Вашку Алвъш Кордейру 

председател на Европейския комитет на регионите 

Вашку Алвъш Кордейру беше избран за председател на Европейския комитет на регионите през юни 2022 г.

Роден на 28 март 1973 г. на Азорските острови, автономен регион на Португалия и най-отдалечен регион на ЕС, Вашку Алвъш Кордейру, адвокат, женен и баща на две деца, е член на Законодателното събрание на автономния регион Азорски острови.

След дипломирането си по право в Университета в Коимбра и следдипломна квалификация по регионално право от Лисабонския университет и Университета на Азорските острови, Вашку Алвъш Кордейру започва професионалната си кариера като адвокат на Азорските острови през 1995 г., където практикува до 2003 г.

През 1996 г. е избран за пръв път за член на Законодателното събрание на автономната област Азорски острови като представител на социалистическата партия и ръководи групата на тази партия в регионалния парламент между 2000 г. и 2003 г.

Оттогава е заемал няколко поста в регионалната изпълнителна власт, включително регионален министър на икономиката (2008—2012 г.), секретар на Регионалното правителство на Азорските острови, (2004—2008 г.), отговарящ за европейските въпроси и външните работи, и регионален секретар по въпросите на земеделието и рибарството (2003—2004 г.).

През 2012 г. за пръв път е избран за председател на регионалното правителство на Азорските острови, длъжност, на която е преизбран през 2016 г., и в това си качество представлява региона на европейско и международно равнище като член на Европейския комитет на регионите, както и на организации като Конференцията на периферните и морските региони на Европа, Конференцията на председателите на най-отдалечените региони на ЕС, Асамблеята на регионите на Европа, R20 — Региони за действия в областта на климата, както и в рамките на отношенията със страните, които са приели азорски общности, включително САЩ, Канада и Бразилия. От 2014 г. до 2020 г. е председател на Конференцията на периферните морски региони в Европа.

Кордейру е лидерът на Социалистическата партия на Азорските острови от януари 2013 г.Силен поддръжник на неотложната необходимост от разглеждане на въпроса за подкрепата на гражданите за европейския проект, Вашку Алвъш Кордейру се е посветил и на укрепването на социалното, икономическото и териториалното сближаване в Европейския съюз, като се застъпва за европейски политики, които действително отговарят на интересите и амбициите на гражданите и засилват ролята на регионите като основи на вътрешната демокрация на Съюза и неговия икономически и социален напредък.

Член на Европейския комитет на регионите от 2013 г., а преди това от 2004 г. до 2008 г. като заместник-член, Кордейру е първи заместник-председател на институцията от февруари 2020 г. до юни 2022 г.


