The debate on the future of Cohesion Policy has already started, and we need to come together to make sure it will continue as the EU's biggest investment policy, supporting the development of regions and cities.
We need to remind all EU and national decision-makers of the indispensable role that Cohesion Policy plays in the European integration process. The need to show that cohesion is a fundamental value of the European Union is more pressing than ever!
After the successful campaign to secure a central role for Cohesion Policy in the 2021-27 EU long-term budget – which brought together more than 12 000 signatories, 140 regions, 137 cities and counties, 50 associations of regional and local governments, many Members of the European Parliament and 35 EU sectoral associations –
#CohesionAlliance is now ready for a new challenge!
Last October, we set the Alliance on a
new course with the declaration "
The future of Cohesion Policy starts now " to make Cohesion Policy stronger, simpler, result-oriented and fit for Europe's long-term challenges.
In the coming months, the #CohesionAlliance will organise debates, launch new consultations and collect stories from every corner of Europe to demonstrate the added value of Cohesion Policy for the EU. And for this, we hope to count on your support and engagement!
Do you want to be part of it?
If you want to stay up to date with all the activities of the #CohesionAlliance and the latest development on cohesion policy, you can sign up to receive the new #CohesionAlliance newsletter.
We also look forward to seeing you at the first public event of the new #CohesionAlliance, taking place on 16 March in Brussels and online, where we will launch the reflection process on the future of Cohesion Policy. Be sure not to miss it by
signing up now!
Let's work together for a stronger Cohesion Policy in the future!
Cohesion policy: what's going on?
There may still be some way to go until the end of the 2021-2027 programming period, but the debate on the future of Cohesion Policy post-2027 has already been triggered, following the presentation of the
8th Cohesion report last year.
The European Commission has recently established a
Group of High-level Specialists on the future of Cohesion Policy with the aim of reflecting on how to maximise the effectiveness of the policy while tackling the multiple challenges identified in the 8th Cohesion Report, from the innovation divide to the demographic change. The Group will meet in Brussels nine times throughout 2023 and will put forward its conclusions in early 2024. It is expected that these findings will then be reflected in the forthcoming 9th Cohesion report, which will also be presented in spring 2024. The first meeting of the Group took place on 31 January 2023 and discussed the role of Cohesion Policy in the context of the challenges faced by European integration and the development of the European Growth Model. The second meeting is scheduled for 9 March 2023: it will look into enhancing the resilience of regions in the face of emerging challenges. More information on the Group can be found on the
The European Committee of the Regions has started its political debate on the matter as well. In addition to the two ongoing opinions, on the "Do no harm to cohesion" principle (rapporteur:
Michiel Rijsberman, Member of the Council of the Province of Flevoland – NL) and on the Multiannual Financial Framework mid-term review (rapporteur:
Thomas Habermann, District Commissioner of Rhön-Grabfeld - DE), the CoR has just decided to draw up an opinion on The future of Cohesion policy post-2027. The CoR President
Vasco Alves Cordeiro and the Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget
Emil Boc will be the co-rapporteurs for this opinion, which will allow the CoR to put forward its political recommendations on the matter in advance of the 9th Cohesion Report.
What? 'Cohesion as a bridge to a united and fairer Europe'
When? 16 March 2023.
The new #CohesionAlliance organizes its first high-level event in 2023 which launches the reflection process on the future of Cohesion Policy. The meeting is divided into two parts:
- a political debate on the challenges and opportunities facing Cohesion policy and its future with leading representatives of the #CohesionAlliance partners.
- a number of discussions with experts on how the "Do no harm to cohesion" principle can be implemented.
Check out
here details and agenda.
And don't forget to
fill the registration form
before 10 March 2023 at 12:00 CET.
Good to know
What do the trolleybuses in the Otsravian metropolitan area (Czech Republic), the local food businesses in Ljubljana Urban Region (Slovenia) and the traditional dance festival in Saint-Gervais-d'Auvergne (France) have in common? They all benefited from European Cohesion Policy through Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) or Community-Led-Local Development (CLLD).
They are the main mechanisms used to implement European Cohesion Policy funding in an integrated and place-based manner. Using these tools to implement Cohesion Policy funds is a guarantee that local governments and local stakeholders will be closely associated in the design, implementation and monitoring of the EU funds they receive.
On paper, ITI and CLLD are outstanding tools for local and regional governments... But how do they translate in practice?
To know more,
check out the study by CEMR-CCRE in
English or in