Europe Day 

© European Union / Fred Guerdin

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Europe Day t​akes place each year on 9 May and celebrates peace and unity in Europe, recognising the EU's achievements and looking to the future. 

It marks the anniversary of the 'Schuman declaration', the beginning of what is now the European Union.​​​​


EU Open Day

On Saturday 4 May 2024, the EU institutions in Brussels opened their doors to the public. More than 1300 visitors came to the European Committee of the Regions premises 
to learn more about the institution that represents regions and cities in the EU and what regional and local elected politicians do for them.

Interactive stands presented - the role and activities of the European Committee of the Regions and its political groups - as well as the CoR's 30th anniversary milestone. CoR members met the public and presented their point of view on different topics, answered questions and talked about their personal experience as politicians representing citizens in the EU.  

Visitors experienced the diversity of cultures and traditions at the Festival of regions and cities where regions and cities showcased projects, skills and offered tastings of regional products. Magic acts, an atypical quiz on how much you know about the EU with prizes, a photobooth for your souvenir of the day, a colourful exhibition on the upcoming EU elections, bricolage for children and much more - completed the event.  

This year's floor plan can be viewed here.

To have a look at our picture gallery please click here 

The data protection notice about the processing of personal data by the European Committee of the Regions on EU Open Day can be found here. ​


Мултимедийни материали

Apostolos Tzitzikostas pays tribute to Ukraine on Europe Day (09/05/2022)


On Europe Day, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of the Committee of the Regions pays tribute to Ukraine and its people. He condemns the atrocities committed against innocent men, women and elected local leaders. It also speaks to the stronger role that local and regional leaders now have in the European Union, in order to work for a greener, fairer and more cohesive Europe. A Europe closer to the people. #EuropeDay #StandWithUkraine​

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