Последни новини


Моят екип

  • portrait of Jean-Paul BuffatJean-Paul BuffatHead of Cabinet
    • ​​​Strategy, coordination, management ​
    +32 2 282 2256JeanPaul.Buffat@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Anne MorinAnne MorinDeputy Head of Cabinet
    • Deputising the HoC
    • Statutory meetings
    • Inter-institutional relations
    • Political parties
    • Ukraine, enlargeme​​nt, neighborhood
    • EU presidency
    +32 475 99 94 23Anne.Morin@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Monica TiberiMonica TiberiPresident's spokesperson
    • Press and strategic communications
    • Communication lead for flagship events, such as CoR Summit, European Week of Regions and Cities, and Barometer​
    • Social media ​​
    +32 2 282 2381Monica.Tiberi@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Leandro Pereira MonteiroLeandro Pereira MonteiroMember of Cabinet
    • Green Deal
    • Sustainable developement
    • CoR Commission : NAT – ENVE
    • EU Presidency: Spain​​​
    • Administrative bodies and internal procedures​
    +32 2 282 2305Leandro.PereiraMonteiro@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of François BalateFrançois BalateMember of Cabinet
    • Future of Europe (incl. Barometer)
    • Subsidiarity
    • Youth (incl. YEP programme), education, culture
    • Relations with think tanks
    • EU presidencies: Sweden and Belgium
    • CoR Commission: CIVEX  ​​
    +32 2 282 2459Francois.Balate@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Nicolas BrookesNicolas BrookesMember of Cabinet
    • Cohesion, rural developpement
    • Cohesion alliance
    • EU budget
    • public finances, public procurement
    • financial instruments
    • economic governance and EU Semester
    • Relations with European Investment Bank and European Central Bank
    • CoR UK Contact Group
    • CoR Commission : COTER ​– ECON ​​
    +32 2 282 2241Nicolas.Brookes@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Francisco TavaresFrancisco TavaresMember of Cabinet
    • Social Europe
    • Relations with national, EU and international territorial associations and delegations
    • Foreign relations (except  Ukraine, enlargement and neighborhood)
    • Outermost regions​
    • EU presidency : Spain (support to Alessandra Antonini)
    • CoR commission : SEDEC​​
    +32 2 282 2501Francisco.Tavares@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Rita MuscatRita MuscatPersonal Assistant to the President
    • Organization of President's agenda
    • Financial matters missions
    • Protocol ​​​
    +32 2 546 9594Rita.Muscat@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Marta Vaz SilvaMarta Vaz SilvaAssistant to Head of Cabinet and to the Deputy Head of Cabinet
    • Support to HoC and Deputy HoC
    • Portuguese press (su​pport to Monica Tiberi) ​
    +32 2 282 2499MartaSofia.VazSilva@cor.europa.eu
  • portrait of Alba Romero CamachoAlba Romero CamachoAssistant to the Cabinet members
    • Logistical and policy support to cabinet members
    • Administrative support and mailing ​​​
    +32 2 282 2080Alba.RomeroCamacho@cor.europa.eu
Cabinet's photo

Мултимедийни материали

The State of Regions and Cities in the European Union


Вижте повече

  • The State of Regions and Cities in the European Union
    The State of Regions and Cities in the European Union
  • One year shaping & implementing EU policies
    One year shaping & implementing EU policies
  • Cities & Regions with Ukraine, building its future
    Cities & Regions with Ukraine, building its future
  • Ukraine, We Are On Your Side
    Ukraine, We Are On Your Side
  • The International Summit of Cities and Regions in Kyiv (English version)
    The International Summit of Cities and Regions in Kyiv (English version)
  • The International Summit of Cities and Regions in Kyiv (Ukrainian language version)
    The International Summit of Cities and Regions in Kyiv (Ukrainian language version)
  • Working Group on Ukraine and the Conference of Presidents met in Gdańsk
    Working Group on Ukraine and the Conference of Presidents met in Gdańsk
  • President of the European Committe of the Regions, Vasco Cordeiro, intervening at the Ukraine Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
    President of the European Committe of the Regions, Vasco Cordeiro, intervening at the Ukraine Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
  • Vasco Cordeiro speaking at the Expert Conference on the Recovery Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine
    Vasco Cordeiro speaking at the Expert Conference on the Recovery Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine
  • Vasco Cordeiro answering a question at the Expert Conference on the Recovery Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine
    Vasco Cordeiro answering a question at the Expert Conference on the Recovery Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine
  • The State of Regions and Cities in the European Union
    The State of Regions and Cities in the European Union
  • Press conference by Vasco Alv​​es Cordeiro, newly-elected CoR President
    Press conference by Vasco Alv​​es Cordeiro, newly-elected CoR President
  • Speech by Vasco Alves Cordeiro, newly-elected CoR President
    Speech by Vasco Alves Cordeiro, newly-elected CoR President


