely unacknowledged role of cities and regions in the EU crisis preparedness and management policies, analysing the existing EU actions and measures, looking at the vulnerabilities of EU regions and cities and the risks that they face, and making proposals to strengthen their resilience.
- Legislative framework for Sustainable food systems
Rapporteur: Joke Schauvliege (BE/EPP)
F2F Strategy announced a horizontal framework law to ensure policy coherence at the EU and national level and mainstream sustainability in all food-related policies to strengthen the resilience of food systems, accelerate green transition while ensuring that food placed on the EU market become sustainable. Members of the NAT commission will be looking into possible scope and building blocks of the framework law ahead of its publication foreseen in the second half of the 2023.