A regions' debate taking place in Bolzano on 17 March is the first "Reflecting on Europe debate" jointly supported by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Italian Conference of Presidents of Regional Parliaments in the context of the mentioned CoR campaign "Reflecting on Europe".
The event represents the kick off of the "Reflecting on Europe" campaign in Italy by the Italian Conference of Presidents of Regional parliaments.
The main objective of the debate is to listen to the citizens and report back to the EU institutions in Brussels in order to contribute to the ongoing reflection on the future of Europe. The citizens' feedback will be collected during the event in Bolzano via a CoR online survey. The key topics of the debate are related to the recently presented White paper on the Future of Europe, focused on: cohesion policy, transregional cooperation; EU territorial investments; democratic deficit, citizenship rights; integration of migrants, EU after Brexit. Watch the live webstreaming here from 10:00 on 17 March 2017:
"Reflecting on Europe" is an initiative launched by the European Committee of the Regions to offer a space for citizens to present their ideas, thoughts and opinions on what the European Union should be. In this context, regional and local authorities are asked to engage in a dialogue with their citizens and to collect feedback on their concerns, thoughts and ideas about the future of the EU. The CoR takes the commitment to make citizens' voices heard and to take into account their input in shaping the on-going political debate on the future of Europe.