Минали събития

  1. 18/4/2024 : 14:30 (CET)
    Opening of the Conference "Social innovation for zero long-term unemployment - towards an EU-wide response" with European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Right, Nicolas Schmit
    Местоположение: Rue Van Maerlant 2, 1040 Brussels, VMA 21
  2. 18/4/2024 : 14:00 (CET)
    Opening of the Zero Pollution Stakeholders Platform Meeting
    Местоположение: Brussels
  3. 17/4/2024 : 08:30 (CET)
    Meeting with the Heads of the Committee of the Regions National Delegations
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Belgium
  4. 16/4/2024 : 18:00 (CET)
    Bureau Meeting
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Belgium
  5. 16/4/2024 : 16:00 (CET)
    Conference of the Presidents
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Belgium
  6. 16/4/2024 : 14:30 (CET)
    Bureau Meeting of the PES Group of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Belgium
  7. 12/4/2024 : 14:45 (CET)
    9th Cohesion Forum – 4th panel debate: Which EU cohesion policy for the future?
    Местоположение: The SQUARE, Brussels Convention Centre, Mont des Arts, 1000 Brussels
  8. 20/3/2024 : 15:30 (CET)
    Signing Ceremony of the European Commission – European Committee of the Regions "Cooperation Agreement" with European Commission Executive Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Belgium
  9. 19/3/2024 : 16:00 (CET)
    Plenary Session – Democracy and values: Ceremony for the Mayor Pawel Adamowicz Award
    Местоположение: Doudou Plenary Room, Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium
  10. 19/3/2024 : 14:55 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Ukraine Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  11. 19/3/2024 : 13:30 (CET)
    Agora Ukraine: Ensuring a decentralised reconstruction process for Ukraine
    Местоположение: Doudou Plenary Room, Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium
  12. 19/3/2024 : 11:30 (CET)
    Plenary Session - Adoption of the Summit Declaration
    Местоположение: Doudou Plenary Room, Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium
  13. 19/3/2024 : 10:30 (CET)
    Plenary Session – The vision of regions and cities for the future of Europe – Leaders Debate
    Местоположение: Doudou Plenary Room, Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium
  14. 19/3/2024 : 09:30 (CET)
    Bilateral Meeting with Serhiy Morhunov, Mayor of Vynnitsia, Ukraine
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  15. 19/3/2024 : 09:10 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Inga Berzina, Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  16. 19/3/2024 : 08:00 (CET)
    Meeting with EU LRAs associations
    Местоположение: Boat 3, Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  17. 18/3/2024 : 18:45 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Franck Leroy, President of the Grand Est Region, France
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  18. 18/3/2024 : 18:30 (CET)
    European Summit of Regions and Cities Reception
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons Atrium, Belgium
  19. 18/3/2024 : 18:00 (CET)
    Agora Cohesion: #CohesionAlliance: A renewed cohesion policy that leaves no one behind
    Местоположение: Doudou Plenary Room, Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium
  20. 18/3/2024 : 17:15 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting Enrico Letta, President, Jacques Delors Institute
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  21. 18/3/2024 : 15:45 (CET)
    Plenary Session – Just transition and cohesion at the heart of future EU investment policies
    Местоположение: Doudou Plenary Room, Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium
  22. 18/3/2024 : 14:00 (CET)
    Opening Plenary Session – Local and regional solutions for global challenges
    Местоположение: Doudou Plenary Room, Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium
  23. 18/3/2024 : 13:00 (CET)
    Conference of the Presidents
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  24. 18/3/2024 : 12:00 (CET)
    Press Conference with Minister-President of Wallonia Region, Elio di Rupo
    Местоположение: Chin Chin Auditorium, Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  25. 18/3/2024 : 11:20 (CET)
    Bilateral Meeting with Fernando Sampedro, Secretary of State for EU Affairs, Spain
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  26. 18/3/2024 : 11:00 (CET)
    Bilateral Meeting with Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  27. 18/3/2024 : 10:20 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Mathew D. Chase, Chief Executive Officer of the American National Association of Counties, USA
