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13th SEDEC Commission Meeting  
The CoR Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC) will hold its 13th  meeting on March 31, 2017.
The SEDEC members will adopt three opinions:
• Social innovation as a new tool for creating growth and jobs (rapporteur Marcelle Hendrickx, NL/ALDE)
• Local and Regional dimension of Bioeconomy and the role of regions and cities (rapporteur Katrin Budde, DE/PES)
• Investing in Europe's youth and in the European Solidarity Corps (rapporteur Pawel Grzybowski, PL/ECR)
Three other opinions are in discussion:
• Coordination of Social Security Systems (rapporteur Ulrike Hiller (DE/PES)
• Building a European Data Economy (rapporteur Kieran McCarthy, IE/EA)
• Local and Regional Dimension of Horizon 2020 and the New Framework Programme (rapporteur Christophe Clergeau, FR/PES)

Organizer: SEDEC Secretariat
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