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All EU needs is You(th)  

Join the trainees of the European Committee of the Regions at their conference "All EU needs is You(th)"

What: All EU needs is You(th) Conference
When: 3 July 
Where: European Committee of the Regions
How: Just use the following link: 

Deadline: 22 June!

The conference is part of the y-factor project which aims at bringing young people closer to EU affairs by contributing to the Reflecting on Europe initiative

During the first part of the project, trainees are listening and debating about Europe in 8 high-schools of 6 EU Member States in the form of interactive workshops.

The debate will continue at the conference by looking at the following topics: 
• Strengthening Europe’s image in the regions
• Creating a new narrative for a common identity
• Tackling economic challenges for the youth
• Addressing environmental challenges from a local youth perspective.

The result of the collected outcomes from both workshops and conference will be put together in the form of a mock opinion for the European Committee of the Regions which aims at rethinking the approach to European youth and the communication of the EU to the youth. 

We believe that the youth should have a bigger voice in EU policy making, so join us in getting a bit closer towards achieving that aim and apply until 20 June by using the link above or our "Conference Application" tab. 

We are looking forward to your applications!



After the conference an article was published HERE:

A report on the project: Y-Factor Final Report.pdfY-Factor Final Report.pdf

Also, please find our results compounded in the leaflets below:



Organizer: Y-Factor
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