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  28. 18/3/2024 : 10:00 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, Albania
    Местоположение: Wallonia Conference Center Mons, Belgium
  29. 17/3/2024 : 18:15 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Sérgio Aguiar, President UNALE, Brazil
    Местоположение: Van der Valk Congress Hotel, Mons, Belgium
  30. 17/3/2024 : 17:55 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Brian Patrick Kennedy, President of the National Conference of State Legislatures, USA
    Местоположение: Van der Valk Congress Hotel, Mons, Belgium
  31. 17/3/2024 : 17:20 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Martine Biron, Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Québec, Canada
    Местоположение: Van der Valk Congress Hotel, Mons, Belgium
  32. 29/11/2023 : 15:00 (CET)
    Chairing the 158th European Commitee of the Regions Plenary Session
    Местоположение: European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
  33. 28/11/2023 : 18:30 (CET)
    Chairing the 223rd European Committee of the Regions Bureau Meeting
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Brussels, Belgium
  34. 28/11/2023 : 16:00 (CET)
    Chairing the 82nd Conference of Presidents of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Brussels, Belgium
  35. 17/11/2023 : 14:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Martine Biron, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Québec
    Местоположение: Location: online
  36. 14/11/2023 : 13:00 (CET)
    Participation (via video) in the SME Assembly organised by the European Commission
    Местоположение: Location: Bilbao, Spain
  37. 08/11/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    Participation (via video) in the XXVIII Conference of the Presidents of the Outermost Regions of the EU
    Местоположение: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
  38. 07/11/2023 : 13:00 (CET)
    Participation (via video) in the S&D Group Conference on the future of Cohesion Policy
  39. 06/11/2023 : 13:00 (CET)
    Class at the University of Azores
    Местоположение: University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada
  40. 02/11/2023 : 14:30 (CET)
    Inauguration of the Escola Secundária Dr. Ramiro Salgado, Torre de Moncorvo
    Местоположение: Location: Torre de Moncorvo, Portugal
  41. 02/11/2023 : 10:00 (CET)
    Key note speech at the extraordinary meeting of the Intermunicipal Community of Douro (CIM Douro)
  42. 31/10/2023 : 10:45 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Alfredo González Gómez, Secretary of State for Territorial Policy
  43. 31/10/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    222nd Meeting of the European Committee of the Regions Bureau
    Местоположение: Logroňo, Spain
  44. 31/10/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    Press Conference with Alfonso Dominguez Pero, Minister of Finance and spokesperson of the Government of La Rioja
  45. 30/10/2023 : 18:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Maria José García-Pelayo Jurado, President of Federacion Española de Munícipios y Provincias and Mayor of Jerez de la Frontera
    Местоположение: Rioja Forum Congress, Logroño, Spain
  46. 30/10/2023 : 16:00 (CET)
    Conference of Presidents of the Committte of the Regions
    Местоположение: Rioja Forum Congress, Logroño, Spain
  47. 30/10/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Gonzalo Capellan, President of La Rioja Region, Marta Fernandez Cornago President of the La Rioja Parliament and Conrado Escobar Las Heras, Mayor of Logrono
    Местоположение: Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
  48. 25/10/2023 : 09:30 (CET)
    Local and regional strategies for closing the gender gap in politics: Roads taken and what´s next?
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, Room JDE53
  49. 23/10/2023 : 09:15 (CET)
    Participation in the High-Level event on elections
    Местоположение: European Commission
  50. 12/10/2023 : 11:30 (CET)
    Cohesion Alliance Event – Lessons learnt from the RRF, safeguarding a place-based approach within cohesion Policy
    Местоположение: Brussels, Belgium
  51. 12/10/2023 : 09:30 (CET)
    Joint REGI-COTER Commission Meeting on the Future of Cohesion
    Местоположение: European Parliament, Brussels
  52. 11/10/2023 : 16:30 (CET)
    Meeting with Tetiana Yehorova-Lutsenko, President of the Ukranian Association of District and Regional Councils
    Местоположение: Brussels, Belgium
  53. 11/10/2023 : 10:00 (CET)
    Debate with ES Presidency of the Council of the EU with Jose Manuel Albares Bueno, Minister
    Местоположение: Brussels, Belgium
