National Delegation 

National Delegation of Belgium

​The Belgian delegation consists of 12 members and an e​quivalent number of alt​ernates.

Members are appointed by decision of the respective governments of each of the Belgian regions and communities, after an agreement has been reached on the number of members and alternates to be allocated to each one.


Appointing the del​egation

Belgium's three linguistic communities are therefore represented. Proposals are put forward by the Minister-Presidents, generally in cooperation with the ministers for international relations of each government. The majority of the Belgian members are members of either the governments or the parliaments of the regions and communities. Some members, i.e. the mayors, represent the local authorities.

Other usefu​​l information

All members of the Belgian delegation are expected to meet during CoR plenary sessions in order to coordinate, as effectively as possible, each member's work and to ensure the dissemination of relevant information. There is also cooperation with the federal units' Permanent Representations to the European Union.


andries.gryffroy@n-va.beLeuvenseweg 86
1000 Bruxelles - Brussel


  • Jérèmy BRICQ
    Jérèmy BRICQ  
    + 32 2 421 82 65
    +32 494 40 14 92
    j.bricq@wbi.beWallonie-Bruxelles International. Département Union Européenne Place Sainctelette, 2
    1080 Bruxelles
  • Asha De Zutter
    Asha De Zutter  
    +32 485 61 15 64
    asha.dezutter@n-va.beFlemish Parliament Leuvenseweg, 86
    1000 Brussels
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