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Heroes Beyond Boundaries  

​For creative minds and artists, and more in general for talented people, a more connected Europe is a great opportunity to share and convey ideas and ferments and to stimulate innovation, cultural identity and moral values. Giulio DE VITA is an example of “individual” Cultural and Creative Industry who keeps strong bonds with his roots but with an open vision to the world.
The theme of the comic artworks exposed, focused on heroes drama among whom Tex Willer is the most prominent; it epitomizes the heroic journey of European citizens in their research of personal, social, economic accomplishment and the landscapes in the background are often inspired by the diversity of the Friuli Venezia Giulia landscapes.


LIMITED ACCESS : For security reasons, exhibitions in the CoR are only accessible to visitors carrying a badge granting them permanent access to the CoR (e.g. EU officials), or carrying a special badge as a participant to another event (conference or meeting) held on the CoR premises. No access will be granted to external visitors who do not carry a relevant badge. To obtain such a badge, you must be either an EU official or a registered participant at one of the activities or events taking place in the CoR.

Organizer: Giulio De Vita and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region
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