  54. 11/10/2023 : 08:45 (CET)
    Bilateral Meeting with Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Belgium Deputy Prime Minister
    Местоположение: Brussels, Belgium
  55. 11/10/2023 : 08:45 (CET)
    Meeting with EU Councillors, Young Elected Politicians and Commissioner Dubravka Šuica
    Местоположение: Brussels, Belgium
  56. 10/10/2023
    157th CoR Plenary Session
  57. 09/10/2023 : 11:00 (CET)
    Press Conference with Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms
  58. 09/10/2023
    Opening of the 21st European Week of Regions and Cities, Speech on the State of the EU's Regions and Cities
    Местоположение: Brussels, Belgium
  59. 29/9/2023
    Participation in the Informal Council Meeting on Cohesion
    Местоположение: Murcia, Spain
  60. 26/9/2023
    Participation in the Commission on Territorial Cohesion and EU Budget (COTER)
    Местоположение: Brussels, Belgium
  61. 21/9/2023
    Participation in the EU Local Councillors debate on "Energy efficiency and renewable energies - abandoning fossil fuels", Graciosa, Azores
  62. 09/9/2023
    Participation in the conference of the Azores Regional Section of the Order of Technical Engineers
  63. 14/8/2023 : 12:30 (CET)
    Meeting with the leadership of the National Conference of State Legislatures
    Местоположение: Indianapolis, United States of America
  64. 13/8/2023 : 17:30 (CET)
    Participation in the Executive Committee Meeting of the National Conference of State Legislatures
    Местоположение: Indianapolis, United States of America
  65. 18/7/2023 : 10:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Eric Adams, Mayor of New York
    Местоположение: New York City
  66. 17/7/2023 : 14:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Antonio Guterres, Secretary General United Nations
    Местоположение: United Nations Headquarter, New York City
  67. 17/7/2023 : 11:00 (CET)
    Participation in United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
    Местоположение: New York City
  68. 05/7/2023 : 10:00 (CET)
    Meeting with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen
    Местоположение: European Commission
  69. 04/7/2023 : 13:00 (CET)
    Plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: Brussels
  70. 22/6/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    Participation at External COTER Conference
    Местоположение: Sibiu, Romania
  71. 27/5/2023 : 10:00 (CET)
    Intervention at Porto Social forum on the European Year of Skills
    Местоположение: Porto
  72. 25/5/2023 : 14:30 (CET)
    Opening of Workshop from Lugano to London: Promoting local self-governance and effective decentralization as part of the reconstruction process of Ukraine
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  73. 24/5/2023 : 16:15 (CET)
    Debate with Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management
  74. 24/5/2023 : 15:05 (CET)
    Debate with Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality
  75. 24/5/2023 : 14:30 (CET)
    Meeting with Eng Marcos Nogueira, Representative of Alentejo in Brussels
    Местоположение: European Commission
  76. 24/5/2023 : 13:45 (CET)
    Meeting with Pedro Lourtie, Portuguese Ambassador to the EU
    Местоположение: Portuguese Ambassy to the European Union
  77. 24/5/2023 : 10:15 (CET)
    Meeting with Gunn Marit Helgesen, President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  78. 23/5/2023 : 15:00 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships
    Местоположение: European Commission
  79. 23/5/2023 : 11:30 (CET)
    Meeting of the High-Level Group on the future of Cohesion Policy
    Местоположение: European Commission
  80. 16/3/2023 : 11:15 (CET)
    Presiding the #CohesionAlliance High-Level event "Cohesion as a bridge to a united and fairer Europe"
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  81. 16/3/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    Chairing the 154th Plenary Session of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  82. 15/3/2023 : 15:00 (CET)
    Chairing the 154th Plenary Session of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  83. 15/3/2023 : 10:30 (CET)
    Meeting of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  84. 15/3/2023 : 09:40 (CET)
    Meeting with Antonio Vicens Vicens, CoR Member and Director-General for External Relations of the Government of the Balearic Islands
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  85. 14/3/2023 : 10:45 (CET)
    Meeting with Eugenio Giani, President of Tuscany Region, and the Regional Councillors of the Commission for European Affairs
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  86. 14/3/2023 : 10:00 (CET)
