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CoR delegation visits the EGTC Espacio Portalet  

Last week, the CoR Delegation visited the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Espacio Portalet that is located at the Spanish-French border. The EGTC has been implementing different projects of importance for citizens on both sides of the border boosting the economy and building relations between citizens of Spain and France.

The delegation had the opportunity to visit the cross-border tunnel in Bielsa that was renovated with the help of EU funs, and that provides an essential cross-border connection for the citizens of the region.

The Director of the EGTC, Mr Santiago Fabregas presented two additional EU funded projects that the EGTC is currently implementing. Project Inturpyr has set-up the cross-border tourist office and is creating a unique cross-border tourist offer, integrating the most interesting sights and activities from both sides of the border. The second project that was presented was Securus 1 which aims  to reduce natural risks in the regions, notably with avalanches and landslides that are common.

During the visit the delegation met with representatives of the EGTC, the Government of Aragon, the Department of Pyrenees Atlantique and the vice-mayor of city of Pau, Mr Marc Cabane.


Social media/Web from France

Social media from Spain

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