The CoR Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC) will hold its 13th meeting on March 31, 2017.
The SEDEC members will adopt three opinions:
• Social innovation as a new tool for creating growth and jobs (rapporteur Marcelle Hendrickx, NL/ALDE)
• Local and Regional dimension of Bioeconomy and the role of regions and cities (rapporteur Katrin Budde, DE/PES)
• Investing in Europe's youth and in the European Solidarity Corps (rapporteur Pawel Grzybowski, PL/ECR)
Three other opinions are in discussion:
• Coordination of Social Security Systems (rapporteur Ulrike Hiller (DE/PES)
• Building a European Data Economy (rapporteur Kieran McCarthy, IE/EA)
• Local and Regional Dimension of Horizon 2020 and the New Framework Programme (rapporteur Christophe Clergeau, FR/PES)