    Opening of the Committee of the Regions Conference "From local to global: fostering women's leadership in a changing world"
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  87. 09/2/2023 : 13:15 (CET)
    Opening of the Y Factor Exhibition by the trainees of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  88. 09/2/2023 : 11:40 (CET)
    Meeting with Rafal Witold Kozłowski, Marshal of Małopolska Region (Poland)
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  89. 09/2/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    Plenary Session of the European Committee of the Regions - Day 2
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  90. 08/2/2023 : 21:00 (CET)
    Reception for the Mayor Pawel Adamowicz Award
    Местоположение: Royal Norwegian Embassy
  91. 08/2/2023 : 19:00 (CET)
    Press point for the Mayor Pawel Adamowicz Award
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  92. 08/2/2023 : 15:00 (CET)
    Plenary Session of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  93. 08/2/2023 : 10:30 (CET)
    Meeting of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  94. 08/2/2023 : 10:00 (CET)
    Meeting with the President of La Rioja region (Spain), Concha Andreu
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  95. 08/2/2023 : 08:30 (CET)
    Meeting with Members of the High Level Group on the future of cohesion policy
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  96. 07/2/2023 : 16:00 (CET)
    Conference of the Presidents followed by Bureau Meeting
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  97. 07/2/2023 : 14:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Evelyn Regner, European Parliament Vice-President
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  98. 06/2/2023 : 14:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Tiago Antunes, Secretary of State for European Affairs of Portugal
    Местоположение: Brussels
  99. 25/1/2023 : 18:10 (CET)
    Closing remarks at the "Porto Metropolitan Area is Coming to Brussels" seminar
    Местоположение: Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union, Brussels, Belgium
  100. 25/1/2023 : 15:00 (CET)
    Meeting with European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  101. 25/1/2023 : 12:15 (CET)
    Visit to the Walloon Parliament in Namur, with the Minister-President of Wallonia Elio Di Rupo, the President of the Walloon Parliament André Frédéric and the Vice-President of Wallonia and member of the European Committee of the Regions, Willy Borsus
    Местоположение: Namur, Belgium
  102. 25/1/2023 : 10:10 (CET)
    Visit to Charleroi followed by a press conference, with the Minister-President of Wallonia E. Di Rupo, the Mayor of Charleroi P. Magnette and the Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investment with responsibility for Science Policy T. Dermine
    Местоположение: Charleroi, Belgium
  103. 25/1/2023 : 08:45 (CET)
    Visit to Mons, with the Minister-President of Wallonia Elio Di Rupo and Nicolas Martin, Mayor of Mons
    Местоположение: Mons, Belgium
  104. 24/1/2023 : 15:45 (CET)
    Meeting with Cosmin Boiangiu, Executive Director, European Labour Authority
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  105. 24/1/2023 : 15:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Younous Omarjee, Chair of the REGI Committee in the European Parliament
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  106. 24/1/2023 : 12:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Marcos Ros Sempere, Member of the European Parliament
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  107. 24/1/2023 : 09:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Loïg Chesnais-Girard, President of Brittany Region, France
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  108. 02/12/2022 : 09:00 (CET)
    Conference on the Future of Europe Feedback event
    Местоположение: European Parliament
  109. 01/12/2022 : 08:45 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with European Commission Vice President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas
    Местоположение: Brussels
  110. 30/11/2022 : 19:30 (CET)
    Meeting with Witold Rafał Kozłowski, Marshal of the Małopolska Region
    Местоположение: Brussels
  111. 30/11/2022 : 19:00 (CET)
    Meeting with the Mayor of Prague, Zdenek Hrib
    Местоположение: Brussels
  112. 30/11/2022 : 16:10 (CET)
    Bilateral meeting with Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski
    Местоположение: Brussels
  113. 30/11/2022 : 15:00 (CET)
    152nd CoR Plenary Session
    Местоположение: Charlemagne Building – GASP room (Brussels)
  114. 30/11/2022 : 12:45 (CET)
