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European Commission fostering collaboration among EER regions  

​The European Commission is currently implementing a project 'Fostering collaboration through mapping, analysing and interlinking of European Entrepreneurial Regions'. The project was launched in 2019 to strengthen the impact of existing start-up and scale-up support actions by building on the EER initiative's experience. It fosters the development and implementation of collaborative action plans to support scale-ups and entrepreneurs according to thematic priorities. 

Peer-to-peer exchange programme – apply now!

The consortium in charge of the project has recently published a Call for Expression of Interest for entrepreneurs and business support organisations' representatives who would like to take part in a EER peer-to-peer exchange programme.

The EER Peer-to-peer exchange scheme is a mobility exchange program to foster the sharing of best practices, experience and knowledge among entrepreneurs from EER labelled regions.

More information can be found in the enclosed PDF file​. Deadline for applications is 28 February 2020. Only regions currently participating in the project are eligible to respond to the call. 

Background information

More information about the implementation of the project can be found in the recent EER newsletter.

Phase 1 of the project started in 2019 with 10 EER regions (North Brabant, Catalonia, Île-de-France, Lower Austria, Lombardy, Flanders, Marché, North Western Ireland, Central Macedonia and Western Greece). Following a series of workshops, participating regions have formed clusters working on several identified areas for collaboration.​

The project has recently been extended by the European Commission and, following a call for expression of interest, 8 new EER regions are expected to join the phase 2 of the project that will begin in spring 2020.​​​


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