    Joint signing ceremony of the European Committee of the Regions and Economic and Social Committee Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) declaration with the President of the EESC Christa Schweng
    Местоположение: Brussels
  115. 30/11/2022 : 12:00 (CET)
    Meeting with Brussels Capital Region Minister-President, Rudi Vervoort, and State Secretary for European Affairs, Pascal Smet
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  116. 30/11/2022 : 11:30 (CET)
    Meeting with President of Region Ile-de-France Valérie Pécresse
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  117. 30/11/2022 : 10:30 (CET)
    The President will take part in the meeting of the Party of European Socialists Group in the European Committee of the Regions, of which he is a member.
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  118. 29/11/2022 : 17:30 (CET)
    European Committee of the Regions Bureau Meeting
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  119. 29/11/2022 : 15:30 (CET)
    Conference of the Presidents of the European Committee of the Regions
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions
  120. 29/11/2022 : 10:45 (CET)
    Political level meeting: European Alliance of Cities and Regions for the Reconstruction of Ukraine
    Местоположение: JDE 52 and Interactio
  121. 29/11/2022 : 09:00 (CET)
    High-Level Group meeting of the CoR and CoE Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
    Местоположение: JDE70 - closed event
  122. 11/11/2022 : 09:00 (CET)
    The 10th Subsidiarity Conference, held this year at the invitation of the CoR member Ximo Puig I Ferrer, President of the Regional Government of Valencia, is a biennial one day-event that seeks to strengthen the EU inter-institutional dialogue on subsidia
    Местоположение: Valencia
  123. 10/11/2022 : 18:30 (CET)
    Participation in the citizen's debate "What do the young people of the region get out of the Conference of the Future of Europe?"
    Местоположение: Palacio de Comunicaciones de València, Plaça de l’Ajuntament 24, Valencia, Spain
  124. 08/11/2022 : 16:15 (CET)
    Key note speech at the Berlin Conference "Co-Creating Europe from the Bottom-Up"
    Местоположение: Allianz Forum Berlin
  125. 28/10/2022 : 12:30 (CET)
    Concluding remarks at EuropCom 2022 "Communicating climate action"
    Местоположение: Event organized by the Committee of the Regions
  126. 27/10/2022 : 15:00 (CET)
    Opening remarks at the Consultation on the EU Charter on Youth and Democracy.
    Местоположение: JDE 70 / Online
  127. 25/10/2022 : 09:00 (CET)
    International Expert Conference on the Recovery, Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine
    Местоположение: Westhafen Event & Convention Center Berlin
  128. 13/10/2022 : 14:30 (CET)
    Closing session of the European Week of Regions and Cities, with the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, Elisa Ferreira and the Chair of the European Parliament's Regional Development Committee, Younous Omarjee
    Местоположение: The Square
  129. 11/10/2022 : 15:00 (CET)
    Opening of the Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions and debate on the "State of Regions and Cities in the EU": Annual speech by the President
    Местоположение: Charlemagne Building, Plenary Room
  130. 11/10/2022 : 13:30 (CET)
    Meeting with the Vice-President of the European Commission, Maros Sefcovic
    Местоположение: EC Building, Berlaymont
  131. 11/10/2022 : 09:30 (CET)
    Participation, together with the Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, in the Workshop of the PES Group of the Committee of the Regions on Affordable and Sustainable Housing
    Местоположение: Jacques Delors building - Committee of the Regions - JDE62
  132. 10/10/2022 : 14:30 (CET)
    Opening of the Week of EU Regions and Cities, with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola and the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, Elisa Ferreira
    Местоположение: European Parliament hemicycle
  133. 10/10/2022 : 13:45 (CET)
    Agenda President of the European Committee of the Regions: Meeting with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola
    Местоположение: European Parliament Building, PHS
  134. 10/10/2022 : 11:00 (CET)
    Joint press conference with the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, Elisa Ferreira
    Местоположение: EC Building, Berlaymont
  135. 01/1/0001
    Meeting with President of Bretagne regional council, Loïg Chesnais-Girard
  136. 01/1/0001
    Meeting with the President of Gironde, Jean-Luc Gleyze, and the Regional Councillor of Nouvelle Aquitaine, Isabelle Boudineau
    Местоположение: European Committee of the Regions

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